OpenCart is a free, open-source e-commerce platform founded by Daniel Kerr, currently used by 292,051 live websites. It offers customizable store features, different user access roles, and a range of extensions. While suitable for businesses with basic web experience, it may require technical knowledge for performance optimization.

OpenCart alternatives 2024

For those exploring alternatives to OpenCart, options to consider are Magento, PrestaShop, Adobe Commerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, Joomla, Squarespace, Blogger, React, HTML.



Meet Magento, a powerful open-source platform for ecommerce, shaping the industry since its launch in 2008. With a global family of over 250,000 merchants and a 30% total market share, Magento offers comprehensive solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Magento Top Features

  • Three editions tailored for specific needs; Magento Community for small to medium businesses, Magento Commerce for larger clientele with vast product catalogs, and Magento Commerce Cloud with advanced functionalities for big enterprises.
  • Maintains a broad market presence with over 250,000 merchants worldwide.
  • Offers robust security, especially in the Enterprise Edition that complies with PA-DSS to protect sensitive customer information.
  • Provides technical support services within Magento’s functionality.
Magento Editions Primary Users
Magento Community Small to Medium Businesses
Magento Commerce Large Businesses
Magento Commerce Cloud Large Enterprises

Magento Limitations

  • Cost for support and maintenance can be high, starting from $22,250+/year in addition to other development and operating costs.
  • The complex nature of the platform might pose usability issues for small businesses or those who prefer simplicity.

Magento Pricing

The comprehensive nature of Magento comes with a cost. The total development fee for Magento Community can range from $12,000-57,000+, while Magento Commerce licenses, tied to annual sales, range from $22,000 to $125,000. Magento reviews prices yearly, so changes might occur. Do note that licensing for Magento is free, but costs apply for Commerce and Commerce Cloud editions.

Magento Use Cases

Use case 1: Large Enterprises

Magento stands as a proven partner for large enterprises. The advanced functions of the Magento Commerce Cloud edition specifically cater to the expansive needs of big businesses, offering a robust ecommerce solution.

Use case 2: Businesses with Large Product Catalogs

Businesses with extensive product catalogs can reap substantial value from the Magento Commerce edition. It’s specifically optimized for handling large product lists, ensuring performance enhancements.

Use case 3: Small to Medium Businesses

The Magento Community edition, now known as Magento Open Source, is tailored for small to medium businesses, offering right-sized solutions for this segment. It’s a strategic choice for SMEs embarking on their ecommerce journey.



An open-source eCommerce solution born and raised in the heart of Paris, PrestaShop stands as a mighty titan on the landscape of online marketplaces. Born initially as a twinkling PHPopenStore at EPITECH IT School in 2005, it transformed itself into the formidable PrestaShop. Over time, it has grown into an international eCommerce powerhouse with a clientele of over 300K merchants.

PrestaShop Top Features

  • Wide array of customizable themes for that signature store look.
  • Add-on modules to extend functionalities. Because who doesn’t like a technology Swiss knife?
  • Translation into 75 languages. Yes, it’s practically the United Nations of eCommerce solutions!
  • Secure transactions via SSL and HTTPS protocol. Rest easy, your data is safer than a Swiss vault.
  • SEO and mobile-friendly. It’s the friend every online biz wants!
Admin Capabilities Inventory management, SEO capabilities, custom promotions, advanced navigation & search, multiple-store management. Now, who’s the boss?
Add-ons With names like Advanced Search 4, Google Tag Manager, PrestaShop Super Speed Addon, and much more, PrestaShop offers a superhero utility belt for your online store.

PrestaShop Downsides

  • While the platform is free, prepare for additional costs for those extra shiny features.
  • Some tech chops needed. PrestaShop may require some developer skills.
  • Incompatible modules may is like having unwanted guests at a dinner party. Quite a party pooper!

PrestaShop Pricing

How does FREE sound? Yes, you heard it right, PrestaShop is an open-source platform that lets you set up shop without breaking your bank. Though be ready to shell out some cash for shiny extra features.

PrestaShop Use Cases

Use case 1

With its translation capabilities, PrestaShop shines for businesses aiming for global reach. It’s an eCommerce tower of Babel without the confusion!

