If you’re a novice, craving top-drawer AR solutions with near-instant results and a no-code approach, pick MyWebAR. But, for those adept in web technologies seeking a more detailed, customizable AR experience, your go-to choice should be 8th Wall.

Detailed comparison: MyWebAR vs 8th Wall

Key Differences Between MyWebAR and 8th Wall

  • MyWebAR is a no-code platform, while 8th Wall demands familiarity with JavaScript, WebGL, and HTML5 for creation.
  • MyWebAR supports AR glasses and provides AI bots for quick AR experience creation but lacks hand-tracking. 8th Wall flaunts advanced features like hand tracking, Sky Effects, and improved face filters.
  • MyWebAR is used widely for AR advertising and has launched an AR product marketplace for creators. 8th Wall focuses on gaming, retail, and education verticals promising greater interactivity.
  • MyWebAR allows for realistic 3D element rendering and handles geometry occlusion. 8th Wall impresses more on account of its SLAM engine precision and scene integration.
  • 8th Wall has costlier commercial licenses surpassing $2000 per month while MyWebAR pitches an accessible experience with competitive pricing.
Comparison MyWebAR 8th Wall
Platform No-code AR creation and management Web-based AR technology with programming
Global Ranking Top 3 WebAR platforms Award-winning AR developer platform
AR Content Publishing Single click on various platforms Published via Cloud Editor
Platform for Developers AR plugin creation and publishing WebAR and WebVR creation with coding
Educational Usage Utilized by 200+ universities and several schools Requires understanding of Web technologies
Technologies Used AR CMS, AI, WebGL JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5
Realistic Rendering 3D element rendering, geometry occlusion, shadows of virtual objects 6-DoF Tracking, Lighting, Surface Estimation, Image Target Tracking
Complimentary Resources Free AR creation lessons Tutorials on blog, extensive documentation
Use in Retail AR visualization in product packaging Virtual objects placement on human hands, fingers and wrists

What Is MyWebAR and Who’s It For?

MyWebAR is a robust, globally-recognized no-code platform for AR creation and management. Catering to a diverse clientele range, it is utilized by Fortune 500 companies and businesses from over 200 countries. Its quick and seamless AR experience creation facilitated through an AI bot makes it a significant player in the realm of AR advertising. The platform stands poised for potential growth with AR marketing spend predicted to increase to $12.5bn annually by 2027.

The intuitive platform is ideal for AR product creators aiming to list and sell their products to a worldwide audience and developers seeking to publish AR plugins with extensive reach. It is heavily utilized by educational institutions for implementing immersive technology in education programs. Its compatibility with all digital platforms and configurations makes it the go-to AR CMS for anyone seeking to leverage the power of augmented reality.

Colorful scene showcasing a global user at a tech company, creating an AR experience via MyWebAR

Pros of MyWebAR

  • Facilitates AR creation in 30 seconds using an AI bot.
  • Used by Fortune 500 companies and businesses in 200 countries.
  • Single click publishing of AR content across platforms.
  • Supports realistic 3D element rendering and handles geometry occlusion.
  • Wide application across education, product packaging, and marketing.

Cons of MyWebAR

  • Lacks features like hand tracking.
  • Pricing model and commercial licenses are not transparent.
  • Does not feature extensive tutorials and learning resources.

What Is 8th Wall and Who’s It For?

8th Wall, stationed in the heart of Palo Alto, California, strives to make AR universally accessible. Their award-winning AR developer platform and computer vision technology stack is the backbone for building web-based augmented reality (WebAR). With the WebAR experiences accessible on virtually any smartphone without an app, 8th Wall finds its users in more than 5 billion smartphones across different devices and platforms.

Pioneered by Eric Murphy-Chutorian, a former Facebook & Google employee with a PhD in Computer Vision, 8th Wall is a reliable partner for top-tier brands seeking effective WebAR experiences. Its robust toolset assists developers throughout the development, distribution, and discovery processes of WebAR content. Owing to their multi-faceted offerings and continuous innovations, 8th Wall is a favored choice among experienced developers who understand web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, and HTML5.

Colorful image of a tech developer in Palo Alto, creating immersive AR experiences using 8th Wall AR Engine

Pros of 8th Wall

  • Accessible on any device without an app.
  • Delivers real business value by increasing dwell time and lift in purchases.
  • Serves full-stack optimization for WebAR and WebVR development.
  • Integrates SLAM engine for accurate and precise WebAR experiences.
  • Allows for greater interactivity with objects in gaming and education.

Cons of 8th Wall

  • Higher cost for commercial license exceeding 2000 USD per month.
  • Requires thorough understanding of web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5.
  • Incompatible with Apple Vision Pro Headset.

Weighing MyWebAR Against 8th Wall – A Verdict

In the face-off between MyWebAR and 8th Wall, it’s imperative to decide who reigns supreme. Here’s our analysis targeted at various audience segments.

Creative Technologists

If you’re the innovator turning creative visions into reality with tech, MyWebAR is definitely your ally. Its no-code platform, AI bot for quick AR creation, and broad AR plugin suitability make it an unbeatable choice.

Creative technologist fiddling with AR creation

Educational Institutes

Educational Institutes looking to enrich the learning experience with AR should turn to MyWebAR. With formidable adoption by 200+ universities and schools, plus compatibility across several platforms, it’s a smart pick.

Edu-tech expert working on AR solutions in classroom

Web Developers

For web developers seeking a deep-dive into AR creation, and willing to harness JavaScript & WebGL, 8th Wall is your elixir of choice. Its developer-centric tools and Cloud Editor are ideal for your development needs.

Web Developer coding AR solutions on computer

Retail and Interactive Gaming Industries

In industries like retail and gaming that require intricate AR experiences, 8th Wall’s AR Code and advanced SLAM system promise superior interactivity and immersion.

Gaming industry executice testing immersive AR gaming experience

While MyWebAR’s user-friendly, no-code approach and vast compatibility sit well with creatives and educators, 8th Wall, with its developer-oriented tools and detailed control, appeals more to developers and interactivity-demanding industries.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.