Matter.js alternatives 2024



Developed by Richard Davey, Phaser is a 2D game framework designed for creating HTML5 games deployable to both desktop and mobile.

Phaser Top Features

  • Based in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Utilizes Canvas and WebGL renderer for efficient rendering, auto-switching based on browser support.
  • Flexible deployment options including iOS, Android, and native desktop apps via tools like Apache Cordova and PhoneGap.
  • Multiple versions including Phaser CE (recommended stable platform) and Phaser 3 (custom WebGL renderer, modular structure) with development continuing on GitHub.
  • Supports multiple physics systems (Arcade Physics, Ninja Physics, P2.JS).
  • 1800+ examples and an active community support for quick learning and problem-solving.
Versions Description
Phaser 1 Includes Pixi.js library
Phaser 2.6.2 Last official Phaser 2 version
Phaser CE Current recommended stable platform
Phaser 3 Released February 2018, features custom WebGL renderer and modular structure
Phaser 4 Currently in-development, TypeScript rewrite of Phaser 3

Phaser Limitations

  • Complexity in managing larger projects and creating custom sprites.
  • Limitations in the built-in physics system requiring additional libraries for complex movements.

Phaser Pricing

Phaser is an open-source project, making it freely accessible for all.

Phaser Use Cases

Use case 1

Phaser is an excellent tool for independent game developers, with a large number of ready examples and an active community to help in troubleshooting.

Use case 2

Being based on web technologies, Phaser is also a good choice for web developers looking to diversify into gaming.

Use case 3

Phaser’s ease of use and free price tag makes it tempting for educational institutions or instructors teaching game development.

Phaser 3

Phaser 3

Emerging from the fertile grounds of modern technology is Phaser 3, the next generation GLES Game Framework, offering a data-oriented approach to bring your web graphics to life.

Phaser 3 Top Features

  1. Phaser 3 was completely rebuilt with a modular structure and brand-new custom WebGL renderer, enhancing the experience for modern 2D games.
  2. This framework fully supports both JavaScript and TypeScript for development, offering versatility for developers with different programming backgrounds.
  3. Phaser 3 bolsters developers’ tools by providing spritesheets, texture atlases for animations and intricate audio controls for muting, looping, and fading.
  4. Regarded as a more accessible choice for beginners compared to Cocos2d-x, Unity 2D, and Three.js, Phaser 3 is lightweight yet full-featured, focusing mainly on 2D game development.
  5. Well-supported by a vibrant community, Phaser 3’s users have access to a wide range of learning resources, from video tutorials to plugins.
Key Feature Description
Flexible Configuration Phaser 3 provides flexibility in setup, allowing developers to tailor the framework to their specific needs.
Asset Management With functionality that includes loading and positioning assets along with handling game logic, Phaser 3 simplifies in-game asset management.
Extensive Updates Phaser 3.50, the biggest update so far, brought about extensive internal modifications and fixes, as well as offering new features like post-processing effects and multi-texture support.

Phaser 3 Limitations

  1. Phaser 4 is already in development promising more reliability and Facebook Gaming backing, which might overshadow the relevance and further improvements of Phaser 3.
  2. While Phaser 3 supports beginners and focuses on 2D game development, it might not be the best choice for more complex, graphics-intensive games or for developers seeking a steep learning curve.
  3. A few API breaking changes have occurred in Phaser 3 over time, which may impact existing codebases.

Phaser 3 Pricing

Phaser holds high the banner of openness. Developed by Photon Storm, it is available as a free software, embodying the true spirit of the open-source community.

Phaser 3 Use Cases

Use case 1: Small Game Development

For developers wanting to build small games quickly, Phaser 3 provides a rapid, lightweight solution. It’s versatile in handling game logic and allows for speedy prototyping.

Use case 2: Beginner’s Learning Tool

Phaser 3 shines as a learning tool for beginners, providing an easier entrée into game development by focusing on 2D games, and a multitude of online resources for grasping the basics.

