For seasoned developers seeking maximum control and in-depth 2D game development, MonoGame is the discerning choice. However, for a wider application, including AR/VR, Unity provides more features and a vibrant developer community, yet potential fluctuating costs should be considered.

Comparing MonoGame and Unity

Key Differences Between MonoGame and Unity

  • Coding: MonoGame uses C# and encourages technical programming mastery. Unity offers BOO script, JavaScript, and C#.
  • Support: MonoGame’s community-sourced platform encourages collective knowledge enhancement. Unity provides active developer support and an asset store.
  • Pricing: MonoGame is free and open-source. Unity employs a free and fee-based model, with install charges from 2024, potentially disadvantageous for indie developers.
  • Platforms: Both enable cross-platform game development, yet Unity’s broad adaptability supports AR/VR.
  • Community: MonoGame has a dedicated community maintaining and enriching the software. Unity includes a rich, active feedback-driven developer community.
  • Experience: MonoGame is better suited for experienced programmers. Unity caters to a wide range of developers, from newbies to professionals.
Comparison MonoGame Unity
Initial Release September 2009 2005
Open Source Yes No
Language C# C#, Javascript, BOO script
2D and 3D Support Yes Yes
Platforms Support iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows Phone 8, Windows Desktop, Windows 10 Android, iOS, Windows, Web, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Community Support Yes, with encouragement for improvements and collaboration on Github Yes, with a rich active developer community facilitating assistance and feedback
Integrated Game Editor No Yes
Learning Resources Game Schooling, courses, tutorials, community-source documentation hub Extensive forum resources, tutorials
Pricing Free Free and Paid versions, with new pricing model from 2024
Famous Games Bastion, Celeste, Fez Multitude across platforms
Visual Support Supports OpenGL 1.x and 2, DirectX Advanced rendering technology
Recommendation Good for developers with previous programming experience, beginners may find it challenging Suitable for all skill levels
Pain Points Lack of high-level programming, paid support for iOS and Android New pricing model drew backlash, fear of financial sustainability

What Is MonoGame and Who’s It For?

MonoGame is a free, open-source C# framework initially released in September 2009 by the MonoGame Team. It is renowned for its capacity to create games for multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. This platform appeals primarily to game developers, particularly those seeking to develop games for various platforms. It focuses on lower-level programming, employing C# primarily, and offers control over the game development process.

Game developers having a basic knowledge of C# can leverage MonoGame for creating their games. However, it may pose challenges for beginners and developers seeking a WYSIWYG environment or integrated game editor. Interestingly, MonoGame has also been used by developers for several noteworthy games like Bastion, Celeste, and Fez.

Colorful depiction of a game designer at his workstation immersed in MonoGame's development interface

Pros of MonoGame

  • Open-source and free to use
  • Supports multiple platforms
  • Offers lower-level programming control
  • Supports community contributions

Cons of MonoGame

  • Needs basic C# programming knowledge
  • Not beginner-friendly
  • Not suitable for developers seeking a WYSIWYG environment
  • Lacks high-level programming support

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a powerful game development engine launched in 2005 for creating 3D and 2D games. It supports cross-platform game launches, including Android and iOS platforms, and is adaptable with various operating systems. This platform is highly useful for developers plotting AR to 3D simulations. Unity also offers a suite of tools, impressive rendering technology, and features to generate high-quality games.

Unity’s revised pricing model, taking effect on January 1, 2024, has raised concerns among developers. The changes could detrimentally impact solo, indie, and mobile developers. Despite these setbacks, Unity still offers both free and paid versions with several features, encouraging the production of sophisticated games.

Colorful vision of a team of game artists collaboratively designing immersive levels using Unity

Pros of Unity

  • Availability of rich asset store
  • Supports multiple coding languages
  • Active developer community
  • Offers AR/VR game creation support

Cons of Unity

  • Implementation of per-install fees
  • Elimination of Unity Plus subscription tier
  • Fear of sudden pricing shifts potentially compromising financial sustainability
  • Increased fees for “standard” markets, potentially harming developers on a tight budget

Code Examples for MonoGame & Unity


In this MonoGame snippet, you will produce sparks that follow your game character. Prior to execution, ensure you’re utilizing MonoGame.Framework and MonoGame.Extended.

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using MonoGame.Extended.Particles;
using MonoGame.Extended.Particles.Modifiers.Interpolation;

public class Game1: Game {
    private ParticleEffect _particleEffect;

    protected override void LoadContent() {
        _particleEffect = new ParticleEffect();
        var emitter = _particleEffect.CreateEmitter();
        emitter.ParticleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Particle");
        emitter.ParticleType = ParticleType.Alpha;
        emitter.BurstFrequency = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500);
        emitter.MaximumParticles = 25;
        emitter.TransparencyInterpolation = new HslColorInterpolation {
            InitialHue = 0.6f,
            InitialSaturation = 0.8f,
            InitialLuminance = 0.5f,
            FinalHue = 0.1f,
            FinalSaturation = 0.8f,
            FinalLuminance = 0.9f

    protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) {
        _particleEffect.Position = new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y);

    protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) {
        spriteBatch.Begin(blendState: BlendState.Additive);


In this Unity snippet, you can generate a spinning 3D cube. This requires Unity Engine and has (.NET 4.x Equivalent) Scripting Runtime. Remember to attach this script to a 3D object in the Unity studio.

using UnityEngine;

public class Rotator : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 20f;

    void Update()
        transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

Remember to utilize the above HTML structure for code embedding. Ensure you use the appropriate language descriptor, “lang-csharp”, and the data-lang attribute, sticking to the Prism format. The code should be formatted properly for easy readability.

Final Faceoff: MonoGame or Unity?

In the virtual rodeo of game development, you’re either MonoGame maven or a Unity ultranaut. So here it is, the final verdict.

The Indie Developer

For indie developers with a knack for programming, MonoGame runs the show. Its open-source ethos, multi-platform support, and robust C# framework make it the perfect ground for building and distributing games. Plus, the fact that it’s free is quite seductive to the indie spirit. The absence of high-level programming might be a road bump, but the readily available documentation and tutorials can help iron that out.

Indie developer with a passion for creation, immersing himself in code written in C#, envisioning a pixel-perfect game on different platforms

The AR/VR Creator

If Unity’s AR/VR capabilities were a spice, they’d be jalapeño – hot and impactful. Augmented Reality artists, Virtual Reality visionaries, brace yourselves. Unity’s expansive toolkit, and immersive 3D simulation potential unleashes true creative freedom. From crafting VR vistas to placing ❤️s on Pikachu’s cheeks, Unity seals the deal. Don’t sweat about the upcoming pricing model. Unless your game attracts a flood of installations, the fees are dormant.

Virtual Reality innovator programming his creation to life, making leaps in the augmented reality sphere with Unity

The Mobile Developer

If you’re churning out games for Android and iOS, your money’s safe on Unity. The cross-platform support is rock solid, and the sweat Unity’s put into mobile game development can be seen in its superior performance. Not forgetting the integrated asset store that cuts down dev-time. It does come with a cost though, hence solo devs or small teams might flinch at the price tag.

Determined mobile developer buried in code, devising the next flappy bird using the Unity game engine

To cut it short, MonoGame is a free, open-source haven for multi-platform indie developers. It offers max control but requires a fair grip on C#. Unity, on the other hand, is for AR/VR creators and mobile game developers aspiring for a versatile 2D/3D tool with superior rendering and immersive features. Yes, it has a price tag, but its capabilities might justify the cost.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.