When choosing between Nvidia Omniverse and Unreal Engine, consider your use case. For advanced 3D workflows, customization, and scalable projects leveraging AI, rendering, and simulation technology, opt for Nvidia Omniverse. However, for game development, diverse platform compatibility, and accessible pricing and modding options, Unreal Engine delivers superior results.

Nvidia Omniverse and Unreal Engine compared

Key Differences Between Nvidia Omniverse and Unreal Engine

  • Use Case: Nvidia Omniverse caters to intricate 3D workflows and scalable projects using AI and simulation technology. Unreal Engine focuses on game development over various platforms.
  • Languages: Extensions for Omniverse can be built using Python or C++. Unreal Engine is predominantly written in C++.
  • Pricing: Omniverse offers three licensing options with the standard license aimed at individuals being free. Unreal Engine charges 5% of revenues over $1 million.
  • Collaboration: Omniverse prioritizes an interconnected and collaborative workflow, while Unreal Engine has a strong focus on modding and a public marketplace for developers.
Comparison Nvidia Omniverse Unreal Engine
Based on Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) Initially developed for PC first-person shooters
Supporting Technology NVIDIA RTX technology Written in C++, supports a wide range of platforms
Complex 3D Workflows Transforms complex 3D workflows Used in various game genres and industries including film and television
Licensing Options Standard, Omniverse Enterprise, Omniverse Cloud 5% of revenues over USD 1 million for commercial use
Optimization Optimized to run on NVIDIA RTX-powered workstations, servers Supported on desktop, mobile, console, and virtual reality platforms
Applications SDK-based apps, extensions, and microservices Games, Film, Television
Pricing Packages From $9,000 p.a. for Enterprise license Royalty model waived for games published on the Epic Games Store
Developer Support OpenUSD Developer Resources, OpenUSD Validation Service, OpenUSD Developer Series Unreal Development Kit, Unreal Engine Marketplace
Programming Language Python or C++ based extensions C++

What Is Nvidia Omniverse and Who’s It For?

Nvidia Omniverse is a powerful 3D computing platform, leveraging Universal Scene Description. Its transformational capabilities serve individuals and teams, streamlining complex 3D workflows. Unique leveraging of over 20 years of Nvidia AI, rendering, and simulation technology marks Omniverse’s edge in creating interconnected applications and extensions.

Nvidia Omniverse caters to a broad spectrum from individual developers to large organization, with licensing options including standard, Omniverse Enterprise, and Omniverse Cloud. Developers can monetize through the Omniverse platform, building SDK-based apps, microservices, and extensions.

Colorful depiction of a software developer in a modern workspace, interacting with Nvidia Omniverse.

Pros of Nvidia Omniverse

  • Robust 3D computing platform using Universal Scene Description
  • Handles complex 3D workflows efficiently
  • Fosters development and monetization of apps, extensions, and microservices
  • Varied licensing options catering to different user groups

Cons of Nvidia Omniverse

  • Optimized for Nvidia RTX-powered workstations and servers, which requires specific hardware
  • Enterprise license pricing might be prohibitive for small businesses

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine (UE) is an esteemed series of 3D computer graphics game engines by Epic Games. Originally developed for PC first-person shooters, Unreal Engine’s applications now span across numerous game genres and industries such as television and film. UE is written in C++, offering unparalleled versatility across various platforms.

Unreal Engine speaks to game developers, educators, and students. It provides basic project templates for first-person or third-person experiences, and the Unreal Development Kit supports the creation of iOS games and apps. Its Marketplace shares an 88% revenue with content creators, motivating developers to participate in the ecosystem.

Colorful image of a video game developer using Unreal Engine on a high-end workstation.

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Supports wide range of platforms
  • Strong backing by Epic Games
  • Provides basic project templates for convenient start-ups
  • Motivates developers by sharing 88% revenue on Marketplace

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • 5% of revenues over USD 1 million charged for commercial use
  • Programming language for development is C++, which might be complex for beginners

Nvidia Omniverse vs Unreal Engine: Pricing

While Omniverse has a tiered pricing structure including a standard free licence, Unreal Engine adopts a royalty based model.