Use case 2

SEO-friendly and mobile-ready, PrestaShop is a game-changer for businesses fishing for organic traffic. Because who needs to chase when you can attract, right?

Use case 3

Security is a priority for PrestaShop. With secure transactions, it’s a fortress that keeps the barbarians at the gate. Ideal for cautious businesses!



Introducing Blogger, a platform esteemed for its impressive focus on user experience in the ecommerce space. Famed for boosting conversion rates by almost 400%, Blogger has designed its platform to be customer-centric, ensuring consistent and easy use for all.

Blogger Best Features

  • User-focused design: Significant impact on customer retention
  • High conversion rate: 400% increase with pleasurable user experience
  • Smart product search: Necessary for quick product find
  • Brand identity alignment: Ensures consistent messaging and reinforces product quality
  • Interactive layouts and dynamic pages: Fresh ecommerce design trends
  • Mobile optimization: Over half of users engage with a mobile-friendly store
  • Live chat support: Immediate assistance enhances customer satisfaction
  • Secure checkout: Boosts customer confidence and credibility
Feature Benefit
AI Integration for personalized experience Boosts conversion rates and enhances user experience
Responsive design Seamless display on various devices
Narrative storytelling Helps in authenticating product pages
Streamlined, tiered structure Guides customers effectively through the homepage

Blogger Limitations

  • No explicit mention of professional photos or high-quality images
  • Lack of transparency concerning technical certifications
  • Underlying complexity with vast ecommerce designs

Blogger Use Cases

Use Case 1: Website Design

In the world of web design, Blogger shines with its emphasis on user interaction and overall brand representation. Its comprehensive design scope, encompassing layout, color palette, typography, and content, provides an enriched user experience.

Use Case 2: Ecommerce Stores

Blogger lends itself impressively to ecommerce. With considerations for filters in large inventory stores and streamlined homepage designs, Blogger elevates the shopping experience while reducing cart abandonment rates.

Use Case 3: Social Commerce

Blogger robustly supports social commerce. Its emphasis on customer reviews and mobile design optimization helps brands connect more deeply with their customers, thereby driving heightened comfort and confidence in purchases.


The creation of Facebook, ReactJS, is an open-source, JavaScript Library designed for the creation of dynamic, interactive applications. It offers superior UI/UX design for web and mobile applications, with a key focus on UI. React was first deployed in 2011 by Facebook engineer Jordan Walke and has since risen to popularity, beating out numerous JavaScript libraries due to its exceptional performance attributed to the virtual DOM.

React Top Features

  • JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX) allows HTML structures within the JavaScript code.
  • Virtual DOM and one-way data flow enhance performance.
  • Support of server-side rendering, making it SEO-friendly and enabling faster load times.
  • Modularity through reusable UI components that improve development and debugging processes.
  • React Native for mobile application development.
React 16 Features Error boundaries, portals, fragments, and Fiber architecture
React 18 Features Automatic batching, transitions, suspense on the server
React 18 APIs createRoot, hydrateRoot, renderToPipeableStream, renderToReadableStream
React 18 Hooks useId, useTransition, useDeferredValue, useSyncExternalStore, useInsertionEffect

React Limitations

  • ReactDOM.render and renderToString deprecated with React 18.
  • Needs npm installation of React and React DOM, and use of createRoot instead of render for app rendering in React 18 upgrade.

React Pricing

ReactJS is open-source and free to use, fostering its wide adoption in the developer community.

React Use Cases

User Scenarios

Web Application Development: With robust extensions and high-performance features, React is apt for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

UI/UX Design

App Interface Design: Component-based structure of React allows for creation of sleek user interfaces and superior user experiences in mobile and web applications.

Mobile Application Development

React Native: Pioneered by React, mobile application development is simplified and optimized.


The pillar of web content creation, HTML, paired with CSS and JavaScript, allows for aesthetic and interactive web experiences and is instrumental in creating effective business branding tools.

