Pioneer your VR/AR apps with OpenXR for its diverse device compatibility, unified AR/VR development, and minimal latency. Rely on SteamVR for its comprehensive full-room VR experience and extensive in-app features. Choose OpenXR for enterprise-grade, cross-platform projects; prefer SteamVR for PC-based, immersive gaming experiences.

Detailed comparison: OpenXR vs SteamVR

Divergences in OpenXR and SteamVR: A Brief Juxtaposition:

  • Unified Development: OpenXR offers standardized AR/VR development reducing code porting. SteamVR focuses on enriching individual VR experiences.
  • Hardware Reach: OpenXR seamlessly partners with versatile platforms and devices, while SteamVR primarily supports its own and similar HMDs.
  • In-App Features: OpenXR foundationally translates into improved performance, reduced latency, and extensions. SteamVR offers a comprehensive VR experience with in-app purchases, overlays, and more.
  • Platform: OpenXR is an open standard maintained by the Khronos Group, promoting portability and openness. SteamVR, a VR runtime within Steam, creates the illusion of 3D PC environments.
Comparison OpenXR SteamVR
Core Purpose Unify AR/VR development for broader hardware Power VR experiences within Steam client
Initial Release July 29, 2019 2016 (HTC VIVE SteamVR headset)
Development Open-source maintained by Khronos Group Developed by Valve as extension of Steam
Compatibility Used in Microsoft’s desktop VR support for Minecraft, Microsoft Flight Simulator; full support on Microsoft HoloLens 2, Windows Mixed Reality headsets Compatible with its own HMDs like Vive and others like Rift; compatibility issue reported with Meta Quest 3
Extension Support Hand tracking, eye gaze tracking, world-scale experiences, spatial anchors, scene understanding, reprojection modes, SDK interoperability Mainly limited to VR experiences within its platform
Unique Attributes Solves AR/VR fragmentation; maximum performance; minimum latency; eases use of eye tracking; open platform for developers Immersive 360-degree experience; defined play area; firmware updates & custom audio; CyberShoes for natural walking in VR; CyberChair for 360-degree freedom; CyberCarpet with antistatic quality, adequate play area
Future Developments Driven by core API extension development Maintains overall enhancement and development of VR experiences

What Is OpenXR and Who’s It For?

OpenXR, a product of the collaborative efforts of technology stalwarts, is focused on bridging the AR/VR fragmentation. By offering a universal, high-performance access to AR/VR platforms, it enables a more efficient, and seamless development process. Primarily, OpenXR caters to developers seeking to create immersive, cross-platform AR and VR experiences. It significantly reduces the need for porting or re-writing code for different hardware platforms. Standards like OpenXR are pivotal to the evolution of the AR/VR ecosystem.

OpenXR is supported by various tech demi-gods like Google, Nvidia, Epic Games, and Microsoft, and integrates seamlessly with game engine giants – Unreal and Unity. This sets it apart, making it an indispensable tool in the AR/VR development arena. It’s a must-grasp technology for every VR/AR developer aiming for extensive reach and compatibility.

Colorful image displaying a programmer working on OpenXR in an augmented reality environment

Pros of OpenXR

  • Unifies AR/VR Software development
  • Seamless integration with various platforms and devices
  • Reduces the requirement for porting code
  • Open source and supported by major tech corporations
  • Boosts performance and reduces latency for end-users

Cons of OpenXR

  • Steep learning curve for developers new to AR/VR development
  • Requires constant updates for extended capabilities
  • Not an engine itself, necessitating use with compatible engines

What Is SteamVR and Who’s It For?

SteamVR is a runtime environment within the Steam client created with a focus on providing immersive virtual reality experiences. Designed by Valve, this technology automatically installs whenever a VR headset connects to a PC. SteamVR target audiences are developers and end-users, looking for comprehensive 360-degree full room VR experiences.

SteamVR not only supports its own head-mounted displays (HMDs) like Vive but also works with other brands like Rift. It also enables the creation of 3D environments and offers overlay applications for additional functionality. Plus, with the powerful backing of the Steam platform, it opens a path for developers aiming for a wide audience base in the gaming realm.

Colorful picture featuring a gamer engrossed in a full-room VR experience powered by SteamVR

Pros of SteamVR

  • Supports full room 360-degree VR experience
  • Gives support for its own and other HMDs
  • Embedded within the Steam platform, catering to a vast audience
  • Provides accessories enhancing positional tracking

Cons of SteamVR

  • Users reported compatibility issues with Meta Quest 3
  • High system requirements for optimal performance

Code Examples for OpenXR & SteamVR


This code snippet illustrates session initiation and event handling. It’s critical that an OpenXR runtime, such as Monado or Microsoft Mixed Reality, is set up appropriately.

        #include <openxr/openxr.h>
        #include <KHR/khr_platform.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
        int main() {
            XrInstance instance;
            XrInstanceCreateInfo createInfo{ XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO };
            createInfo.applicationInfo = { "hello_xr", 1, "openxrsdk", 1, XR_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 10) };
            xrCreateInstance(&createInfo, &instance);

            XrEventBuffer eventBuffer{ XR_TYPE_EVENT_BUFFER };
            while (true) {
                xrPollEvent(instance, &eventBuffer);
                switch (eventBuffer.type) {
                        return 0;


The following example demonstrates how to get the device pose and render a simple interaction with the SteamVR library. Ensure SteamVR is installed and running, and the HTC Vive or compatible VR headset is properly set up for the correct execution.

        using System;
        using Valve.VR;

        namespace SteamVR_Sample {
            class Program {
                static void Main(string[] args) {
                    OpenVR.Init(ref error, EVRApplicationType.VRApplication_Scene);
                    TrackedDevicePose_t[] poses = new TrackedDevicePose_t[OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount];
                    while (true) {
                        OpenVR.System.GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose(ETrackingUniverseOrigin.TrackingUniverseStanding, 0, poses);

                        for (uint i = 0; i < OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++) {
                            if (poses[i].bPoseIsValid) {
                                var pose = poses[i];
                                Console.WriteLine($"Device {i}: {pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.v0},{pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.v1},{pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.v2}");

Final Verdict: OpenXR vs SteamVR

In the grand challenge of OpenXR versus SteamVR, the ultimate choice evolves from the unique demands of a given audience.

AR/VR Developers and Game Creators

OpenXR takes the crown for a more open, accessible ecosystem, fostering cross-platform compatibility and reducing development and maintenance burdens. Essential for developers looking to create optimal performances with minimal latency and those seeking to develop on HoloLens2 or Windows Mixed Reality immersive VR headset.

Focused developer, laden with AR/VR devices, scripting her masterpiece. A brilliant representation of modern augmented reality and virtual reality development.

Tech Enthusiasts

SteamVR shines for tech enthusiasts yearning for a more comprehensive 360-degree full room VR experience. Ideal for those who value flexible compatibility with various headsets and crave for immersive VR experiences with constant technological advancements.

A tech enthusiast, immersed in a 360-degree AR/VR experience, caught amidst the awe of the virtual world.

Major Tech Corporations

For tech corporations exploring VR/AR applications, OpenXR poses as the superior ally. Ensuring broad hardware reach, reducing the need for code re-writing or porting, fostering seamless integration with diverse platforms and devices – synthesising VR/AR developments under common APIs.

A major tech corporation analyzing an AR mock-up projected from an AR device - the modern form of corporate technological assessment.

For a blend of robust, open development and far-reaching compatibility, OpenXR edges over SteamVR. Yet, for a complete 360-degree VR journey with room for unique customizations and a standout VR experience, SteamVR leads the race.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.