Nvidia Omniverse

The Nvidia Omniverse presents three licence types: a standard, Enterprise and Cloud. The standard license is free and aimed at individuals and developers, while Enterprise comes at a hefty $9,000 p.a. intended for organizations developing interoperable workflows and applications on-prem. The Cloud license, still on the way, will give developers a purpose-built, full-stack cloud environment for advanced industrial metaverse applications creation. A pricing component called Omniverse Enterprise includes Create, View and RTX Virtual Workstation.

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine functions based on a royalty model, wherein Epic charges 5% of revenues over USD 1 million for commercial use. However, this is waived for games published on the Epic Games Store. All the way back in 2015, Epic turned Unreal Engine 4 free, collecting 5% of the revenue for products that make over $3,000 per quarter. Furthermore, Unreal Engine is entirely free for educational institutions (schools, universities).

Code Examples for Nvidia Omniverse & Unreal Engine

Nvidia Omniverse

A captivating example of creating and controlling a spotlight in Nvidia Omniverse using Python. Prerequisites include Python 3.6, Omniverse Nucleus server, and Omniverse Kit.

import carb
import omni
import omni.usd

# Function to Create Spotlight
def create_spotlight(stage, path):
    light = stage.DefinePrim(path, "SpotLight")
    light.CreateAttribute('intensity', omni.usd.GetSdfType('float')).Set(1000.0)
    light.CreateAttribute('color', omni.usd.GetSdfType('color3f')).Set(omni.usd.Gf.Vec3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.8))
    return light

# Start Application
appResult = omni.kit.app.get_app_initialization_flags()

# Get stage
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

# Create Spotlight
spotlight = create_spotlight(stage, "/World/MySpotLight")

Unreal Engine

This snippet uses Unreal’s Blueprint system to create a dynamic time of day system. Ensure that you have the Unreal Engine 4.24 or newer.

// TimeOfDay.h
class YOURGAME_API ATimeOfDay : public AActor

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Time")
    float CurrentTime;

    virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;

// TimeOfDay.cpp
void ATimeOfDay::Tick(float DeltaTime)

    CurrentTime += DeltaTime;

    float SunHeight = FMath::Sin(CurrentTime);
    float SunBrightness = FMath::Abs(SunHeight);

    LightSource->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0, 0, SunHeight * 100.0f));
    SkyLight->SetIntensity(SunBrightness * 1.5f);
    LightSource->SetIntensity(SunBrightness * 10.0f);

The Final Say: Nvidia Omniverse or Unreal Engine?

In the vast frontier of 3D computing, Nvidia Omniverse and Unreal Engine offer promising solutions. Yet, depending on your needs, one might edge out the other. Let’s dissect how these powerhouses cater to diverse user clusters.

Individual Developers and Small Teams

Nvidia Omniverse is the likely choice for this cohort. The standard license offers free access to the platform, Omniverse for OpenUSD and various 3D workflows. Furthermore, devs can customize 3D pipelines and build Omniverse SDK-based apps with Python or C++. Aspiring to monetize? The platform encourages that too, fostering the development of interconnected applications.

Concentrated developer working in a bright room, engaged in coding an application using Nvidia Omniverse technology

Medium to Large Enterprises

When it comes to scalability and complex 3D workflows, the Nvidia Omniverse Enterprise license makes a compelling argument. Despite the hefty price tag of $9,000 per annum, the benefits include interoperable workflows, advanced RTX technology, and a maximum of 64 GPUs. Top these with front-end applications such as Omniverse Create and View, and the package is tough to ignore.

Large tech team collaborating on a project using Nvidia Omniverse Enterprise, brainstorming over multiple screens in a modern office setup

Game Developers

Unreal Engine shines in the gaming landscape, with a heritage steeped in first-person shooters. Its versatility across platforms (desktop, mobile, console, VR), combined with an open modding culture and C++ language base makes it a powerful pick for game creators. Plus, Epic charges just 5% of revenues over USD 1 million. Great news indeed for indie developers!

Game developer with headphones, intensely focused on a computer screen, working on a new game using Unreal Engine

When it comes to augmented and virtual reality, your best ally could either be Nvidia Omniverse or Unreal Engine, both offering distinct advantages. If interoperability and scalability are key, Omniverse could be the savvy choice with its expansive USD-based platform and versatile licensing options. However, for those looking to dive into immersive gaming experiences, Unreal Engine’s proven track-record and C++ base make it a formidable contender. The decision rests solely on your development needs and aspirations.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.