For creators prioritizing cost-efficiency and unrestricted image or GPU usage, Metashape is the clear choice. ReCap, however, excels in accuracy, leaning on high-precision GPS and robust algorithms, ideal for professionals necessitating survey-grade outputs.

Comparing Metashape and Recap

Key Differences Between Metashape and ReCap

  • Metashape enables building textured 3D models from depth maps, while ReCap is distinguished by its ability to use GPS tech for high-accuracy outputs.
  • In terms of cost, Metashape offers a perpetual license with a one-off payment, whereas ReCap’s processing requires the continuous purchase of cloud credits.
  • While Metashape operates on multiple platforms, Windows, Linux, and MacOS, ReCap’s services are heavily integrated with other Autodesk products.
  • Algorithm robustness: Metashape employs markers for image alignment, ReCap uses powerful algorithms and survey points for improved accuracy.
  • ReCap’s cloud processing cannot be bypassed, unlike Metashape, which allows cloud processing as an option yet also offers standalone operation.
Comparison Metashape by Agisoft ReCap Pro by Autodesk
Applications GIS, cultural heritage documentation, VFX, measurement Design, engineering, assets creation
Cost Standard $179; Professional $3499 for a perpetual license Requires cloud credits; 300 photos cost $12
Model Building Builds 3D models from images, detail from depth maps Captures detailed models of real-world assets, survey-grade accuracy
Compatibility Windows, Linux and MacOS Autodesk Drive, Autodesk Docs, and BIM 360 Docs
Processing High accuracy processing times range between 9 to 19+ hours Fast processing with high precision GPS technology
Export Formats .obj, .pdf, .stl, glTF, X3D (standard) Allows opening of point cloud files
Additional Tools Aligning photos, generating models based on depth maps Filter data, clean and visualize large data sets from laser scans
Cloud Processing Profession Edition includes cloud processing support Only supports cloud processing

What Is Metashape by Agisoft and Who’s It For?

Metashape by Agisoft is a sophisticated photogrammetry application for creating 2D or 3D models from images. Equip with the prowess to work across Windows, Linux, and MacOS, Metashape is essential to GIS, cultural heritage documentation, VFX production, and indirect object measurement fields. With its valuable features—like no limitations on photo number or GPU usage, AI land-use classification (for the professional edition), and a range of model export formats—it targets bonafide professionals requiring extensive modeling capabilities.

Colorful 3D models and detailed maps in a Metashape application on a professional's computer screen


  • No limitations on photo number or GPU usage
  • Updated UI with dark mode
  • Depth maps allow detailed 3D models
  • Multiple export formats including .obj, .pdf, and .stl
  • Compatible with applications like Meshlab, Cloudcompare, Sketchfab

Cons of Metashape by Agisoft

  • Processing times can be long for high accuracy
  • Professional version is pricey at $3499

What Is ReCap Pro by Autodesk and Who’s It For?

ReCap Pro by Autodesk is an intuitive tool that allows designers and engineers to capture lifelike models of real-world assets. Using high-precision GPS technology for survey-grade accuracy from photo reconstruction, ReCap Pro merges point cloud registration and large datasets seamlessly. As part of Autodesk’s suite, it opens point cloud files and integrates with Autodesk Drive, Autodesk Docs, and BIM 360 Docs. With addon services like ReCap 360 and partnership programs, ReCap Pro caters to professionals who demand advanced 3D representation of their projects.

Colorful 3D models displayed on a designer's desktop, processed on Recap Pro

Pros of ReCap Pro by Autodesk

  • High precision GPS technology enabling survey-grade accuracy
  • Customizable import settings and data filter
  • Connect Partnership Program for specific applications
  • Integration with other Autodesk platforms

Cons of ReCap Pro by Autodesk

  • Costly cloud credits for ReCap Photo’s cloud processing
  • Less affordable option for people seeking photogrammetry software due to high costs
  • Discontinued local processing support

Metashape vs ReCap: Pricing

Metashape provides both professional and standard perpetual licenses at $3499 and $179 respectively, while ReCap’s pricing varies with cloud credits and individual project requirements, starting at $12 / €13.80 (for objects under 300 photos).


At Agisoft, Metashape’s pricing aligns with your needs. Opt for the Professional version at $3499 for AI land-use classification and cloud processing support or the perennially popular Standard edition at $179. Avail educational discount for just $59. Cloud computing time purchasable directly from software without limitations on photo count or GPU usage, making it both robust and budget-friendly.


Part of Autodesk’s suite, ReCap Pro employs a pay-per-use strategy via cloud credits. With no local processing support, all processing require credits. For projects under 300 photos, ReCap Photo’s cloud processing fees start at $12 / €13.80. Storage and additional features may accrue more costs, giving you flexibility and control over pricing as needed, though potentially exceeding Metashape’s upfront costs.

The Verdict: Metashape or Recap For Your AR/VR Creations?

In the race of 3D photogrammetry and modeling, two solutions stand prominent: Metashape and Recap. Who wins this bout depends massively on your distinct needs and budgetary muscles.

Developers Building Budget AR/VR Experiences

Given the UI modernization, affordability and its independence of costly cloud processing time, Metashape marks its dominance for budget-conscious developers unrolling VR/AR creations of a moderate complexity. With inbuilt cleaning and crop tools, scaling options and auto mesh refinement during processing, it settles as a rich, inexpensive toolkit.

A developer in casual wear engrossed in coding a budget-friendly AR/VR experience using Metashape

Historical Documentation and Cultural Heritage Preservation

For those reconstructing remnants of our past and cultural heritage, Metashape cleanly Owen any other platform. It offers distinct features like ‘Height Field’ and ‘Align Chunks’ specifically geared towards this noble, yet complex work.

An archaeologist meticulously documenting a historical site with Metashape's cutting-edge features

High-Precision Asset Designing

Designers striving for survey-grade accuracy in their real-world digital imitations, Recap Pro’s GPS technology provides the high precision wanted. Its integration with Autodesk’s suite offers a seamless data flow, making it an ideal asset for meticulous projects.

A conscientious designer busy generating high-precision 3D model on Recap Pro

While Metashape seems an affordable, feature-filled toolbox for reasonable AR/VR experiences and cultural preservation, Recap Pro, despite costlier, excels at high-precision asset creation. Your choice rests on your niche and budget.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.