MonoGame is an excellent choice for developers looking for higher control and a broad platform support for game development using C#. Whereas, FNA, while derived from MonoGame, is targeted more towards preserving the XNA game library with a focus on open platforms and free open-source development.

Detailed comparison: MonoGame vs FNA

Key Differences Between MonoGame and FNA

  • MonoGame supports numerous platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, while FNA primarily targets desktop platforms.
  • FNA strictly utilizes Free Open Source Software, while MonoGame allows the use of both open and closed source tools.
  • MonoGame had initial support for 2D development, later advancing to 3D, while FNA focuses on replicating XNA 4 libraries.
  • MonoGame supports lower-level programming, providing more control over the development process compared to FNA, which primarily focuses on providing an XNA4 implementation.
Comparison MonoGame FNA
Initial Release September 2009 Reimplementation of Microsoft XNA libraries
Creation MonoGame Team Ethan Lee
Implementation Reimplements Microsoft XNA 4 API Preserves XNA game library by implementing XNA features accurately
Known Use Games like Bastion, Celeste, Fez Games like FEZ, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Capsized, Gateways, Escape Goat
Key Feature Creates games for multiple platforms Focuses on fully open platforms
Knowledge Requirement Require basic C# programming language knowledge Programming and linear algebra skills
Open Source Yes Yes
3D Support From mid-2013 Doesn’t target non-desktop platforms
Supported Platforms Multiple including PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch Desktop platforms including Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux
Software Independent developers maintain Free Open Source Software
Courses and Tutorials Available for C# and game development Code-centric and reliant on developer expertise

What Is MonoGame and Who’s It For?

MonoGame is a free, open source, C# framework widely adopted by game developers for creating games across multiple platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Initially released in September 2009 by the MonoGame Team, it’s known for reimplementing Microsoft’s XNA 4 API and being at the core of hit games such as Bastion, Celeste and Fez.

This framework is ideal for game developers who require a high level of control over the game development process. It necessitates basic knowledge of the C# programming language and is optimal for multi-platform projects, particularly 2D development.

Colorful grid showcasing MonoGame tech at work

Pros of MonoGame

  • Excellent for creating games for multiple platforms
  • Open source and community-maintained
  • Support for both 2D and 3D games
  • Possibility of extending to various platforms supported by .NET

Cons of MonoGame

  • Requires understanding of C# programming language
  • Not suitable for developers seeking a WYSIWYG environment
  • Lack of frequent feature updates

What Is FNA and Who’s It For?

FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries, developed by Ethan Lee. It’s designed to preserve the XNA game library by implementing XNA features accurately. FNA targets open platforms like Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, iOS, tvOS, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia.

This technology is best for developers striving for an open-source, yet precise, reimplementation of XNA4 with the added advantage of porting to multiple platforms.

Colorful screen featuring an active game built using FNA

Pros of FNA

  • Accurate reimplementation of XNA4 behavior
  • Supports multiple open platforms
  • Strict use of Free Open Source Software

Cons of FNA

  • Does not support non-desktop platforms
  • Non-support for closed and proprietary technologies

MonoGame vs FNA: Pricing

Both MonoGame and FNA reign as free, open-source frameworks targeted towards developers.


MonoGame, a powerful, open-source, C# framework, is a totally free resource. Despite its myriad capabilities and consistent updates, this platform straddles the realm of tech without charging users a single dime. From seasoned game developers to novices dipping their toes into the programming waters, MonoGame is ever-accommodating without ever demanding payment. However, the use of certain extensions of high-level programming, particularly for iOS and Android, may incur some cost.


FNA too positions itself in the same league as a free, open-source reimplementation of the XNA Game Studio 4.0. It has a devout commitment to providing software unrestricted by proprietary limitations. Boasting features that match those of its counterparts, and accommodating a cornucopia of games, this versatile platform provides invaluable tech resources without imposing a price tag.

Code Examples for MonoGame & FNA

MonoGame: Animated Sprite Character

This MonoGame example showcases how to create an animated sprite character. Make sure you properly include the MonoGame framework before proceeding. Adding the sprite sheet you intend to use is also required.

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

class AnimatedSprite
    Texture2D texture;
    int rows, columns;
    int currentFrame = 0;
    int totalFrames;
    public AnimatedSprite(Texture2D tex, int row, int col)
        texture = tex;
        rows = row;
        columns = col;
        totalFrames = rows * columns;
    public void Update()
        if (currentFrame == totalFrames)
            currentFrame = 0;

    public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 location)
        int width = texture.Width / columns;
        int height = texture.Height / rows;
        int row = (int)((float)currentFrame / (float)columns);
        int column = currentFrame % columns;
        Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(width * column, height * row, width, height);
        Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle((int)location.X, (int)location.Y, width, height);

        sb.Draw(texture, destinationRectangle, sourceRectangle, Color.White);

FNA: Basic 2D Transformation

In this FNA code example, you’ll see how to perform a basic 2D transformation on a sprite. Therefore, you need to load your FNA libraries and an image file of a sprite to see this code in action.

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

public class Game1 : Game
    GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
    SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
    Texture2D myTexture;
    Vector2 spritePosition = Vector2.Zero;
    Vector2 spriteOrigin;
    float spriteRotation = 0f;
    float spriteScale = 1f;

    public Game1()
        graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
    protected override void LoadContent()
        spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
        myTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("mySprite");
        spriteOrigin = new Vector2(myTexture.Width / 2, myTexture.Height / 2);

    protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        spriteRotation += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

    protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
        spriteBatch.Draw(myTexture, spritePosition, null, Color.White, spriteRotation, spriteOrigin, spriteScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

So, MonoGame or FNA: Which Is Your Code Crusader?

The outcome of MonoGame versus FNA battle is not binary, it’s pivotal. It tailors to your unique needs as a developer. Let’s dissect it.

The Platform Agnostic Game Developers

For you, MonoGame wins. Its multi-platform capabilities, from iOS, Android to gaming consoles like Nintendo Switch, proves its robustness. Its pedigree, seen in games like Bastion and Fez, testifies its power. The community support, including game schooling and tutorials, ensures you’re not alone.

A focused game developer, engrossed in coding on MonoGame, surrounded by multiple devices demonstrating the cross-platform capabilities.

Devotees of Open Source

If maintaining intellectual freedom is your priority, choose FNA. Its adherence for Free Open Source Software, its ethical commitment not to use any proprietary restrictions or game-specific hacks in code, makes it a winner among open source adherents.

A content programmer engaged in building a game using FNA, with the Free Open Source Software logo prominently displayed.

Fresh Entries in Game Development

Newbies don’t despair. MonoGame takes the crown here. Despite a steeper learning curve, the wealth of resources, personalised lessons and community-source documentation put you in safe hands aiming to master 2D development spotlight.

A fledgling developer eagerly consuming MonoGame tutorials, with the 2D game framework on screen behind.

MonoGame and FNA both reimplement Microsoft XNA 4 API, yet their divergent paths unfold unique suitedness. MonoGame scores with multi-platform crafting and beginner-friendly resources, while FNA champions an unadulterated commitment to open source. Gauge your priorities, code your choice.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.