Consider LibGDX if you prioritize robust functionality, overall performance, and broad mobile platform support. It’s ideal for seasoned Java developers and larger projects. Choose Pygame for simpler applications, particularly if you’re a Python enthusiast or beginner in game development.

LibGDX and Pygame compared

Key Differences Between LibGDX and Pygame

  • Language: LibGDX harnesses Java. Pygame springs from Python.
  • Use case: For extensive, complex projects, leverage LibGDX. Pygame suits simpler games and beginners.
  • Platform support: LibGDX targets Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Web. Pygame, while highly portable, excels in cross-platform capabilities.
  • Speed: Pygame delivers faster code execution. LibGDX, backed with Java, affirms reliable performance.
Comparison LibGDX Pygame
Programming Language Java Python, C, Cython, Assembly
API Unified for cross-platform targeting Set of Python modules
Graphics Rendering OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library
License Apache 2.0 GNU Lesser General Public License
Platform Support Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Web Almost all Operating Systems
Development Ease Fine-grained control Highly accessible, good for beginners
Code Execution Speed Decent performance with Java 10-20 times faster than Python code
Community Support Forums, active Discord, detailed Wiki Community-driven development, with community created tutorials
Features Extensive – Audio, Gesture detection, Physics, Networking, UI Library, AdMob, Game Service Integration Vector math, collision detection, 2D sprite scene graph management, MIDI support, pixel-array manipulation, transformations, Adjustable game speed

What Is LibGDX and Who’s It For?

LibGDX is a Java game development framework. With over a decade of project existence, it provides an exceptional platform for cross-platform game development targeting Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, and Web. LibGDX thrives on its robust foundation and extensive documentation. It is perfect for developers seeking fine-grained control over their game development process, thanks to its code-centric ethos and the extensive Java ecosystem it leverages.

Colorful Visualization of a 3D game developed using LibGDX

Pros of LibGDX

  • Unified API for Cross-Platform Targeting.
  • Extensive Third-Party Ecosystem.
  • LibGDX Free to Use and Fully Opensource.
  • VR Support.
  • Excellent Community Support.

Cons of LibGDX

  • Higher Learning Curve for Beginners.
  • Java Based which may not suit other coders.
  • Graphics features could be more user-friendly.

What Is Pygame and Who’s It For?

Pygame is a set of Python modules purpose-built for game creation. Rooted in simplifying real-time game development, Pygame is a popular choice for first-time programmers and educators. Possessing cross-platform capabilities and a vibrant community, it’s the preferred toolkit for developing intricate games.

Colorful Interaction of a novice programmer exploring Pygame

Pros of Pygame

  • Easy to Learn and Use – Ideal for Beginners.
  • Compatible with Multiple Devices and Operating Systems.
  • Community Driven Development Approach.
  • Flexible Speed Control.

Cons of Pygame

  • Limited in Scope Compared to More Complex Frameworks.
  • Performance May Not Match Up to Some Modern Game Development Platforms.
  • Fewer Updates and Slower Bug Fixes.

LibGDX vs Pygame: Pricing

Both LibGDX and Pygame are open-source, free-to-use technologies, minimizing cost barriers for game developers of all expertise levels.


LibGDX is a veteran in the game development arena. It is an open-source, cross-platform development framework based on Java licensed under Apache 2.0. It revels in its no-hidden-costs, entirely free-to-use structure. This positions it as a cost-effective solution for both novice and seasoned game developers.


Dressed in simplicity, Pygame is a Python-module fit for creating video games. It operates under the GNU Lesser General Public License, making it completely free to harness. With its unrestricted accessibility, developers can utilize Pygame without worrying about pricing thresholds.

Code Examples for LibGDX & Pygame


This LibGDX snippet demonstrates a random raindrop generator coded in Java. Raindrops are continuously generated from the top of the screen and fall downward, mimicking rainfall. A prerequisite for this script includes having the latest version of LibGDX library installed.

// Raindrop Generation

final int WIDTH = 800;
final int HEIGHT = 480;
Texture raindrop;
ArrayList<rectangle> raindrops;
long lastDropTime;

public void create() {
    raindrop = new Texture("raindrop.png");

public void render() {
    // Clear Screen, 0, 0.2f, 1);;

    // Spawn a Raindrop if 1-second Interval
    if (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastDropTime > 1000000000)

    // Move Raindrops & Remove if Off-Screen
    Iterator<rectangle> iter = raindrops.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Rectangle raindrop =;
        raindrop.y -= 200 *;
        if (raindrop.y + 64 < 0) iter.remove();


The following Python-Pygame code snippet illustrates a fully functional bouncing ball. Requirements for this to work are Python 3.x and Pygame installed on your machine. The ball moves in a given direction and bounces off the border when it encounters it.

# Bouncing Ball

import pygame
import sys

// Screen Dimensions
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 480

// Speed and Position
speed = [2, 2]
black = 0, 0, 0

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

ball = pygame.image.load("ball.bmp")
ballrect = ball.get_rect()

while 1:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()

    ballrect = ballrect.move(speed)
    if ballrect.left < 0 or ballrect.right > WIDTH:
        speed[0] = -speed[0]
    if < 0 or ballrect.bottom > HEIGHT:
        speed[1] = -speed[1]

    screen.blit(ball, ballrect)

LibGDX vs Pygame: A Categorical Verdict

As two cross-platform technologies, LibGDX and Pygame both have their merits. Let’s take a closer look.

For Established Developers

LibGDX shines for this audience. It leverages the Java ecosystem, granting developers comprehensive control and flexibility to optimize their work through Java’s extensive IDEs, libraries, and Git support. Additionally, its open-source nature invites third-party ecosystem expansion and integrations, promoting collaborative development.

Beginner Coders and First-time Programmers

For newcomers, Pygame offers the ideal environment. It boasts an easier and more accessible learning curve, propelling beginners towards mastery of game development. Plus, its community-driven approach fosters continuous learning and support.

A beginner game developer learning to code using Pygame.

AR/VR Creators

The edge here undeniably goes to LibGDX. With robust 3D APIs including lighting systems, GLTF 2.0 support, and VR support, LibGDX proves itself as a sophisticated toolkit for AR/VR creation.

LibGDX reigns supreme for adept developers and AR/VR creators demanding detailed control and comprehensive features. Yet, Pygame’s unassuming simplicity and inviting community make it perfect for game developers just starting their journey.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.