Oculus Runtime is transitioning to OpenXR to standardize VR/AR application development, ensuring full interoperability with industry support. Although older applications on Oculus SDKs will still function, new features will only be delivered through OpenXR extensions. By August 2022, all new Oculus apps will be built using OpenXR.

Oculus Runtime alternatives 2024

Those interested in alternatives to Oculus Runtime may explore Oculus VR, OpenComposite, Unity XR, Quest 2, Windows Mixed Reality, SteamVR, OpenVR, Virtual Desktop, and WMR.

Oculus VR

A key player in the VR sphere, Oculus VR, now known as Meta, was kicked off in 2012 by Palmer Luckey, a college dropout with a vision for a game-changing virtual reality experience. Meta’s headsets, including the high performing Meta Quest variants, have left an indelible mark in the VR space. Oculus VR was bought by Facebook, later rebranded as Meta for a whopping $2B cash and stock, and saw a consistent trajectory of growth.

Oculus VR Top Features

  1. Meta Quest 2: An affordable, standalone headset offering powerful performance.
  2. Meta Quest Pro: A professional-grade VR headset with additional capabilities.
  3. Partnership with Samsung: Together, they developed Gear VR in 2015.
  4. Innovation Beyond Gaming: Under the leadership of Facebook, Oculus VR was envisioned as a platform for broader experiences beyond just gaming.
  5. Investment in Metaverse: Meta invested a staggering $36B, envisioning virtual reality environments as the future.
Product Year of launch Unique Features
Oculus Go 2017 Inexpensive, standalone VR headset
Rift S 2019 new iteration of Oculus Rift with upgraded features
Meta Quest 2 2020 Powerful, customizable, and affordable

Oculus VR Disadvantages

  1. Meta’s Reality Labs division saw a massive loss of $13.7B in 2020.
  2. The Oculus VR brand concluded after the rebranding to Meta Platforms in 2021.
  3. Face incoming competition from Apple’s upcoming Vision Pro mixed-reality headset.

Oculus VR Pricing

The Oculus product range varies in price. Notable examples include the standalone Meta Quest 2, highly lauded for its affordability and power.

Oculus VR Use Cases

Use case 1 – Gaming

With the visionary John Carmack leading the VR work, Oculus VR offers extraordinary gaming experiences, offering immersion like none other.

Use case 2 – Broader Experiences Beyond Gaming

Under Zuckerberg’s guidance, Oculus VR was structured to offer a wide range of experiences like virtual tours, meditation, fitness and more, taking VR application beyond gaming.

Use case 3 – Professional Use

Products like the Meta Quest Pro provide a higher tier of immersive experiences, suitable for professional use-cases, including VR development, simulations and training.



Meet OpenComposite, an OpenXR implementation targeted at running OpenVR applications sans SteamVR, an approach that ushers in performance gains whilst also offering resolutions for stuttering encountered in SteamVR.

OpenComposite Top Features

  • OpenXR implementation for seamless execution of OpenVR applications.
  • Performance gain and stuttering issue resolution due to bypassing SteamVR.
  • Reduced data consumption compared to SteamVR.
  • User-centric design with compatibility for systems facing hurdles with SteamVR.
  • Most interfaces executed implying ability to run a plethora of SteamVR games.
  • Installation options: system-wide and per-game. System-wide recommended for compatibility.
  • Configuration options include renderCustomHands, handColour, supersampleRatio, etc.
  • Compatible with multiple headsets: Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus, Varjo, HTC, Pico.
Update Mechanism OpenComposite.exe
Compatibility Reference Official compatibility spreadsheet
Utilization Ben Hoyt’s inih INI parsing library and Psiha’s and Microblink’s build CMake utilities

OpenComposite Limitations

  • No support for controller models rendering and virtual keyboard functionality.
  • Limited game compatibility, albeit popular titles are included.

OpenComposite Pricing

OpenComposite falls under the ambit of open-source software and operates under the MIT Licence, making it free of cost.

OpenComposite Use Cases

Users with SteamVR compatibility issues

The OpenComposite software is tailored for users facing SteamVR compatibility issues ensuring a seamless VR experience.

Professionals seeking performance gains

If you’re a VR enthusiast aiming at enhancing performance and minimizing stuttering, OpenComposite acts as your perfect match.

