For businesses desiring a comprehensive, AR-driven interactive advertising solution, MyWebAR emerges as the unbeaten choice, owing to its AI bot-enabled content creation, broad application support, and AR product marketplace. However, Worldcast’s simple, cost-effective platform invites modest-sized businesses and creatives seeking basic AR features including Canva integration and geo-coordinate positioning.

MyWebAR vs Worldcast

Key Contrasts Between MyWebAR and Worldcast

  • MyWebAR is highly recognized and established, utilized globally and by Fortune 500 companies, while Worldcast appeals to a niche audience including creators, small businesses, and non-profit organizations.
  • MyWebAR’s AI bot facilitates rapid AR content creation, a feature absent in Worldcast.
  • Worldcast integrates with Canva and Sketchfab, offering a range of creative resources, while MyWebAR enables direct AR plugin creation and publishing by developers.
  • Worldcast includes geo-coordinate positioning for an AR experience, a feature that MyWebAR lacks.
  • Pricing for MyWebAR is undisclosed, versus Worldcast’s straightforward $10/cast/month for business use.
Comparison MyWebAR WorldCAST
No-code AR Platform Yes Yes
AR Creation Method Text Prompts in Messenger Spatial Editor Feature
Uses in Advertising Yes Yes
Compatibility Web-Based, Multiple Devices iOS, Android, Smart Devices, Desktop
Realistic 3D Rendering Yes Imports 3D Models

What Is MyWebAR and Who’s It For?

MyWebAR, ranked among the top 3 global WebAR platforms, facilitates seamless augmented reality (AR) experience creation in no time with an AI bot. It invites AR product creators, developers, universities, and businesses globally to leverage its platform for AR creation, interaction, advertising, and learning. Its broad utility makes it perfect for Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, businesses, developers, product creators, and anyone interested in AR technology.

Colorful depiction of a tech-savvy user interacting with an AR interface in a modern office

Pros of MyWebAR

  • Ranked among Top 3 WebAR platforms
  • No-code platform, suitable for every skill level
  • Managed by a Founder & CTO with 13 patents
  • One-click publishing feature across various platforms
  • Functions in pipeline for AR glasses support
  • Invites worldwide developers and product creators
  • Supports unique glass surface realism in WebAR

Cons of MyWebAR

  • Might present initial learning curve for beginners
  • Lacks immediate support for AR glasses
  • Limited to web-based platform

What Is WorldCAST AR and Who’s It For?

WorldCAST AR is a web platform providing a creativity canvas for AR immersive/interactive experience creation without the need for coding. Its user community ranges from artists, creators, businesses to sectors like education, non-profit organizations, and tourism. Its GeoCAST feature and Canva integration add a unique real-world dimension to its utility, making it a versatile tool for AR interaction.

Colorful illustration of a creative designer using WorldCAST AR for a digital art project in a vibrant studio

Pros of WorldCAST AR

  • No coding required, promoting barrier-free creativity
  • GeoCAST feature for location-based experiences
  • Interactive print experiences creation
  • Canva integration for access to 1mn+ templates
  • Browser-based platform, eliminating software/app download
  • Flexible edit feature and audience analytics option

Cons of WorldCAST AR

  • Subscription required for business use
  • Support of FBX/OBJ/DAE not available yet
  • Platform usage might require learning curve for non-tech users

MyWebAR vs Worldcast: Pricing

While MyWebAR doesn’t explicitly reveal its pricing, Worldcast operates with a simple business use cost of $10 per cast per month.


The available information does not include specific cost details for MyWebAR, a global Top 3 WebAR platform. Interestingly, it supports a myriad of functionalities and is utilized in various sectors from Fortune 500 companies to education.


Implementing a no-obstacles pricing policy, Worldcast extends its services at $10 per cast per month for businesses. Efficiency and transparency are key, as their plan unravels barrier-free creativity without the need for contracts or sign-up fees.

The Verdict is Here: MyWebAR or Worldcast?

Decoding the answer in the age-long decision between MyWebAR and Worldcast. Let’s resolve.

For AR Creators & Advertisers

For these seasoned pioneers seeking accessible AR creation, MyWebAR, a globally acclaimed no-code platform, pledges efficiency. Over 13 patents stamp approval on their proficiency, facilitated by AI bot and expedient text prompts. A key feature – glass surface realism, their mastery in AR advertising, and readiness for AR glasses support compel us to lean towards MyWebAR.

Confident AR creator with glasses, examining an AR advertising prototype

For Education Sector & Non-Profit Organizations

This audience, vigilant for inexpensive and highly interactive learning tools, might find solace in WorldCAST. With a committed bearing towards sectors like education and non-profit organizations, their easy AR solutions swing the verdict their way. Expect micro-learning at $10/cast/month.

Engrossed teacher in classroom, conducting an interactive session through WorldCAST AR tool

For Businesses & Retailers

In the business space, MyWebAR dominates. Leveraging a powerful AR-CMS system used by Fortune 500 companies, businesses get seamless AR content management and publishing across platforms. The convenient AR product marketplace lends them undesputable leverage over WorldCAST.

Business executives reviewing AR content published via MyWebAR

For Artists & Independent Creators

WorldCAST caters well to independents with fruitful features such as Spatial Editor and Canva integration. Accompanied by Sketchfab’s 3D models and unrestricted creativity, creators find a comfortable sandbox for experimentation, tipping the scales towards WorldCAST.

Independent artist exploiting WorldCAST’s creative suite, working on a digital canvas

Wearing the mantle of ardent opinion: MyWebAR dominates for large-scale AR management, while WorldCAST carves its niche with user-friendly tools for the creative and educational sectors. Assess your priorities, gauge your needs and pick your champion.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.