Use case 3: Interactive Web Content

Aside from games, Phaser 3 can also aid in the creation of other interactive web content. Its focus on WebGL and canvas rendering makes it a valuable tool in this space.



An advanced HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework, Konva unlocks canvas interactivity for both desktop and mobile apps. Perfecting both aesthetic and functional dimensions, it supports high-performance animations, layered node nesting, transitions, event handling, and data caching.
Konva relies on two rendering mechanisms for ideal operation: scene rendering (visual output) and hit graph rendering (event detection).
Like the versatile artist striving for better complexity and depth in his artwork, Konva treats every layer as a canvas with endless possibilities.

Konva Top Features

  • Impressive array of prebuilt shapes.
  • Convenient binding of event listeners.
  • Ability to run high-performance animations and apply intricate filters.
  • Facility to create fully custom shapes using the Shape class and draw function.
Supported Shapes All shapes from Rect to RegularPolygon; supports custom shape creation.
Supported Filters Variety of filters like blur, invert, noise, and more. Full Filters API available.
Event Handling User input events, attributes change events, drag and drop events.

Konva Limitations

  • Though it comes with built-in drag support, drop events are unfortunately absent – although they are fairly simple to implement manually.

Konva Use Cases

Use case 1

If you’re a developer looking to plunge into the world of interactive graphics with minimal code, Konva’s blend of simplicity and power offers a strong starting point.

Use case 2

For advanced users seeking to amplify UI/UX with immersive animations and transitions, Konva’s high-performance capabilities serve as a robust solution.

Use case 3

If organizing and managing your visual elements is your priority, Konva’s node nesting, layering, and event handling can support systematic design workflows.



Bid hello to Canvas, the playground of the HTML element, making on-the-fly graphic creation a snap. Offering a world where circles, text, images, animations, and game applications all dance together, this tool calls JavaScript its main collaborator.

Canvas Top Features

  • Powers graphical data presentations with innovative drawing paths.
  • Makes animations live and breathe with RenderingContext.
  • Incorporates text with different fonts and style to make your creations pop.
  • Gives life to all your gaming applications
  • Create beautiful, customized gradients to give your graphics an extra edge.
  • Saves and restores canvas states to keep you flexible in your creations.
Path API: Paves the scene. Leverage path features that draw graphics.
Gradients: Create stunning visuals with linear and radial gradients.
Images: Bring your HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLImageElement, or HTMLVideoElement to life right on the canvas.

Canvas Limitations

  • Needs ExplorerCanvas script to work on Internet Explorer 8 – takes you extra miles.
  • All graphics are drawn with a script – forget spontaneous doodling.
  • The initial canvas is blank – be ready to fill it up from scratch.
  • It likes to mask off or clear sections – be cautious!

Canvas Use Cases

Use case 1

Here’s to all the web developers thirsty for a tool that utters sophistication, yet stays intuitive. Canvas aides you in creating dynamic on-the-spot graphics that make your websites sing.

Use case 2

Game developers, Canvas won’t leave you astray. Dive into this playground to design riveting gaming applications that’ll hook your audience.

Use case 3

For those swimming in the sea of data presentations, Canvas drowns out the dull and brings forth vibrant, graphical data presentations that make data digestible and enjoyable.


Cocos2d is an open-source, free software framework primarily used for building games, apps, and other cross-platform GUI programs. Initially developed in 2008 by Los Cocos, it has evolved into a powerful game development toolchain with notable branches including Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, and Cocos2d-XNA.

Cocos2d Top Features

  • 2D Graphics: Uses sprites, 2D images, to create engaging scenes for UI or game levels.
  • Physics system: Features a robust physics system for realistic gameplay.
  • Multi-platform Support: Cocos2d-x provides a complete toolchain for developing games across various platforms.
  • Reduced Code Development: Cocos2d-x+Lua allows for game development with lesser coding.
Feature Description
Audio Support Supports high-quality audio for immersive gaming experience
Platform Distribution Cocos2d-JS distributes to varied platforms including web and native
New Features with Cocos2d-x v3.8 Includes procedural animation, high precision text, custom render pipeline, character controller

Cocos2d Limitations

Being open-source, some may find limited professional support as a downside of Cocos2d. The intricacies of the physics system may also present a steep learning curve for beginning developers.