Users prioritizing data economy

If data consumption is a constraint, OpenComposite’s data economizing trait makes it an apt choice.

Unity XR

Unity XR

An expansive toolkit that caters to virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and augmented reality (AR), Unity XR encompasses self-contained environments, real-world interactions, and layered content experiences. This solution facilitates XR game and app development, offering developers seamless integration across platforms.

Unity XR Top Features

  • Wide-spectrum functionality: Unity XR supports VR, MR, and AR applications, allowing developers to create combined and layered experiences.
  • Hands-on development: Developers can build and run Unity XR during the development phase, facilitating real-time design and troubleshooting.
  • Dedicated plugins: Unity 2019.3 has a new unified plug-in framework that enhances cross-platform integration and device interfacing.
  • Course offerings: Unity provides upskilling courses for XR development with a focus on individual learning objectives and career goals.
Tool Name Functionality
XR Interaction Toolkit (XRIT) Facilitates fast XR interaction development, enabling interactivity in AR and VR experiences with no coding requirements
XR Plugin Management Must-have plugin for XR Interaction Toolkit, OpenXR Plugin, and Universal RP

Unity XR Limitations

  • Although versatile, Unity XR requires developers to come with a skillset set for XR development and may not be the best fit for beginners.
  • The complexity of the diverse plugins can impact the ease-of-use.

Unity XR Pricing

Unity provides a variety of pricing options to suit different types of users. For comprehensive details regarding the various personal, business, and enterprise plans, it’s advised to consult with the official price list.

Unity XR Use Cases

Game Design

For game developers, Unity XR offers a plethora of modules and tools to create highly interactive and immersive gaming experiences across all realities – VR, MR, and AR.

App Creation

App developers can seamlessly create and run XR applications during the developmental phase without the need for extensive coding capability, allowing an efficient workflow and faster time to market.


Educational institutions and training centers can utilize Unity XR’s function-dense toolkit to create interactive learning experiences that can help students understand complex concepts with greater ease.

Quest 2

Leveraging the power of Reality Labs, Meta presents their flagship VR headset, the Quest 2. Debuted as Oculus Quest 2 in 2020, the product has advanced significantly under Meta’s stewardship with consistent updates and revisions.

Quest 2 Top Features

  • Powerful Hardware: Qualcomm SnapDragon XR2 and 6 GB LPDDR4X memory
  • High Resolution: RGB LCD display with 1832 x 1920 per eye resolution
  • High Refresh Rate: Between 72-120 Hz
  • Updated Controllers: Oculus Touch controllers with long battery life and hand tracking support
Operating System Update Frequency
Android-based Quest system software (Current: Android 12.1) Consistently updated to provide improved features and experiences
Battery life: Lasts between 2-3 hours between charges, indicating short battery lifespan

Quest 2 Downsides

  • Short Battery Life: Lasts only 2-3 hours between charges
  • No Expansion: 128GB storage with no room for expansion

Quest 2 Pricing

The Quest 2 is priced competitively in the VR marketplace. The base model (64 GB) initially retailed for $299, while the 256 GB variant was available for $399.

Quest 2 Use Cases

Use case 1: Gaming

With a dedicated Quest Store, users can explore dozens of immersive VR games. Its improved refresh rates and resolution provide a seamless gaming experience.

Use case 2: Education

Given its high-resolution and immersive capabilities, Quest 2 can create engaging educational environments, boosting comprehension and memory in students of all ages.

Use case 3: Business Training

Companies can use Quest 2 to create realistic simulations for training, improving staff performance across a wide range of roles, particularly those that require hands-on skills.

Windows Mixed Reality

Stepping into the next generation of computing comes Windows Mixed Reality (WMR), a product that blends the physical and the digital realms to enhance user experiences. As a progress from mainframes, PCs, and smartphones, WMR introduces data interaction at a personal level. By fracturing screen-bound experiences, WMR expands beyond mere display technology and incorporates spatial mapping, hand-tracking, eye-tracking, and speech input.

