Open3D and Panda3D are top-tier 3D software libraries. Opt for Open3D if you delve into 3D machine learning tasks and need optimized, parallelization-capable backends. Panda3D reigns supreme when developing complex 3D games, thanks to its comprehensive suite of features for 3D game creation.

Comparing Open3D and Panda3D

Key Differences Between Open3D and Panda3D

  • Coding: Both support Python and C++, but Open3D optimizes 3D machine learning tasks while Panda3D specializes in 3D game creation.
  • Features: Open3D offers 3D data structures, processing algorithms, and GPU acceleration, while Panda3D provides functionality for graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection.
  • Usage: Open3D is used for 3D data software development, Panda3D for 3D rendering and game development.
  • Support: Open3D offers community channels for support, while Panda3D provides extensive documentation and community support.
Comparison Open3D Panda3D
Primary Use 3D data software development 3D rendering and game development
Language Support C++, Python C++, Python
Physically Based Rendering (PBR) & GPU Acceleration Supported Supported through custom shaders
Machine Learning Compatibility Compatible with PyTorch, TensorFlow Not directly mentioned
3D Visualization Tools Yes Yes
Software Package Compatibility Ubuntu 18.04, macOS 10.15, Windows 10, Python 3.7-3.10 Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Free BSD
License Requirement Citation of Zhou2018 work Revised BSD license for versions after May 28, 2008
3D Game Creation Tools Not specifically mentioned Yes, including graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection
Community and Support Github Issue, Forum, Discord Chat Bug reports via GitHub, financial support through OpenCollective, extensive documentation, community support

What Is Open3D and Who’s It For?

An open-source library in the realm of 3D data software development, Open3D caters for both C++ and Python developers. It boasts a backend that’s highly optimized for managing computations with brisk efficiency. Sporting a robust set of features, it’s pertinent for 3D data structures, processing algorithms, scene reconstruction, surface alignment, and 3D visualization. Built compatible with PyTorch and TensorFlow, it extends a helpful hand for 3D machine learning tasks.

Open3D’s clientele ranges from developers working on 3D data software, researchers deep in machine learning, to tech hobbyists intrigued by the world of 3D construction and visualization. Its standalone 3D viewer app caters to all three major operating systems, Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows.

Colorful 3D rendering of a complex data structure in a high tech lab

Pros of Open3D

  • Offers both C++ and Python support
  • Optimized backend with the capability for parallelization
  • Built compatible with major machine learning platforms, PyTorch, TensorFlow
  • Comes with a standalone 3D viewer app

Cons of Open3D

  • Linux support limited to Ubuntu 18.04
  • Crediting required with citation of Zhou2018 work

What Is Panda3D and Who’s It For?

Panda3D is a powerful game engine tailored for 3D rendering and game development in Python and C++. Conceived initially by Disney Interactive and later expansively developed, it offers full-spectrum functionalities for 3D creation. A gift to the open-source world since 2002, Panda3D operates on Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, and Free BSD. Centered on a scene-graph engine, it molds the game programming in Cartesian space.

It is not just a hobbyist tool but a professional kit wielded by commercial game developers, educationists for university courses, and open-source passion projects. Its comprehensive set of resources like 3D audio, physics system, collision detection, keyboard and mouse support mingles with sturdy capabilities like state machines, networking, AI.

Colorful 3D gaming character set in an engaging computer-generated landscape

Pros of Panda3D

  • Provides support for Python and C++
  • Bundled with numerous features to aid 3D game creation
  • Robust community support and extensive documentation
  • Used in large commercial games, open-source projects, university courses

Cons of Panda3D

  • Requires basic knowledge of Python and APIs, not intended for beginners
  • Specific building and configuration instructions for each OS

Open3D vs Panda3D: Pricing

In comparison, both Open3D and Panda3D are open-source solutions, making them free to access and utilize for 3D software development and game engine respectively.


Open3D operates as an open-source library targeted at 3D data software development. With its offering available at no charge, users can leverage its optimized backend, 3D data structures, processing algorithms, surface alignment, and more, all without associated costs. However, users are required to credit Zhou2018 work following usage of this technology.


Similarly, Panda3D stands as a free and open-source game engine, facilitating 3D rendering and comprehensive game development. It encourages a dynamic development environment with no upfront or hidden charges. The solution does, however, accept voluntary financial contributions through its OpenCollective campaign.

Code Examples for Open3D & Panda3D


Explores the use of RANSAC for plane segmentation. Prerequisite: Open3D Python package. Output: A visualization of identified planar segments in distinct colors.

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

# Load data
pcd ="example.pcd")

# Plane segmentation
plane_model, inliers = pcd.segment_plane(distance_threshold=0.01, ransac_n=3, num_iterations=1000)

# Extract inliers
inlier_cloud = pcd.select_by_index(inliers)

# Visualize in different colors
inlier_cloud.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0])
outlier_cloud = pcd.select_by_index(inliers, invert=True)
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([inlier_cloud, outlier_cloud])


Illustrates basic manual animation of a cube’s three different sides. Requirement: Panda3D. Output: A cube spinning in three different directions at varying speeds.

from panda3d.core import LPoint3, LVector3
from panda3d.core import PointLight, AmbientLight
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

class MyApp(ShowBase):

    def __init__(self):
        # Load cubical object = self.loader.loadModel("box"), 0.5, 0.5)

        # Animation task
        self.task_mgr.add(self.spin_camera_task, "spin_camera_task")

    # Spin camera task
    def spin_camera_task(self, task):
        angle_degrees = task.time * 3.0
        angle_radians = angle_degrees * (np.pi / 180.0) * np.sin(angle_radians), -20.0 * np.cos(angle_radians), 3)
        return task.cont

app = MyApp()

The Choice: Open3D vs Panda3D

The battle between Open3D and Panda3D has come to a decisive end. Which one should you choose? Let’s deliver the verdict based on specific audience segments.

3D Data Enthusiasts: Scientists, Researchers, & Analysts

If you find yourself entrenched in 3D data processing, Open3D pulls ahead. With features like physically based rendering and its compatibility with TensorFlow and Pytorch, Open3D will serve your 3D machine learning tasks well. It’s also supported across a wider variety of platforms, including Ubuntu 18.04, macOS 10.15, and Windows 10.

Professional Game Developers

For game developers aiming to create immersive 3D games, Panda3D outperforms. Originally from Disney VR studios, Panda3D’s strong game development focus, encapsulating audio, I/O, collision detection, custom shaders, and more, put it ahead. Remember, it’s not for beginners – this engine requires an understanding of Python and APIs.

An experienced game developer designing a 3D character using Panda3D on a triple monitor setup

Open Source Community Contributors & Learning Acolytes

For those invested in the open-source community or focused on continual learning, both platforms offer intriguing value. Panda3D scores with its extensive documentation and established support avenues. Open3D, however, boasts community channels via Github Issue, Forum, Discord Chat, making it a hotbed for innovation and discussion.

Open-source aficionado contributing to a 3D tech project, learning new skills on her laptop

In the rift between Open3D vs Panda3D, your aims dictate your choice. If intensive 3D data tasks and machine learning get your pulse racing, Open3D is your champion. However, for professional-grade game development, Panda3D roars. Lastly, the open-source community is well-served by both, tipping the balance on personal preference.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.