For robust and collaborative 3D reconstruction, Meshroom is an optimal, open-source choice, particularly for larger-scale, production-oriented projects. For hobbyists, enthusiasts, or professionals seeking speed and diverse functionality, 3DF Zephyr, with its accessible editions and multi-GPU support, is the superior pick.

Meshroom vs 3DF Zephyr comparison

Key Differences Between Meshroom and 3DF Zephyr

  • Software Source: Meshroom is open-source; 3DF Zephyr is proprietary.
  • Compatibility: Meshroom supports Windows, OSX, and Linux; 3DF Zephyr primarily supports Windows.
  • Pricing: Meshroom is free; 3DF Zephyr ranges from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Usage: Meshroom focuses on 3D Reconstruction; 3DF Zephyr offers a wider range of functionalities.
  • Development: Meshroom is developed through an industry-academic collaboration; 3DF Zephyr is developed solely by 3Dflow.
Comparison Meshroom 3DF Zephyr
Type of Software Open-source 3D Reconstruction Software Photogrammetry software
Base Framework AliceVision framework 3Dflow proprietary technology
Target Applications Textured, rough items. Useful for studio pipeline integration on render farms Versatile: photogrammetry, laser scans. Supports hobbyists’ and enthusiasts’ needs
Compatibility Both Windows and OSX/Linux Windows only, but Linux-compatible with Wine
Pricing Free Varies: Free, Lite, Pro, Aerial versions
Usage in Industries Robotics, Medicine, Video games, movies, geomatics 3D modeling, content creation, photogrammetry, CAD drawing
Special Features Real-time 3D capture using Microsoft Kinect or Asus’s Xtion Pro Live Automated 3D model reconstruction, multi-GPU support, CAD drawing capabilities, auto-masking tool (Lite and Pro versions)

What Is Meshroom and Who’s It For?

Meshroom, an open-source 3D Reconstruction Software, is powered by AliceVision framework, catering to tech enthusiasts and professionals alike. It revolutionizes 3D Reconstruction with robust algorithms, stemming from a decade-long collaboration between academia and industry. Primarily intended for integration in render farm systems, Meshroom offers customization for studio pipelines, making it an indispensable tool for 3D printing, 3D scanning, and photogrammetry.

With the onset of COVID-19, the demand for hands-free tech surged, and Meshroom was at the ready, offering Augmented, Live Reconstruction modes. Professionals aiming at textured, rough items for photogrammetry find it ideal. It’s also potent in large-scale projects, causing significant digital waves in industries like Robotics, Medicine, Video games, movies, and geomatics.

Colorful diagram of a 3D render operating in a professional studio.

Pros of Meshroom

  • Free and open-source
  • Used in 3D printing, 3D scanning, and photogrammetry
  • Has wide industrial impact
  • Supports customization for different pipelines

Cons of Meshroom

  • Limited camera compatibility
  • Glossy or transparent objects require coating for better results
  • Video input results in lower quality than still images

What Is 3DF Zephyr and Who’s It For?

3DF Zephyr, developed by 3Dflow, is a photogrammetry software that automates 3D model reconstruction from photos. Supporting a variety of camera sensors, drones, and laser scanners, it tailors the full process from camera orientation to texture generation phase. The software has four versions and caters to hobbyists, professionals, and enthusiasts operating across diverse fields.

3DF Zephyr is known for its in-house developed technology and versatility, allowing users to perform CAD drawing, generate sections, paths, and contour lines. It is the first photogrammetry software to be published on Steam, accommodating all photogrammetry needs and marking a new era in the realm of hobbyists and enthusiasts.

Colorful snapshot of 3DF Zephyr software running on a Nvidia-powered workstation.

Pros of 3DF Zephyr

  • In-house developed tech
  • Supports variety of camera sensors, drones, and laser scanners
  • Versatile usage
  • Published on steam

Cons of 3DF Zephyr

  • High-cost Pro and Aerial versions
  • Windows-only application
  • Limited functionality in Free version

Meshroom vs 3DF Zephyr: Pricing

Meshroom presents a cost-free solution for 3D reconstructions, while 3DF Zephyr exhibits a tiered pricing model, enabling diverse user needs ranging from hobbyists to professionals.


Meshroom, an open-source 3D Reconstruction Software, is available for free. It thrives on the commitment of academia and the industry to create quality algorithms. Ideal for both Windows and OSX/Linux users, Meshroom is a cost-efficient solution for 3D printing, 3D scanning, photogrammetry domains and much more.

3DF Zephyr

3DF Zephyr offers four versions each with a distinct offering and price point. The Free version allows up to 50 photos and limited functionalities. The Lite version is unbounded in photo numbers with dual NVIDIA GPU support at a license cost of €199.00. The Pro version, available at €4200.00 for perpetual license or a monthly subscription at €250.00, supports full NVIDIA GPU, extensive exporting capabilities and provides 12 months of updates with no hidden fees.

The Final Verdict: Meshroom or 3DF Zephyr?

Both Meshroom and 3DF Zephyr push the boundaries of photogrammetry, but each has its unique strengths.

Student Developers and Budget-Constrained Startups

Meshroom is a prime choice for these users due to its free and open-source nature. The Microsoft Kinect integration, perfect for textured objects, and the prospects of customization with Blender, Maya, or Houdini plugins, make it a versatile tool in 3D reconstruction.

An aspiring developer analyzing code lines on a multi-screen setup

High-End Commercial and Industrial Users

3DF Zephyr excels in robust photogrammetry needs. Its scalability, laser scan integration with 3DF Scarlet, and advanced control over the four processing steps make it a compelling choice for professional, industrial use. The Pro and Aerial versions, albeit at a premium, provide unlimited photo limits and full NVIDIA GPU support, maximizing performance.

Professional engineer operating complex 3D modeling software on a powerful workstation

Game Developers, AR/VR Enthusiasts

Both Meshroom and 3DF Zephyr cater well to this audience. Meshroom appeals to those looking for real-time 3D capture capabilities, whereas Zephyr’s strength lies in its ability to integrate with motion capture effectively.

Creative game developer immersed deeply in a virtual reality environment

Hobbyists and Photogrammetry Enthusiasts

With 3DF Zephyr’s hobbyist-friendly Lite version, enthusiasts can access unlimited images and dual NVIDIA GPU support for an affordable license fee. For Meshroom users, the option for augmenting shiny objects offers an exciting challenge to improve photogrammetry results.

A curious hobbyist experimenting with photogrammetry tools on his home computer setup

Both Meshroom and 3DF Zephyr exhibit prowess in their areas. While Meshroom shines with its accessible and customizable nature, 3DF Zephyr offers robust features and premium offerings for professional users. Your choice boils down to specific requirements and your photogrammetry ambitions.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.