Metasounds and Wwise encompass distinct applications. For interactive, procedural audio design with advanced control, opt for Metasound. It’s primed for games requiring immersive audio interplay and cost efficiency. However, for sophisticated pre-processed audio, extensive community support, and cross-platform proficiency, Wwise is the superior option especially favored by commercial game developers.

Detailed comparison: Metasounds vs Wwise

Key Differences Between Metasounds and Wwise

  • Metasounds is a new, high-performance audio system for real-time procedural sound generation; Wwise is an industry-standard solution for interactive audio and sound design.
  • Metasounds offers in-editor sound design and robust control over DSP graph; Wwise employs a graphical interface focusing on creation, real-time mixing, and audio environment simulation.
  • Metasounds’ audio systems integrate closely with game data; Wwise specializes in dynamic mixing, spatial audio, and adaptive musical scores.
  • Wwise has strong community support and offers free evaluation for startups whereas Metasounds is advantageous for games planning to bypass middleware audio tool licensing costs.
Comparison Unreal Engine 5 MetaSounds Wwise
Audio System High-performance DSP graph enabling complete audio designer control and customizability. High-quality audio systems with dynamic control for real-time performance.
Integration Tools Features an in-editor sound design tool, facilitating sound creation. Enables cross-platform development, simplifying the design and programming process.
Enhanced Audio Features MetaSounds support sample-accurate control, enabling detailed timing resolution. Supports spatial audio and runtime processing, enriching interactive experience.
Community Support MetaSounds API provides potential for third-party extensibility in the MetaSound editor. Offers free plug-ins, community interactions channels, and built-in sound synthesizers.
Interactivity with Gameplay Systems Direct integration with gameplay systems via Blueprint or C++ code. Dynamic sound priority management optimizes to changing conditions.
Costing Aspect Potential to bypass licensing costs associated with third-party tools like Wwise and FMOD. Offers free evaluation for startups, easing license management.
Compatibility with Game Engines Expected to become a full-stack alternative to Wwise and FMOD. Globally adopted across major game engines like Unreal Engine, Unity, and CryEngine.

What Is Unreal Engine 5 and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine 5 is a next-gen game engine from Epic Games, paving new avenues in audio design. Offering in-depth customization and control with MetaSounds, it’s designed for avid game developers enthused about procedural audio systems. Equipped with a high-performance DSP graph, MetaSounds promises precise, interactive audio creation. Furthermore, the standalone MetaSound Editor makes it easier for non-programmers to create procedural sounds.

This tech marvel is intended for game developers desirous to adopt dynamic audio technology, and those planning to bypass licensing costs associated with tools like WWise and FMOD.

Colorful game developer working at his desktop in a technology studio

Pros of Unreal Engine 5

  • Innovative MetaSounds system
  • Comprehensive control over DSP graph
  • Intuitive, node-based MetaSound Editor
  • Tailored for effective game data integration
  • Possible bypass of middleware audio tool licensing costs

Cons of Unreal Engine 5

  • Potential learning curve for MetaSounds
  • Effectiveness depends on game specificities
  • May not completely replace need for audio middleware tools

What Is Wwise and Who’s It For?

Wwise is a comprehensive audio middleware solution bolstering real-time interactive experiences. It’s a unifying suite bridging designing, programming, and multi-platform development. Boasting dynamic mixing, spatial audio and adaptive music capabilities, It becomes an attractive choice for game developers.

This technology caters to commercial video game developers embracing dynamic audio interfaces and adaptable interfaces. Its power and flexibility has found applications beyond gaming, extending to live performances and shows.

Colorful audio developer creating soundscapes for a game in a creative studio

Pros of Wwise

  • Rich design and development suite
  • Dynamic mixing and spatial audio expertise
  • Community support and training provisions
  • Compatibility with major game engines
  • Multi-faceted applications beyond gaming

Cons of Wwise

  • May pose challenges for first-time users
  • Optimal results demand precision in sound priority management
  • Inherent technicalities in spatially-informed audio rendering

Code Examples for Metasounds & Wwise


Our first code snippet demonstrates how to utilize Metasounds to create a simple pitch modulation effect in Unreal Engine. To follow along, ensure you have the most recent version of Unreal Engine and have in-depth knowledge of the Metasounds engine.

// Create metasounds object

UMetasound* Metasound = Cast<UMetasound>(FSoftObjectPath(TEXT("/Game/TestMetasound.TestMetasound")).TryLoad());
// Create source effect chain
UAudioMixerBlueprintLibrary::CreateSourceEffectChainPreset(USoundEffectPreset* - Insert Preset here);
// Add effect to effect chain
UMetasound->AddSourceEffectChainEntry(SourceEffectChain, 1.f, 1.f);
// Apply pitch modulation

UPARAM(DisplayName = "Pitch Modulation") float InPitchModulation;
 float InPitchMin, float InPitchMax, bool bLoop, float InDurationPitchModulation;


Here we have a Wwise code snippet explaining the implementation of a basic volume controller. Prior knowledge of C++ and the Wwise SDK is fundamental to understand this section.

// Include Wwise header

#include "AkInclude.h"

// Define initial volume

float volume = 0.75f;

// Get Wwise sound engine


// Load the sound bank

AKRESULT res = AK::SoundEngine::LoadBank("SFX.bnk", AK_DEFAULT_POOL_ID, bankID);

// Set volume for a specific game object

AK::SoundEngine::SetRTPCValue("Volume_RTPC", volume*100, gameObj);

// cleanup


Remember, these code snippets are snippets – get involved, move things around, experiment. This is where the real learning happens. Trial and error, failure, and finding solutions are core to the DNA of every developer.

The Sound of Verdict: Metasounds or Wwise?

After an insightful journey into the auditory realms of Metasounds and Wwise, let’s demystify the echo of the final call for you.

Gaming Developers

With Metasounds’ DSP rendering graph and powerful procedural audio systems, if interactive audio is your endgame, Metasounds strikes the chord. But remember, the heavier your reliance on audio interaction, the brighter Metasounds shines.

Game developer brainstorming at a high-tech workstation

AR/VR Creators

Wwise’s strength in real-time rendering and spatially informed audio rendering makes it more suited to craft surreal, immersive experiences. Wwise is definitely your go-to tool for creating captivating AR/VR auditory illusions.

AR/VR creator wearing a VR headset, busy building an immersive reality

Entry Level Developers

Wwise is more beginner-friendly, thanks to its comprehensive community support and plans for project training and technical support. The free evaluation for startups and convenient license management systems sweeten the deal even more.

Young developer learning code on their laptop

Commercial Game Producers

If cost control is your aim, Metasounds’ potential to replace middleware audio tools like Wwise or FMOD can play in favor of bypassing licensing costs. However, Metasounds’ intricacy may require a steep learning curve.

Discerning businessman scrutinizing financial reports

Metasounds offers superior control and customization resulting in meticulous audio design. Perfect for games that need detailed audio interactions. But, if you’re seeking real-time performing engine optimized for immersive experiences, pick Wwise for its dynamic mixing and spatial audio strengths.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.