Windows Mixed Reality Top Features

  • Blend of Worlds: WMR offers a blend of physical and digital realms, intermixing our living spaces with digital interfaces.
  • Advanced Interaction: With spatial mapping and anchors, hand and eye-tracking, and voice recognition, it provides a rich interactive environment.
  • Compatibility: In alignment with a wide customer base, WMR is compatible with a vast array of standard laptops and older PCs.
  • Device Variety: WMR can be experienced on a selection of devices from numerous companies such as Acer, HP, Asus, Dell, Lenovo, and Samsung.
  • Intuitive Controllers: Controllers for WMR are tracked by the headset, eliminating the need for other sensors.
Feature Description
Holo and VR devices Two main devices- Holographic and immersive VR- deliver WMR experiences.
Inside-out tracking WMR offers a wider array of VR experiences through inside-out tracking technology.
Accessible VR Microsoft’s WMR aims for a more accessible and less setup-intense VR experience.

Windows Mixed Reality Limitations

  • Despite its array of features, WMR may not be as advanced in terms of graphical processing or display technologies as some dedicated VR systems.
  • Depending on the system requirements, not all older PCs may be able to run Windows Mixed Reality smoothly.
  • Hardware Limitations: Certain limitations may be present due to the variety of hardware options available, such as variations in display, comfort, and design.

Windows Mixed Reality Use Cases

Use case 1: Gaming

With its blend of realities, enhanced interactivity, and compatibility with a wide range of devices, WMR introduces gamers to a whole new level of immersive gaming experience.

Use case 2: Education

WMR is a powerful tool for educators and students alike, providing rich, interactive 3D environments for improved teaching and learning.

Use case 3: Business

Businesses can leverage WMR to create impactful presentations, interactive product demonstrations, and virtual collaborative workspaces.



Embark on an immersive VR odyssey with SteamVR, spearheading power-packed experiences in the virtual dimension. Brought to you by Valve, the virtual magic unfolds automatically when your VR headset becomes one with your PC.

SteamVR Top Features

  • Device management offering tuning gigs including firmware updates, pairing new devices, shaping up audio groundwork.
  • SteamVR Home – Your launching pad into the fantastic realm of VR, complete with add-on perks to connect with friends and launch apps.
  • Feel the power of in-app purchasing supported by the user-friendly microtransactions API.
  • A full room, well-rounded 360-degree VR experience entering your reality.
Feature Details
Compatibility Running smooth with HMDs like Vive and Rift alike.
Accessories Positional tracking support with SteamVR Controllers, base stations and more.
Immersive Gear CyberShoes, Cyberchair, and Cybercarpet bringing an added dimension to your VR journey.

SteamVR Limitations

  • In 2022, reports surfaced citing compatibility issues with Meta Quest 3 when using air link.
  • The system leans on a heavy-duty setup requiring Windows 7 SP1 or later, an Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350 processor, as well as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 or their kin.

SteamVR Use Cases

Use case 1 – Gaming

Where SteamVR truly shines is the world of gaming – with its proprietary 3D gaming software, you can develop and immerse in your virtual gaming realms.

Use case 2 – Social Interaction

Pixel parties are the new normal. Connect with friends across virtual environments with SteamVR’s social interaction features.

Use case 3 – Corporate Settings

Whether it’s a virtual business meeting or a digital product showcase, SteamVR can be leveraged for corporate uses, bringing your boardroom straight into the future.



Stepping into the virtual realm, the realm of limitless possibilities, we have OpenVR. An open-source software development kit (SDK) and application programming interface (API), it has been developed by Valve. Not only does it support SteamVR, but it also offers an interface for other virtual reality headsets, marking a significant stride in fostering a multi-vendor ecosystem.

OpenVR Top Features

  • Default SDK for one of the leading VR vendors, HTC Vive.
  • Open Source Virtual Reality initiative, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Plugin and native support for OpenVR SDK in Unity.
  • Features like IVRChaperone and IVRSystem, for tracking data and resetting the systems.
  • Supports numerous configurations and settings ensuring flexibility and customization.
SDK Release 30 April 2015
Application Areas Developing SteamVR games and software
Supported Unity versions MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0-2.7.0, MRTK2 Unity 2019 2.5.0-2.8.0, MRTK2 Unity 2020 2.5.2-2.6.0

OpenVR Limitations

  • OpenVR, whilst rich in features, will require you to have robust programming and VR understanding to fully harness its capabilities.
  • Being open-source, it may not offer the same level of software stability as proprietary counterparts.

OpenVR Pricing

As the name suggests, OpenVR is available open-source. This allows freedom and adaptability, encouraging an open exchange of ideas. Hence, it does not have a direct pricing model.