Cocos2d Pricing

As Cocos2d is open-source and free to use, developers can harness its powerful features without incurring any costs.

Cocos2d Use Cases

Use case 1

Games developers can utilize the rich feature set of Cocos2d to create popular games similar to FarmVille, Geometry Dash, and Plague Inc.

Use case 2

App developers can leverage Cocos2d’s cross-platform capabilities and resource efficiency for robust app development.

Use case 3

For GUI developers, Cocos2d provides a variety of graphical UI features, making it ideal for creating intuitive and engaging interfaces.


A visual design and programming tool, p5.js was created to teach non-programmers the art of computer coding in a visual context. It is a native JavaScript alternative released under GPL and LGPL license, offering an approach towards an object-oriented graphical user interface.

p5.js Top Features

  • Object-oriented: p5.js is designed for creating visual content and games, using HTML canvas for 2D and 3D content.
  • Cross-platform: Developed in Java, GLSL, and JavaScript, p5.js can be used across multiple platforms.
  • Visuals: It helps create simulation, interactive art with no standard data type limitation and offers a visual context for programming.
  • Award-winning: p5.js and its predecessor Processing have been recipients of the 2005 Golden Nica award and 2011 National Design Award.
Feature Details
Additional simplifications It offers additional simplifications in the compilation and execution stage for ease of use.
Community Support Under the Processing Foundation, p5.js receives robust community support, including global meetups on Processing Community Day.
Various Libraries It utilizes C++ Libraries and mobile processing techniques for running software on Java-powered mobile devices.

p5.js Limitations

  • Limited to Non-programmers: Its use may seem limited as it is primarily aimed at non-programmers for teaching purposes.
  • Python Restriction: Direct use of Java code is replaced with Python code, and Python 3.8+ is required for py5 application.
  • Processing.js: Since Processing.js’s discontinuation in 2018, p5.js has been missing a JavaScript port.

p5.js Pricing

p5.js is open-source and can be used free of charge, fostering an accessible environment for programming enthusiasts to learn and develop.

p5.js Use Cases

Use case 1 – Education

p5.js fulfills an excellent role as a teaching tool for individuals looking to learn programming in a visual context. Its user-friendly interface and simplifications render it perfect for non-programmers and beginners.

Use case 2 – Prototyping

Developers can use p5.js for prototyping to actual product development, thanks to its comprehensive libraries and flexibility. It’s an ideal tool for both ideation and the execution stage of project development.

Use case 3 – Visual Content Creation

Artists, graphic designers, and game developers can use p5.js for creating interactive and visually rich content, exploiting p5.js’s tools for 2D and 3D graphics.


Introducing Three.js, a robust, cross browser JavaScript library focused on creating and animating 3D graphics. Originated by Ricardo Cabello in 2010 and authored by Three.js developers, it’s hosted on Github with over 1700 contributors. It employs WebGL to offer GPU-accelerated 3D animations via JavaScript, thus eliminating the need for browser plugins.

Three.js Top Features

  • Effect Generation – Multiple effects can be created for a captivating UI experience.
  • Scene Creation – Efficient creation and management of different scenes.
  • Camera Control – Complete command over multiple cameras.
  • Animation Control – Full control over animation parameters.
  • Material & Shaders – Offers numerous materials and shaders for realistic rendering.
  • Support Options – Active support to resolve any issues.
  • WebXR Support – Supports Virtual and Augmented Reality through WebXR.
Feature Description
Browser Compatibility Works efficiently with all browsers that support WebGL 1.0.
Geometry Handling Contributes significantly to geometry generation and object management.
Contributor Base Backed by more than 1700 skilled contributors on Github.