HTML Top Features

  • Enables website structure creation with crucial div tags
  • Unlimited customization options, including layout, color, fonts through CSS
  • Integrates JavaScript for interactive, dynamic web pages
  • Offers comprehensive webpage components, from Hero section to FAQ, Products, News, and Terms and Conditions sections
Feature Benefit
Transform Property Allows rotation, scaling, and moving elements for engaging user experiences
:hover Changes element color upon cursor hovering, increasing content interactivity
Free HTML Website creation Available on W3Schools, aiding budget planning for businesses

HTML Downsides

  • Requires understanding of CSS and JavaScript for fully interactive, aesthetic sites
  • High costs can incur with third party integrations, CMS, SEO services, and site maintenance

HTML Pricing

While basic HTML website creation is free on W3Schools, a comprehensive eCommerce site built with HTML will require additional costs. These may include domain registration, hosting, website design UX, website development, CMS, SEO, digital marketing, and security.

HTML Use Cases

Use case 1

HTML is perfect for businesses that desire a fully customizable, interactive website with advanced features such as products display and cursor movement.

Use case 2

For individual website creators, HTML’s free web creation platform and accessible resources can serve as an advantageous starting point.

Use case 3

ECommerce platform developers can leverage HTML’s capabilities to build functional and dynamic online shopping websites with intricate features.

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce, formerly Magento Commerce, is a cloud-based, fully integrated extension of Adobe’s suite, offering an extensive toolkit for eCommerce ventures large and small. Acquired by Adobe in 2018 and launched a year later, its prowess is evident, powering over 141,800 websites worldwide, with notable clients like Coca-Cola, Nike, and Samsung.

Adobe Commerce Top Features

  • Integration with Adobe tools: Integrates seamlessly with various Adobe Experience Cloud tools, like Adobe Analytics Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Advertising Cloud, and Experience Manager, ensuring a streamlined experience.
  • Customization: Offers open-source system that allows significant customization, while Magento’s PHP foundation enables a wide range of complex developments.
  • Responsive Web Design: Adobe Commerce provides a fluid user experience across multiple devices, ensuring your eCommerce site is accessible to all.
  • SEO friendliness: Comes with SEO-friendly best practices. From generating Google sitemaps to producing custom meta keywords and descriptions, it contributes to your search engine visibility.
  • Reporting functionality: Plays host to an intuitive, comprehensive suite of analytical tools.
Feature Description
Marketplace Extensions There’s an opportunity to enhance website functionality by purchasing marketplace extensions.
Content Management System Magento Adobe Commerce’s content management system enables easy product upload.
Technologies Uses modern technologies like cross-browser compatibility and Augmented Reality for better user engagement.

Adobe Commerce Limitations

  • High Development Cost: The setup process can be costly, often exceeding six figures for enterprise-level developments.
  • Licensing Fee: An additional burden to consider would be licensing fees for Adobe software.
  • Limitation of Open-source: Modifications on the open-source Magento system can further increase the cost.

Adobe Commerce Pricing

Adobe Commerce follows an opaque pricing model, with costs varying with the build complexity and required integrations. While the Open-source version is free, there are additional costs for hosting, development, and extensions. However, the cloud-based nature of Adobe Commerce means you do not have to worry about transaction or credit card fees.

Adobe Commerce Use Cases

Use case 1: Large Companies

With powerful integrations, robust features and the ability to handle complex requirements, Adobe Commerce is enjoyed by multinationals like Nike and Samsung. The substantial investment required is justified by its versatile offerings for large businesses.

Use case 2: Small to Medium Businesses

For smaller enterprises, the Adobe Cloud for small to medium businesses presents an effective solution. Despite requiring an investment, the seamless user experience and comprehensive tools make it a worthy contender for growing businesses.

Use case 3: Businesses Looking for Customization

For businesses with unique selling scenarios or niche requirements, Adobe Commerce’s “Differentiate through Development” approach provides the solutions. Customization is a strong point of Adobe Commerce, given the source code access provided by its open-source nature.



Meet WooCommerce, a popular, open-source ecommerce platform designed to take your WordPress site to the next level by integrating a comprehensive online store module. Charging ahead with over 3.9 million applications, this robust and user-friendly extension champions flexibility, catering to small to large business owners.