OpenVR Use Cases

Use case 1

OpenVR is a perfect match for developers wanting to create SteamVR games and software. It provides direct support to the SteamVR platform, aiding developers with vast opportunities.

Use case 2

If you are a HTC Vive developer, with OpenVR being the default SDK for HTC Vive, you have a direct development interface at your disposal.

Use case 3

Developers desiring broad hardware compatibility will find OpenVR highly suitable. Its support for multiple VR headsets allows for a diverse development environment.

Virtual Desktop

Virtual Desktop

Turning your screen into a VR-ready display, Virtual Desktop takes productivity and gaming to dimensions beyond normative.

Virtual Desktop Top Features

  • PC Compatibility: Compatible with VR-ready PCs running Windows 10 or 11.
  • Streamer App: Troubleshoots ‘computer unreachable’, ‘measuring bandwidth’ issues, allows remote connections over internet.
  • Optimized Latency & Quality: Offers high-quality streaming with optimized latency developed natively.
  • Useful Bundles: Media Feature pack and support for 3D SBS movies.
  • AWS-Meta Collaboration: AWS collaborates with the manufacturer, Meta, creating desktops in cloud-based VR.
  • Hardware Compatibility: Supports Oculus Go, GearVR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive.
Feature Description
Multi-Tasking Resizes screens for multi-tasking in a VR environment. Offers access to applications like Microsoft Office, media players, and photo editing software on Oculus Rift.
Connection Connects wirelessly over Wi-Fi and facilitates use of Bluetooth peripherals for navigation and input.
Unlimited Screen Space Enables setting of multiple virtual monitors within VR realm.

Virtual Desktop Limitations

  • No ‘free-to-play’ option, purchase required across platforms.
  • Does not support Mac for gaming functionality.
  • Compatibility issues with some games, issues with antivirus software blocking connections.
  • Not recommended for computers running VPN software.
  • Some elements, like viewing the main desktop, appear stretched out with a lower resolution.

Virtual Desktop Pricing

Virtual Desktop requires purchase across platforms including Oculus Store, Itch.io, or Patreon. Refunds available via Steam.

Virtual Desktop Use Cases

Use case 1

Optimal for remote workers needing to turn their space into a VR productivity hub. Provides unlimited screen space, multitasking potential, and cloud VR courtesy of AWS-Meta collaboration.

Use case 2

Fits the mold for gamers wanting an immersive virtual experience, with hours of play facilitated by optimized latency and high-quality streaming.

Use case 3

Ideal for entertainment aficionados consuming media content, using DRM solution-friendly browsers for experiencing Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services in VR.


Immerse yourself in the world of WMR, Windows Mixed Reality, Microsoft’s unique blend of VR/AR standards, crafted to redefine interaction.

WMR’s Best Features

  • Blended VR/AR: The perfect fusion of AR and VR creates an immerse yet realistic experience.
  • Integrated Sensors: Deals away the need for external sensors and enables motion tracking.
  • Compatibility: Surfy compatibility with SteamVR, leveraging a broader content asset.
  • Handset Partners: A rich array of choices from leading tech companies including Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung.
Converging Experiences Microsoft believes in a future where VR and AR experiences converge, leading to seamless, singular experiences.
Comfortable Pricing Pricing starts at a user-friendly $299, making it more accessible than several competitors.
Rising Adoption WMR continues to expand its user base, indicating a growing trust in Mixed Reality experiences.

WMR Limitations

  • The low Field of View (FOV) tracking sometimes poses a challenge for hand-controller synchronisation.
  • Mixed reality headsets pose a problem for people seeking a “hands-free” experience.
  • WMR’s biggest hindrance is its current unavailability on major consoles.

WMR Pricing

Earthy pricing is one of WMR’s strengths. Headsets start at a sensible $299, making it more accessible to a larger audience.

WMR Use Cases

Use case 1

As a first-time VR user, you’ll find WMR’s refined tech and user-friendly environment quite appealing.

Use case 2

If you’re a professional, the VR applicability offered through Mixed Reality on SharePoint extends into the workspace offering unique opportunities.

Use case 3

Are you a PC user? Run your desktop PC in a virtual environment, access Microsoft Edge for web browsing or enjoy high-end gaming sans headset with WMR.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.