Three.js Limitations

  • Using WebGL 2.0 by default may cause compatibility issues with older devices.
  • Elevated complexity for beginners due to rich feature set.
  • Graphics optimization can prove to be slightly challenging.

Three.js Pricing

The best part about Three.js? It’s accessible under the MIT License, meaning it’s completely free to use.

Three.js Use Cases

Use case 1

Three.js excels where 3D modeling and animation is consistently necessary, like game development. Highly controllable effects, animations, and scenes make it a valuable tool.

Use case 2

In Virtual and Augmented Reality applications, its WebXR support enables creation of immersive experiences.

Use case 3

The flexibility of Three.js allows for visually-rich UI design, especially where interactive 3D elements can enhance user engagement.


Enter a realm of enhanced visuals with PixiJS, a sophisticated rendering system that effectively fuses modernity with interaction. Perfect for graphic-deep applications, this creative engine moves elements on screens at enviable speeds, forges a perfect replacement for Flash in HTML5, and boasts of superior performance with pixel-detailed effects.

Top PixiJS Features

  • Optimized Speed:
  • With augmented sprite and geometry batching, and optimal WebGL use, PixiJS soars in terms of speed.

  • Extended Interactivity:
  • It’s not just about sprites. Layer trails, primitives and even text rendering for a more interactive experience.

  • WebGL Native:
  • With the fast-rendering capacity of WebGL native, advanced effects are achievable via the Filter class and shader programs.

  • Open Source Advantage:
  • The software offers the luxury of an accessible source code, allowing for extensive customization, hosted on GitHub under a generous MIT license.

Extensibility Deployment Ease
Boasting of a clean API, PixiJS has seen five major evolutionary versions promising a seamless extension experience. Deployment is as smooth as launching a website, with mobile and desktop app extensions made possible via Cordova & Electron.
Learning Resources Coding Ease
An array of resources ranging from the official website, API guide, Wiki, tutorials, to a discord chat platform for collaborative learning. Developers enjoy the simplicity of native spritesheets for loading ease, paired with the convenience of an npm install or CDN URL use upon setup.

PixiJS Limitations

  • Strictly 2D:
  • PixiJS is an impressive 2D platform, but it doesn’t provide 3D rendering.

  • Not a Gaming Engine:
  • Despite the striking gaming usage implications, PixiJS is not a dedicated game engine but more, a creation engine.

PixiJS Pricing

PixiJS operates as an open-sourced rendering system, securing development acceleration through voluntary financial contributions. This altruistic model allows for completely free usage.

PixiJS Use Cases

Interactive Web Content

With PixiJS, developers have a swift and feature-rich platform to build interactive web content that engages audiences across all devices.

Engaging Online Games

PixiJS serves up beautiful graphics for online games with an emphasis on agility, interaction, and cross-platform compatibility.

Educational Content

Educators can leverage PixiJS for developing engaging educational content with rich, interactive visuals that foster immersive learning.



In the vibrant panorama of the web graphics technology, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) swiftly stakes its claim as a robust JavaScript toolset. Sculpted to inject life into the static web through high-performance animations, GSAP unlocks a new universe of possibilities across multiple browsers.

GSAP Top Features

  • Dynamic Animation: Impressive capability of animating CSS, SVG, Canvas, Colors, Strings, and objects.
  • ScrollTrigger Plugin: Enables creation of scroll-based animations with minimalistic code.
  • Browser Compatibility: Expertly works around inconsistencies in different web browsers.
  • Performance: Offers fast performance, up to 20 times faster than jQuery.
  • Additional Plugins: Available for more advanced effects like scrolling, morphing, and FLIP animations.
Feature Description
Observer Function Aligns event detection across diverse browsers and devices.
GSDevTools Offers a visual user interface to control animations and enhance workflow.
‘Club GreenSock’ Membership Delivers enhanced plugins and aids in further GSAP development.

