MetaHuman leverages inherent genetic traits and external stimuli to enhance normal human capabilities, suitable for game developers creating complex, horror-inspired characters. Superhuman, on the other hand, transcends human attributes through self-actualization or technological aid, ideal for those exploring high-performing and overall mental and physical human evolution.

MetaHuman and Superhuman compared

Key Differences Between MetaHuman and Superhuman

  • MetaHuman is linked to a metagene, enhancing physical attributes, while Superhuman attributes are achieved via betterment, drugs, or technological aids.
  • MetaHuman is suitable for creating diversified fictional characters, especially in horror-focused campaigns; Superhuman focuses on manifesting real-life, extraordinary human actions and athletic feats.
  • MetaHuman attributes are activated through physical trauma, chemistry, or magic; Superhuman abilities stem from rigorous physical training, superior genetics, mental conditioning, or artificial intelligence.
  • MetaHuman is linked with alien interventions, Superhuman explores human evolution through genetic engineering and advanced technological incorporation.
Comparison MetaHuman Superhuman
Definition MetaHuman is a term used for individuals with enhanced traits attributed to a genetic variant called ‘metagene’. Superhuman refers to beings surpassing human abilities, traits acquired naturally or through self-actualization or technological aids.
Origins Vandal Savage is considered as the first ancestor of all Metahumans, with initial exposure to a meteorite over 50,000 years ago. Concepts of superhuman traits have influenced politics, philosophy, science, social movements and have featured prominently in culture.
Powers & Abilities Powers range from fire, electricity control, to teleportation capabilities. Universal powers include telepathy, telekinesis, flight, energy projection, accelerated healing, and enhanced physical attributes. Origins of these traits can be natural, self-actualization, or through technological aids. Superhuman abilities are also expected in the development of artificial intelligence.
Activation Methods Mutation activation methods include physical trauma, chemistry, magic. Enhancements can be achieved via performance-enhancing drugs, superior genetics, rigorous physical training, mental conditioning, genetic engineering, and technological means.
Genetic Modification Exo-gene developed by Lexcorp for Everyman Project; controversial due to creation of unstable heroes and power control by Lex Luther. Human enhancement through genetic modification considered as a method for achieving superhuman abilities, as well as visions for genetic engineering to create a super-race.

What Is MetaHuman and Who’s It For?

MetaHuman is a revolutionary concept that bridges the gap between reality and the virtual world. It represents individuals featuring enhanced physical and cognitive traits, such as superior strength, speed, senses, and control over elemental forces. Its origins trace back over 50,000 years to the first MetaHuman – Vandal Savage. Ideal for ardent fans of gothic horror inspired role-playing games like D&D’s Ravenloft, the platform gives you the power to unlock new abilities, ranging from telepathy to flight, to energy projection.

With 1.3 million globally registered MetaHumans, the platform caters to anyone interested in exploring the potential of superhuman abilities. Be it probing mutations or drawing energy from outer space forces, MetaHuman fuses reality with fantasy to tread an evolutionary trajectory.

Colorful meta-human standing in a gothic castle, displaying superhuman abilities like fire and electricity control

Pros of MetaHuman

  • Fascinating exploration of superhuman abilities
  • Immersive RPG experience
  • Unique, character-specific capabilities

Cons of MetaHuman

  • Mind manipulation and soul consumption threats
  • Controversial exo-gene development, linked to unstable heroes

What Is Superhuman and Who’s It For?

Superhuman goes beyond the confines of human abilities, representing a stride towards ideal human enhancement. It stretches across disciplines from politics to philosophy, from arts to science, and embodies Friedrich Nietzsche’s ideology of individual and cultural betterment. Through rigorous physical and mental conditioning, genetic modification, or technological enhancements, Superhuman paves a new pathway for individual evolution.

Superhuman is ideal for the futuristic aspirant, the enthusiast of genetic engineering, cybernetic implants, or artificial intelligence. It is also targeted at athletes seeking to perform at levels perceived as unachievable by normal people. Amid societal evolutions and technological advancements, Superhuman stands as a symbol of transcending the physical and mental boundaries of humankind.

Colorful superhuman athlete performing a Herculean feat in a formidable arena

Pros of Superhuman

  • Embodies individual and cultural betterment
  • Fosters superior abilities via genetic or technological enhancements
  • Places humanity on the cusp of a faster, stronger, smarter evolutionary trajectory

Cons of Superhuman

  • The potential misuse of technologies for coercive eugenics
  • Dependence on performance-enhancing drugs

Cast the Dice: MetaHuman or Superhuman?

Stepping into the digital arena, deciding between MetaHuman and Superhuman is largely dependent on your specific needs, expectations, and vision. Let’s dissect the choice.

AR/VR Creators

Superhuman may resonate best with creators interested in a broader, philosophical perspective of human evolution. Given its roots in Nietzschean philosophy, cybernetic enhancements, and AI abilities, it provides the foundation for more ambient, open-ended narrative worlds. Superhuman also boasts a strong association with bioethics and fitness regimes.
AR/VR Creator stimulating a Superhuman experience with AI glasses

Game Makers

For game makers seeking a Magic Realism touch, the MetaHuman persuasive Pokédex of characters, their backstories, and broad power spectrum can be more alluring. With distinctive capabilities like teleportation, exo-genes, and mutation activation methods, it adds a captivating layer for hardcore fantasy RPG designers.
Game maker outlining a new MetaHuman character on a digital tablet


Superhuman, with its prospective foundations in AI, genetic modification, and religious correlations, might appeal to developers keen on delving into thought-invoking, deep narrative interfaces. The concept’s connection to transhumanism offers fertile ground for post-human narratives.
Developer coding a Superhuman-driven software program

Tech Enthusiasts

For tech enthusiasts interested in the intersection of technology and fantasy, MetaHuman, with its vast range of abilities, mutation methods, and entities offers a platter of concepts to dissect. The Lexcorp’s Exo-gene and the concept’s deep connection to D&D might feed your curiosity.
Tech enthusiast reading about MetaHuman’s genetic variations on a futuristic PC

In a nutshell, if you’re captivated by the allure of enhancing real-world abilities through philosophy and technology, Superhuman might have your heart. But, if you are drawn to a fantastical realm of evolved species, with unique, unconventional powers and stories to tell, many will argue that MetaHuman is the unbeatable choice.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.