If you’re focused on versatile game development, particularly for multiple platforms, MonoGame is your go-to, with its robust C# framework. However, if you prioritize coding across a range of languages, and require a potent editor with integrated debugging tools, then Visual Studio Code takes the crown.

Differences of MonoGame and Visual Studio Code

Key Differences Between MonoGame and Visual Studio Code

  • Framework: MonoGame is a game development framework, while Visual Studio Code is a coding environment.
  • Language: MonoGame is primarily C#-based; Visual Studio Code supports JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, C++, C#, Python, PHP, and Go.
  • Platform Support: MonoGame shines in multiplatform game development, including console platforms; Visual Studio Code is cross-platform but doesn’t natively support game console programming.
  • Application: MonoGame is primarily used for game development; Visual Studio Code, being a powerful code editor, supports application development across several languages.
  • Community: Both have substantial community support, but MonoGame users are encouraged more to contribute.
  • Debugging Tools: Visual Studio Code provides built-in debugging tools, missing in MonoGame.
Comparison MonoGame Visual Studio Code
Initial Release September 2009 April 2015
Type C# Framework for game development Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Supported Languages C# JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET
Applications Developing games for multiple platforms Software, .NET, and C++ development, web development
Main Features Reimplements Microsoft XNA 4 API, Content management follows XNA 4 ContentManager model Coding, Debugging, Version Control, Unit Testing, Build and Deploy, Web-site editor, Extensibility
Supported platforms iOS, macOS, Android, Linux, Windows Phone 8, Windows Desktop, Windows 10, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, tvOS Windows, macOS and Linux
Required Knowledge Basic C# programming language knowledge Depends on language used
Courses/Tutorials Offers Game Schooling, Courses and tutorials on C# available Multiple online courses for languages supported
Optimized For 2D development Wide array of software development projects
Community Support Community supported with independent software developers maintaining it. Documentation, tutorials and codes contributed by developers. Collaboration on GitHub or via community site. Extensive, with official support provided by Microsoft
Pros Battle-proven code-based game engine, Real-world successful games Supports remote development, Integrated debugging tools, Extensibility

What Is MonoGame and Who’s It For?

MonoGame is a free, open-source C# framework, which game developers use extensively for building games that are compatible with multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, macOS, and more. Initially released in September 2009 by the MonoGame Team, this comprehensive technology partly reimplements Microsoft’s XNA 4 API. Initially known for supporting 2D sprite-based games, the framework has evolved, adding 3D capabilities from mid-2013 onwards. This framework is most suitable for game developers aiming to deliver games on various platforms, and those who appreciate having the control that comes with lower-level programming, primarily in C#.

Colorful image of tech-savvy developers at their workstations developing games using MonoGame

Pros of MonoGame

  • Extends support to multiple platforms
  • Open source and free to use
  • Offers control over development process
  • Strong 2D and 3D game development capabilities

Cons of MonoGame

  • Lacks high-level programming capabilities
  • No integrated game editor
  • Paid support required for iOS and Android
  • Fewer frequent updates

What Is Visual Studio Code and Who’s It For?

Visual Studio Code is an advanced programming environment that promotes seamless coding in different locations such as separate machines, Windows Subsystem for Linux, or through containers. Striving to simplify the complexities of development logistics, VS Code supports remote development, allowing developers to handle varying versions of dependencies and create Linux-based apps on Windows. Additionally, Visual Studio Code caters to software developers and teams primarily working with .NET and C++ on windows, making it a prime choice for teams needing to flexibly develop across various operating systems.

Colorful image of a diligent developer working in front of multiple monitors using Visual Studio Code

Pros of Visual Studio Code

  • Supports a wide range of programming languages
  • Inclusive of a Remote Development pack for enhanced versatility
  • Presents powerful and intuitive coding tools
  • Proficient debugging tools

Cons of Visual Studio Code

  • Visual Studio for Mac set to retire
  • Requires a separate runtime for deploying certain services
  • Complex for new developers
  • Occasional performance issues

Code Examples for MonoGame & Visual Studio Code


Let’s set up a 2D sprite in MonoGame. This code snippet involves the loading of a texture and its subsequent drawing on the screen. Before implementing this, ensure that you have MonoGame installed and an empty project set up. Place your PNG or JPG file labeled ‘sprite’ in Content Manager.

    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

    public class MainGame : Game
        GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
        Texture2D sprite;

        public MainGame()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

        protected override void Initialize()

        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            sprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprite");
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            spriteBatch.Draw(sprite, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);


Visual Studio Code

This Visual Studio Code example illustrates how to create and use an extension to manipulate text. Prior to running this, make sure the ‘vscode’ module is installed in your environment. After the code is implemented, activate the extension by calling ‘extension.reverseWord’ through Command Palette (F1).

    const vscode = require('vscode');

    function activate(context) {
        let disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension.reverseWord', function () {
            let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
            if (!editor) {
            let selection = editor.selection;
            let word = editor.document.getText(selection);
            let reversed = word.split('').reverse().join('');
            editor.edit(editBuilder => {
                editBuilder.replace(selection, reversed);

    function deactivate() {}

    module.exports = {

The Verdict: MonoGame or Visual Studio Code?

In the technical battlefield of game development and programming, the choice between MonoGame and Visual Studio Code is influenced by platform targets, user skill level, and specific project needs.

Developers Targeting Multi-platforms

For developers aiming to dish out games on platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows, and more, MonoGame presents a compelling case. Given its robust multi-platform support, emphasis on lower-level programming, and ability to handle 2D and (since 2013) 3D projects, MonoGame echoes versatility.

A game developer meticulously crafting a multi-platform game using MonoGame

C# Enthusiasts

C# lovers are more inclined towards MonoGame. The platform strings together the affinity for C# and the enthusiasm for game development. Backing with immersive tutorials and lessons, it caters to the developers aiming to master the nuances of C# and game development.

An engaged developer immersed in MonoGame’s extensive C# based programming interface

Beginner Developers

For novices taking their initial steps in the programming world, Visual Studio Code embodies an ideal starting point. Catering to multiple programming languages, it tailors a more forgiving learning curve compared to MonoGame, which requires prior programming expertise.

A rookie programmer absorbed by the user-friendly interface of the Visual Studio Code

Software Developers and Teams

For large scale software development projects, Visual Studio Code emerges victorious. Offering remote development, version control, extensive debugging tools, and IDE customization options, it outfits a comprehensive suite for .NET, C++, and C# development.

Adroit software developers brainstorming while leveraging the powerful toolset offered by Visual Studio Code

Web Development Professionals

For web development professionals delicately handling JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and ASP.NET application development, Visual Studio Code provides the necessary artillery with its web designer and supportive extensions.

A proficient web developer innovatively constructing a website with the assistance of Visual Studio Code

In the MonoGame vs Visual Studio Code debate, the choice boils down to the specifics. MonoGame, with its indie-friendly, code-focused architecture, gratifies multiple-platform game development. In contrast, Visual Studio Code offers diverse language support, powerful tools, and is thus commendable for beginners and large-scale software projects.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.