For professional product designers seeking for advanced operations, seamless collaborations and cloud-native solutions, Onshape is preferred. However, FreeCAD, a general-purpose, adaptable modeler with open-source status offers the perfect alternative for those seeking a cost-free choice.

Onshape and FreeCAD compared

Key Differences Between Onshape and FreeCAD

  • Professionals seeking advanced, cloud-based CAD solutions will prefer Onshape’s feature-rich environment, while FreeCAD is better suited for general-purpose modeling needs.
  • Development environment: Onshape is cloud-native with no downloads needed, accessible via any modern web browser, whereas FreeCAD requires installation and is compatible with Linux, macOS, Windows.
  • Price: Onshape operates under a proprietary model while FreeCAD is free and open-source software.
  • Onshape offers real-time data management and strict IP protection which are absent in FreeCAD.
  • Onshape supports common CAD file formats including STEP (ISO 10303), ISO JT (ISO 14306), Parasolid XT, ACIS, while FreeCAD supports DXF, SVG, STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, DAE, SCAD, IV, IFC.
Comparison Onshape FreeCAD
Type Cloud-native product development platform General-purpose 3D CAD modeler, BIM software
Deployment Cloud (SaaS), Cross-platform (Web, iOS, Android) Desktop (Linux, macOS, Windows)
Extension Support REST APIs available Python plugins
Data Security Role-based access control, real-time data management Dependent on end-user
Interoperability STEP, ISO JT, Parasolid XT, ACIS, etc. DXF, SVG, STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, DAE, SCAD, IV, IFC
Special Features Integrated PDM, real-time design reviews, CAD-to-PML cloud connectivity FEM support, 3D-to-2D drawing conversion, G-code for 3D printing
Primary Audience Consumer electronics, mechanical machinery, medical devices, 3D printing, machine parts, industrial equipment industries Mechanical engineering, broadened to architecture, electrical, construction, AEC etc.

What Is Onshape and Who’s It For?

Onshape is a cutting-edge, cloud-native product development platform, delivering a fusion of full-featured CAD, enterprise analytics and integrated PDM in a single, cohesive system. Born from the ingenious minds of former SolidWorks engineers, Onshape caters to a vast spectrum of industries, from consumer electronics and mechanical machinery to medical devices and 3D printing.

Built for speed and security, Onshape brilliantly optimizes product development, enabling designers, engineers, contractors, and suppliers to operate seamlessly on a global scale. Emphasizing design over logistical challenges, Onshape is ideal for those seeking to minimize IT footprint and maximize efficiency.

Colorful group of engineers at a high-tech workstation

Pros of Onshape

  • Cloud-native, ensuring fast deployment across various devices
  • Zero IT Footprint, no additional software or licenses required
  • Real-time data management and collaboration
  • Effective IP Protection and access control
  • Integrations with Onshape-Arena and several other systems via REST APIs

Cons of Onshape

  • May require some learning curve for unseasoned CAD users
  • Subscription model may not suit all budgets
  • Some advanced features might be missing compared to traditional CAD software

What Is FreeCAD and Who’s It For?

FreeCAD is an open-source, general-purpose 3D CAD modeler boasting extensive application across domains. Power-packed with features, it’s not confined to mechanical engineering design, but teems with potential for broader engineering and architectural uses.

FreeCAD offers users an adaptable, extendable tool, compatible with several platforms, and armed with FEM support. It’s ideal for professionals who require a feature-based parametric modeler and those wishing to smooth the transition from 3D to 2D via a 2D component.

Colorful engineer working on a complex 3D model

Pros of FreeCAD

  • Free, open-source, and adaptable with Python
  • Broad compatibility (Linux, macOS, Windows)
  • Capability to simulate real-life objects
  • Offers 3D printing support via G-code

Cons of FreeCAD

  • Limited direct 2D drawing capability
  • Some features require third-party plugins
  • Had experienced issues with DWG support due to software license restrictions

Onshape or FreeCAD | Down to the Wire

A pivotal decision in your tech journey awaits: Onshape or FreeCAD? Each offers unique benefits, and the right choice depends on your audience segment. Let’s cut through the fog.

Designers Surfing the Cloud

Onshape is your companion for cloud-native product design. It offers comprehensive CAD functionality, PDM integration, and transformative enterprise analytics. Boasting real-time collaboration, design alteration without disrupting your teammates’ focus, and immediate specification-sharing with manufacturing units, Onshape empowers remote teamwork. Additionally, the zero IT footprint means engineers can direct more energy towards innovation, not software hiccups.

A cross-functional design team collaborating via Onshape on various devices in a virtual meeting room

CAD Enthusiasts Venturing into the Opensource

For advocates of free and open-source software, FreeCAD is your clear choice. This software offers a functionality akin to premium CAD software such as CATIA, SolidWorks, and NX. With feature-based parametric modeling and Python-powered extendability, FreeCAD allows for effortless adjustments and customization. Plus, the FEM support and G-code compatibility make it ideal for advanced CAD tasks.

A game developer creating a 3D model on FreeCAD, showcasing the software's open-source flexibility and power

Frustrated with Compulsory Add-on Payments

If avoiding additional licenses and subscriptions is your key priority, Onshape comes out on top. It allows instant sharing of product specs with your manufacturing teams or suppliers without requiring extra licenses. Meanwhile, FreeCAD’s GNU LibreDWG library for DWG support raises some licensing questions.

A project manager reviewing CAD designs on Onshape, appreciating the absence of compulsory additional software or licenses

Tackling Unnecessary IT Overheads: For organizations seeking to minimize IT hassle, Onshape’s zero-footprint approach eliminates compatibility issues, file locking, and software troubleshooting. Conversely, FreeCAD does require system downloads and investigations.

An IT manager swiftly provisioning and deprovisioning seats on Onshape, relishing the reduced IT overheads

Driven by Data-security Considerations

When securing Intellectual Property is paramount, Onshape‘s stringent access control, instant revocation, and continuous data risk mitigation mean nothing prevents you from safeguarding your designs. Whereas FreeCAD, as an open-source solution, lacks these robust security features.

A CTO adjusting data-access permissions on Onshape for various stakeholders, ensuring tight control over their intellectual property

When it comes to Onshape vs FreeCAD, the verdict stands: For cloud-based, collaborative design with a strong emphasis on data security, choose Onshape. For open-source enthusiasts seeking feature-rich tools and extendability, go for FreeCAD.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.