GSAP Disadvantages

Yet to be unearthed. Your experiences could lead us to some, and we welcome feedback.

GSAP Pricing

GSAP core is free for commercial use under a “no charge” standard license, while ‘Club GreenSock’ members enjoy additional rights.

GSAP Use Cases

Use Case 1: Web Designers and Developers

With its high-speed property manipulator, GSAP streamlines the creation of dynamic websites and applications.

Use Case 2: Advertisers

Given that every major ad network excludes GSAP from file size calculations, it’s a boon for developing lightweight, yet compelling, ad creatives.

Use Case 3: Motion Graphics Artists

GSAP assists in animating along a motion path, transforming the realm of motion graphics design into a captivating visual feast.


Behold the brilliance of Anime.js, a potent JavaScript library hailing from France, immaculately lightweight and blazing with a powerful API that can synergize effortlessly with DOM, CSS, and JavaScript objects.

Anime.js Top Features

  • The powerhouse of Properties: Duration, delay, direction and more under your command.
  • Effortless control over HTML tags, classes, or id elements.
  • Creation, manipulation, and modification of numerical values, made easy.
  • API access, absolutely free of cost.
  • Allows concurrent animation, variable frame rates, and animation keyframes.
Feature Description
Compatibility Can compete head-on with other animation libraries like GreenSock and Framer Motion.
Latest Version The v4 version is imminent, promising even more advanced features, including performance enhancements, new callbacks, and value modifiers.

Anime.js Downsides

  • A potential demand for high CPU usage when not actively interacting.
  • A relative limitation is its lack of support for running animations “backwards”.
  • For advanced animations, you may need to build your own library.

Anime.js Pricing

Marvel at the generosity of Anime.js! It is open-source and completely free for all.

Anime.js Use Cases

Use case 1

For the weavers of complex animations, Anime.js empowers you to play, pause, reverse, and control, even offering better timelines and additive animations.

Use case 2

For individual developers and professional animators alike, Anime.js supplies an ideal framework for making your animated dreams a reality.

Use case 3

If you’re seeking absolute control over your animations, Anime.js puts all the reins in your hands, from speed control to concurrent running animations.

Framer Motion

Framer Motion

Embrace the rhythm of the digital dance with Framer Motion, an exceptional animation library for React that redefines traditional boundaries. Heralding an era of powerful, yet straightforward animations, it lends creativity its algorithmic wings.

Framer Motion Top Features

  • Core motion component: Effortlessly animating via an animate prop.
  • Gesture recognition: Responsive to taps, hovers, pans, and drags. Gesture functionalities add to richer user interaction on multiple devices.
  • Variants: Animate sub-trees of components. Extract and bundle animation definitions meticulously making code flexible, clean, and orchestrated.
  • Scroll-triggered animations and layout change animations: Raise the aesthetic appeal and engagement of your application.
Supports unique animation features Like pathLength for SVG in a ‘drawing’ manner.
Transition prop Animate how changes occur – duration, delay, and type.
Server-side rendering compatibility Optimize performance, avoid post-JS-load content restyling.

Framer Motion Downsides

  • Requires React 18 or greater for installation: Limiting its use for applications running older versions of React.
  • Reliance on manual animations: useAnimate hook must be keyed to trigger animations.

Framer Motion Pricing

Embrace the generous gift of technology, as Framer Motion presents its power in an open-source guise, free for the digital world to explore and adapt.

Framer Motion Use Cases

Use case 1

Framer Motion, with its unique style and functionality, can significantly augment user engagement in applications, casting a charming spell, and making the digital dance memorable.

Use case 2

With support for gesture functionalities, tailor an experience for your mobile and desktop users for a seamless, interactive dance of bytes and pixels.

Use case3

Leverage the unique animation features and the transition prop to redefine web graphics, lending an artistic lens to your SVG animation.