WooCommerce Best Features

  • Aesthetically pleasing online store set-ups, all designed to offer an excellent user experience.
  • Full customization abilities make your store uniquely yours.
  • Packed with secure payment portals, inventory management, tax rates adjustment, and effective lead capture.
  • Access to Woo Express and a vibrant marketplace enriched with extensions and themes.
  • Close integration with over 140 payment gateways for convenient transactions.
Key Attribute Benefit
Mobile-ready designs Expands reach to mobile audience
Live chat Immediate customer engagement
SEO Enhances online visibility
Social Media Integration Increases reach and builds brand

WooCommerce Limitations

  • WooCommerce is compatible only with WordPress, which can limit its application for non-WordPress users.

WooCommerce Pricing

As an open-source extension of WordPress, WooCommerce offers its core features free of charge.

WooCommerce Use Cases

Use case 1: High Volume Stores

Autonomous customization options make WooCommerce a champion for high volume stores seeking a personalized ecommerce experience.

Use case 2: WordPress Site Owners

For existing WordPress site owners, WooCommerce swiftly converts your site into an online store; a seamless transition to ecommerce.

Use case 3: Aesthetic Connoisseurs

Those seeking a beautifully laid-out online store with outstanding user experience will find WooCommerce an unbeatable contender.



Shopify is a prominent player in the eCommerce landscape, known for offering pre-made and budget-friendly templates for eCommerce websites. This platform could be an ideal choice if you’re looking for a sleuth of design options that come at a fraction of a cost of custom designs.

Shopify Top Features

  • Wide Range of Pre-made Templates: Shopify offers diverse predesigned templates, facilitating quick and cost-effective website creation.
  • Customizable Themes: Shopify enables store owners to tailor their site’s aesthetics according to their distinct brand identity using custom-designed themes.
  • Integration Capabilities: Shopify themes can seamlessly integrate with custom ERP or CRM systems, enhancing your store’s functionality.
  • SEO-Driven: Shopify recognizes the value of SEO, driving a significant portion of eCommerce sales from search engines.
Feature Details
User Engagement Features Including search functionality, promotion and discount tools, newsletter sign-ups, related items’ section, wishlist creation, and product reviews.
Page Specific Design Options Shopify provides unique page templates for different sections like product pages, blog pages, category pages etc.

Shopify Limitations

  • Absence of Unique Aesthetics: The pre-made templates may not align with your brand’s specific aesthetic or uniqueness.
  • Additional Costs: Custom design or needing additional functionalities will require additional investment.

Shopify Pricing

Shopify pricing can range from a monthly subscription of $29.99 to $299.99. Additional costs include theme/template purchases, custom website design, and additional functionality development, with extensive projects potentially hitting the $100,000+ mark.

Shopify Use Cases

Use case 1: Budget-Friendly eCommerce Site Building

For those looking to build an eCommerce website on a budget, Shopify’s pre-made templates serve as an efficient and economical solution.

Use case 2: Customizable eCommerce Store

Businesses with specific branding requirements can customize their Shopify store using custom-designed themes and additional functionalities.

Use case 3: Quick Store Launching

Merchants looking to launch swiftly can leverage the Accelerator Programme by Eastside Co which is built on Shopify’s framework. This allows stores to be active in under four weeks.



A giant in the website-building realm, WordPress powers a whopping 40% of the worldwide web. Renowned for its versatility and creativity-friendly framework, it also doubles as an eCommerce platform when graced with the formidable WooCommerce plugin.

WordPress Top Features

  • Overwhelming Market Presence: Dominates with a hefty 64% market share in the CMS arena.
  • Widespread Usage: Powers around 70% of all websites on the web.
  • WooCommerce: Trusted by 5 million live websites, it constitutes over 30% of online stores.
  • Customization Capabilities: Offers over 1,200 eCommerce-focused themes and plugins for virtual product booking, upselling, pre-ordering, and more.
  • SEO-friendly: SEO plugins like Yoast help create SEO optimized site.
Convenience: Automated updates, rollback options, and a staging site for product testing make site management a breeze.
Inventory: Manage orders, track shipments, and get real-time shipping prices.
Security: High-performance DNS with SSL and at-a-glance stat views ensure optimum site security.

