LibGDX and jMonkeyEngine are robust Java-based game development platforms. Opt for LibGDX if you need a comprehensive, cross-platform, well-documented framework with diverse integrations and a code-centric approach. Go for jMonkeyEngine if you prioritise a minimalistic, pedagogical-focused platform excelling in immersive audio and visual effects.

LibGDX vs jMonkeyEngine comparison

Key Differences Between LibGDX and jMonkeyEngine

  • LibGDX provides a unified API for various platforms including mobile and web, while jMonkeyEngine is primarily built for Java programmers with Android compatibility.
  • LibGDX is renowned for its extensive integration support such as Firebase, AdMob, and game services. jMonkeyEngine offers a range of GUI options and networking solutions.
  • The educational preference leans towards jMonkeyEngine due to its adaptability and learning curve, while LibGDX thrives in the developer community with its detailed tutorials and active Discord server.
  • Both offer open-source licenses. However, LibGDX aligns with Apache 2.0, while jMonkeyEngine uses a BSD 3-Clause license.
Comparison LibGDX jMonkeyEngine
Primary Language Java Java
API Unified cross-platform NetBeans Platform
Licensing Apache 2.0 BSD 3-Clause
Third-Party Ecosystem Extensive Minimalistic
Frameworks/Libraries Integration Many Several
Devices Support Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Web PC, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS
Inputs Handling Advanced Conditional
Community Support Large, Active Forums, Discord Active Forums
Graphics Features Vertex arrays, meshes, textures, shaders, shape rendering Post-process water, light scattering
3D Support Bullet Physics Bullet Physics
Cost Free Free

What Is LibGDX and Who’s It For?

LibGDX is a powerful Java-based game development framework with over a decade of project existence. A reliable platform with extensive documentation and a widespread third-party ecosystem, it provides a unified API for cross-platform targeting including Android, iOS, Web, and desktop operating systems. LibGDX is designed for developers who require fine-grained control, with its code-centric approach leveraging the extensive Java ecosystem. Notable features include OpenGL ES rendering, audio streaming, gestural and input handling, 3D physics, asset integration, networking, project creation tools and vast community support.

Colorful scene of a game developer at work creating graphics for a cross-platform game

Pros of LibGDX

  • Unified API for cross-platform targeting
  • Wide range of features including input handling, physics, rendering, networking
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Free to use under Apache 2.0 license

Cons of LibGDX

  • Requires familiarity with Java
  • More suitable for code-savvy developers

What Is jMonkeyEngine and Who’s It For?

jMonkeyEngine powers 3D game development for Java programmers, bringing an open-source solution to the table. It champions a minimalistic, code-first approach, suitable predominantly for developers seeking deep customization control. Accompanied by online tutorials, forums, and books for further learning, jMonkeyEngine facilitates development of cross-platform games and is adopted even in several game-education programs. The engine proffers capabilities including 3D audio integration, networking features, physics solutions, stunning graphics, extensive particle functionality, and numerous post-processing features.

Colorful image of a developer building an exciting 3D game in a vibrant cityscape

Pros of jMonkeyEngine

  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Open-source and free under BSD 3-Clause license
  • Comprehensive documentation and active community
  • Robust graphical capabilities

Cons of jMonkeyEngine

  • Targeted mainly at Java developers
  • Steep learning curve depending upon the complexity of the game

Code Examples for LibGDX & jMonkeyEngine

LibGDX: Rendering 3D shapes in Virtual Reality

This example demonstrates how to render a 3D sphere in virtual reality using LibGDX. Even though this is a basic model, such models form the backbone of AR/VR applications. The minimum requirements for this code are LibGDX 1.9.10 and a VR headset.

    import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication;

    public class VRExample extends ApplicationAdapter {
        public PerspectiveCamera cam;
        public ModelBatch modelBatch;
        public ModelInstance instance;

        public void create () {
            modelBatch = new ModelBatch();
            cam = new PerspectiveCamera(67,,;
            cam.position.set(10f, 10f, 10f);
            cam.near = 1f;
            cam.far = 300f;

            ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
            Model model = modelBuilder.createSphere(5f, 5f, 5f, 10, 10, new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.GREEN)), VertexAttributes.Usage.Position | VertexAttributes.Usage.Normal);
            instance = new ModelInstance(model);

        public void render () {
  , 0,,;

        public static void main (String[] arg){
            new LwjglApplication(new VRExample());

jMonkeyEngine: Implementing first-person interaction in VR

This example shows first-person interaction mechanics in VR using jMonkeyEngine. This offers a fully immersive user experience in gaming apps. The minimum requirement for this code is jMonkeyEngine 3.1 or higher, and a VR headset.

import com.jme3.system.AppSettings;
import com.jme3.input.vr.VRViewManager;
import com.jme3.bullet.BulletAppState;

public class Main extends SimpleApplication {

    private VRAppState vrAppState;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AppSettings settings = new AppSettings(true);

        Main app = new Main();

    public void simpleInitApp(){

        this.vrAppState = new VRAppState();
        BulletAppState bulletAppState = new BulletAppState();

        FirstPersonInteraction FPI = new FirstPersonInteraction(rootNode, assetManager, inputManager, cam, bulletAppState, vrAppState);

LibGDX or jMonkeyEngine? Champions in Their Own Arena

Here’s your clear-cut advice on which technology to adopt: LibGDX or jMonkeyEngine. Always remember, every tool has its perfect user.

Android Game Developers

Stop scrolling right now. LibGDX is your technology. Why? Android-targeted and equipped with ingenious tools like gesture detection (taps, panning, flinging, pinch zooming), Google Play integration, and, most importantly, robust AdMob Integration for your revenue streams. No brainer, folks.

Focused Android game developer, surrounded by devices, deep in coding LibGDX

3D Game Makers

JMonkeyEngine is your best bet. Implementing stunning post-process water and light scattering, advanced bullet physics, jMonkeyEngine can provide you with breathtaking visuals. Moreover, the engine has multiple GUI options and is cross-platform compatible. Its impressive features and community support make it a formidable choice.

3D game developer crafting epic graphics with jMonkeyEngine

Game Education Tools

Resources like Greenfoot, Alice, and Kojo make jMonkeyEngine a clear victor in game education. Its easier learning curve, community support, and availability of online tutorials make it not only preferred over Unity but a matchless solution for game development education.

Educator teaching game development using jMonkeyEngine

Short & sweet – LibGDX is your ticket for Android game development while jMonkeyEngine stands superior in 3D game creation and game education. Choose wisely, developers.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.