React Three Fiber

Drawing the quintessential harmony between the world of Three.js and React, React Three Fiber shines bright as a renderer that not only aids in building dynamic 3D scene graphs implicitly but does so with an efficiency that astounds. With its DNA cast in the mold of React’s ecosystem, graphs responsive to state can be carved in an immersive, reusable, and self-contained components.

React Three Fiber Top Features

  • No Limitations: Grasping the vast expanse of Threejs features in its embrace.
  • Performance Parity: Rivals, if not surpasses, the performance of concrete Threejs. The components rendering outside the realm of React, thus yielding better scalability.
  • Future-Proof: Ensures seamless compatibility with Threejs’s frequent feature updates, rendered dynamically in JSX.
  • Utility Libraries: Boosts its ecosystem with @react-three/drei, @react-three/gltfjsx, and @react-three/postprocessing support, among others.
  • Canvas and WebGL Use: Utilizes HTML5 Canvas for 2D graphics and WebGL APIs for a 3D rendering experience.
Feature Description
Dynamic Scene Creation Allows for creation and manipulation of 2D, and 3D graphic animations right within a browser environment.
Hooking up with UseFrame UseFrame serves for subscription to the render-loop, with useState ensuring control of the same.
Built-in Helpers &_dependency-free Offers a virtual smorgasbord of built-in helpers, robust support libraries, and only re-renders based on dependencies’ changes.

React Three Fiber Limitations

Perfection is a fickle pursuit and in the wake of its shining review, it’s noteworthy to consider the absence of any mentioned downsides to React Three Fiber.

React Three Fiber Pricing

React Three Fiber chooses not to pull at your purse strings, favoring an open-source structure, an undisputed boon for developers.

React Three Fiber Use Cases

Use case 1: Dynamic UI Interactions

Take a session of dynamic interaction – the sheer joy of watching an object rotate based on a mouse’s hover, changing hues from orange to purple, all thanks to React Three Fiber!

Use case 2: Dynamic GUI Creation

Creating intuitive GUI controls within seconds, with their actions and reactions bound by the realm of realism – React Three Fiber makes it possible.

Use case 3: High-Quality Simulations

From realistic physics simulations to path-tracing ones, React Three Fiber holds the chisel for crafting splendidly accurate renderings.


Forged as a successor to the venerable Protovis framework, D3.js marks a substantial leap forward in data visualization prowess. D3.js, shorthand for Data-Driven Documents, deploys JavaScript power to deliver dynamic and interactive data displays, all riding on preferred web standards – SVG, HTML5, and CSS.

D3.js Top Features

  • Data Binding: ­D3’s claim to glory – a seamlessly built, superior facility to bind large datasets to SVG objects using pre-defined functions.
  • Versatile visual output: The possibility to render resultant diagrams as either text or graphics.
  • Legalize any data: Your choice of data format is irrelevant. Be it JSON, CSV, or geoJSON – D3.js accommodates all.

D3.js Limitations

  • Not a Charting Library: Forget “charts”. D3.js necessitates composing individual primitives to visualize data.
  • Overkill for modest requirements: D3.js might be a touch indulgent for private dashboards or one-off analyses.
  • Learning Curve: The comprehensive features may pose a steep learning curve for beginners.

D3.js Pricing

Incredibly, this potent suite of tools doesn’t cost a single penny. D3.js is a free, open-source library that encourages data-driven graphics authoring.

D3.js Use Cases

Use Case 1: Dynamic Interactive Visualization

With its prime focus on dynamic, interactive visualizations, D3.js is a preferred tool for rendering large-scale data aesthetically and intuitively, for organizations where data narrates a compelling story.

Use Case 2: For Media Organizations

Given its maximal expressiveness and bespoke dynamic visualization, D3.js assumes a crucial role at media organizations enabling visually engaging storytelling.

Use Case 3: For Developing Custom Interactive Charts

Thanks to dynamic data binding and smooth transitions, D3.js offers enormous flexibility to developers crafting custom interactive charts, where standard chart libraries fall short.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.