WordPress Downsides

  • Occasional plugin compatibility issues.
  • Primarily not an eCommerce CMS, requires WooCommerce.
  • High custom design and development costs.

WordPress Pricing

Although the core platform is free, expenses pile up including domain registration, SSL and other essentials costing from $15-$50 monthly. Custom design might leave you $1,000-$10,000 lighter while custom development starts at $25,000. Average monthly hosting is around $20 with additional transaction fees for WooCommerce and PayPal of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

WordPress Use Cases

Use case 1: Small Business eCommerce

The WooCommerce plugin turns WordPress into a potent eCommerce platform, ideal for small businesses aiming for an online retail presence without overextending the budget.

Use case 2: Bloggers and Content Creators

WordPress’s strong suit lies in content management, making it the number one choice for bloggers and content creators.

Use case 3: SEO-focused Websites

Aiming for higher Google rankings? WordPress, with its strong SEO capabilities fronted by plugins like Yoast, could be your match.



An open-source eCommerce platform, Drupal offers intuitive and flexible solutions for businesses across the globe. Powered by a vibrant community of developers, Drupal accommodates your unique business growth needs.

Drupal Top Features

  • Customizable design: Offers extensive customization options for designing appeal and responsive eCommerce websites.
  • Global Support: Provides support for international currency, tax, and language requirements.
  • Community-Driven Development: Frequent innovations thanks to a robust developer community of over 45,000 contributing members.
  • Professional Support: Dedicated professional assistance available through Centarro.
  • Responsive for Mobile Devices: Fully responsive and mobile-ready eCommerce sites allowing platform reach and adaptibility.
Feature Benefit
Headless Commerce Backend Through JSON:API or custom REST resources, Drupal allows the construction of a robust backend solution for your eCommerce.
Multilingual Site Creation Facilitates the making of multilingual online presence via inbuilt modules on Drupal 9.
Integration with other platforms Capability to connect your eCommerce website with platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, thereby expanding your reach.

Drupal Downsides

  • Initial setup and acclimatization might prove to be a challenge for novices in Drupal.
  • While there are extensive customization options available, leveraging them requires technical understanding.
  • The cost factor can be prohibitive for some businesses, especially those with complex needs and requirements.

Drupal Pricing

Drupal website development prices vary per region and depend on customization requirements, website size, and project complexity. A basic website’s cost ranges from $1000 to $10,000, while large-scale business websites can range from $10,000 to $42,000. Custom Drupal Commerce Website development can range between $50K-$100K.

Drupal Use Cases

Use case 1: Building a multinational eCommerce business

Drupal provides global support for multiple currencies, taxes, and languages, making it the right solution for a multinational eCommerce business looking for growth.

Use case 2: Creating a Customized eCommerce Platform

With extensive design customization and integration options, Drupal is ideal for businesses in need of a personalized eCommerce platform that stands out.

Use case 3: Mobile-First eCommerce Businesses

Aspiring for a mobile-ready eCommerce business? Drupal’s responsive design ensures your website adapts to different platforms, including mobile devices, effortlessly.


When it comes to eCommerce development, Laravel shines as a popular PHP framework. Leveraging object-oriented programming libraries and embracing elegance in syntax, it’s a preferred choice for both novice and seasoned developers.

Laravel Top Features

  • Scalability: Laravel boasts high scalability features, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Security: Laravel provides robust server-side and application-side security features to ensure safe and smooth transactions.
  • Ecosystem: With inbuilt libraries and pre-installed packages, Laravel makes way for comprehensive, modern eCommerce site development.
  • Community Support: A dedicated and passionate community always ready to assist, giving Laravel a rich ecosystem.
Feature Description
Market share A strong 35.87% hold among PHP frameworks.
Use in eCommerce Empowers 1,111 eCommerce websites.
Security Features Offers a plethora of security features, including end-to-end encryption.

Laravel Limitations

  • While Laravel touts great scalability, it may require significant planning and evaluation for large-scale projects.
  • Its expressive syntax might pose a learning curve for those new to such style.

Laravel Use Cases

Use Case 1: Online Storefronts

Laravel is ideal for building storefronts, with capabilities to integrate user-friendly interfaces like mailing lists. It equips you with the ability to develop custom features and functionalities, ensuring seamless user experiences.

Use Case 2: Web and Mobile Applications

In the age of smart devices, Laravel supports web and mobile app development, helping businesses to reach wider audiences.

Use Case 3: Secure eCommerce sites

With Laravel, you can leverage high-level security features to protect sensitive customer data and ensure secure transactions.



Immerse in the powerful, open-source world of Joomla. This reputable content management system (CMS) embarks on creating dynamic websites and applications with an intuitive interface and flexible development environment.

Top Joomla Features

  • Extensive CMS Capabilities: Ideal for every type of website, Joomla can morph into a captivating blog or a fully functioning e-commerce store.
  • Enhanced SEO Practices: Uses best practices for SEO to remain competitive in the digital arena.
  • Comprehensive Design & Development Services: From installation to development and marketing, Joomla offers a complete service spectrum.
  • Expandable E-commerce Platform: Transforms seamlessly into an e-commerce platform with the recommended add-on, Hikashop for easy product management and shipping options.
  • Adherence to Accessibility Guidelines: Joomla ensures compliance to W3C Accessibility guidelines for full page accessibility.
Feature Description
Hosting Plans Integration Integrated with Core Shared or Advance hosting plans from EuroDNS
Wide Range of Extensions Over 6,000 Joomla extensions available for customization and securing e-commerce websites
Model-View-Controller Architecture Features front controller and both frontend and backend interfaces for better management

Joomla Limitations

  • Lack of native e-commerce capability, dependent on plugins for full functionality.
  • Steep learning curve compared to other CMS options like Wix and Adobe Business Catalyst.
  • Some users report that the interface is less intuitive if compared to other similar platforms.

Joomla Pricing

Joomla is a free and open-source CMS. While the core tool is free, enhancements and customizations via various plugins/extensions may incur minimal costs.

Joomla Use Cases

Use Case 1: E-commerce Store

Through diverse extensions and design flexibility, Joomla assists you in creating high-performing online stores integrated to the EuroDNS hosting plans.

Use Case 2: Business Marketing

Joomla aids in effective online presence management and business marketing, making it a favorite among web design professionals.

Use Case 3: Internationalization

For businesses targeting international audiences, Joomla grants support to language internationalization for optimal reach and engagement.


A well-recognized name in the field of website builders, Squarespace stands tall with its primary emphasis on crafting visually striking websites and facilitating a robust platform for e-commerce and online store creation. Functionality extends from free website trials, curated templates, versatile ecommerce tools, to 24/7 support.

Top Features of Squarespace

  1. Squarespace Blueprint: To customize template designs according to the brand’s needs.
  2. Capability to create and manage unlimited products, including physical and digital products, and services.
  3. A fully integrated shopping cart and multiple payment gateways.
  4. Powerful analytic tools that provide insights into visitor behavior and sales tracking.
  5. Enables scheduling of appointments, selling of classes, establishing membership sites, and community gating.
Squarespace Commerce A dedicated platform for online stores with no transaction limit and centralized inventory management.
Squarespace Extensions An exclusive store housing limited apps for enhanced functionality.
Integration Squarespace is tightly integrated with popular platforms like Mailchimp and social media sites for optimum marketing benefits.

Squarespace Limitations

  • Limited options in Squarespace Extensions (app store).
  • Dependence on third-party shipping carriers for shipping services which could be susceptible to external issues.
  • Customer support is not available through direct phone calls.

Squarespace Pricing

This section is pending detailed information on Squarespace’s pricing structure.

Squarespace Use Cases

Use case 1: Business Owners

For business owners seeking a polished web presence, Squarespace offers a dedicated platform, enriched with unlimited product creation, appreciable analytics, and class scheduling options.

Use case 2: Creatives

Creatives can leverage the Squarespace Blueprint to showcase their artistic endeavors in stunningly designed website templates.

Use case 3: Online Sellers

Those venturing into the realm of e-commerce can utilize Squarespace Commerce and its integrated shopping cart for streamlined online selling.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.