For pure web development, JavaScript is the go-to language due to its ubiquitous use and versatility. Meanwhile, p5.js is the choice for non-programmers seeking to create interactive content in a visual context. If you’re a visual artist or educator, look no further than p5.js.

Comparing p5.js and JavaScript

Key Differences Between p5.js and JavaScript

  • In p5.js, Java is utilized with additional simplifications; while JavaScript, an interpreted language, is used for creating dynamic, interactive web pages.
  • p5.js is focused more towards visual design and teaching non-programmers, as opposed to JavaScript that is a standard for web development.
  • p5.js, a product of the Processing Foundation, has a non-profit approach and caters to the global educational community; in comparison, JavaScript is a universal language used by industry giants like Facebook and Google.
  • JavaScript lacks multi-threading/multiprocessor capabilities and certain features for security reasons, whereas p5.js is embedded with a user-friendly graphical user interface.
Comparison p5.js JavaScript
Language Type Object-oriented Interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities
Initial Release 2001 1995
Stable Release 4.3 (July 26, 2023) ECMAScript 6 (released in 2015)
License GPL, LGPL Standard ECMA-262
Purpose HTML canvas element used-2D,3D content Used for web page interactivity, controlling the browser, creating HTML content
Best Used For visual design, teaching non-programmers computer programming in a visual context Creating network-centric applications
Cross-Platform/IDE Cross-platform Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia HomeSite 5
Unique Features Processing IDE sketchbook, international projects, PApplet Java class, User class creation in PApplet sketch, No standard data type limitation AJAX integration, CommonJS Project 2009 allows development outside browser, Server-side through Node.js, Mobile app development

What Is p5.js-Processing and Who’s It For?

p5.js-Processing, an innovative graphics library, was engineered to be more than just visually captivating—it’s a learning tool designed to teach non-programmers about computer programming in a visually intuitive context. A brainchild of stalwarts Casey Reas and Ben Fry, this technology took flight in the hallowed halls of MIT Media Lab in 2001 and rapidly evolved into an offering for the masses through the Processing Foundation in 2012.

Who’s it for, you ask? Visual designers, artists, budding programmers, educators, and anyone with a penchant for visual context would find immense value in p5.js-Processing. This technology embodies the merger of design and tech, offering tools for creating interactive computer graphics and simulations.

An interactive screen showing advanced graphical user interface made using p5.js Processing

Pros of p5.js-Processing

  • Cross-platform technology enabling wider accessibility
  • Allows user class creation in PApplet sketch
  • Adaptive for Java, GLSL, JavaScript development for diverse coding environments
  • Won the 2005 Golden Nica award from Ars Electronica and 2011 National Design Award from Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum

Cons of p5.js-Processing

  • Prevents usage of static variables, methods
  • Requires adeptness in Java for exploiting full capabilities
  • No standard data type limitation

What Is JavaScript and Who’s It For?

Riding the surge of the tech revolution in 1995, JavaScript emerged as a dynamic, object-oriented computer programming language. This lightweight technology, initially known as LiveScript and later renamed to capitalize on Java’s buzz, evolved to hold applications in web interactivity, controlling browsers, and creating dynamic HTML content.

JavaScript isn’t just for coders; it’s a key cog for anyone entrenched in the world of web development, from veteran developers to students learning coding. Big names like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are all powered by JavaScript in their products, which gives a measure of its universal applications.

An innovative website interface developed using dynamic JavaScript language

Pros of JavaScript

  • Allows client-side scripts for dynamic user interaction
  • Offers immediate feedback to visitors with less server interaction
  • Can work outside the browser with Node.js
  • Integral part of AJAX for creating network-centric applications

Cons of JavaScript

  • Lacks features for reading/writing files due to security reasons
  • No capabilities for multi-threading/multiprocessor aspects
  • Name leads to confusion with Java

p5.js vs JavaScript: Pricing

Both p5.js and JavaScript are open-source technologies and available for free.


p5.js is available free of charge under the GNU Lesser General Public License for Libraries and the GNU General Public License for the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).


JavaScript is a programming language offered as an open-source, free technology, providing cost-free utilization to developers.

Code Examples for p5.js & JavaScript


This p5.js example generates an interactive canvas, where a burst of colored ellipses is influenced by the mouse position. No external libraries are required; users must link to p5.js in HTML.

function setup() {createCanvas(700, 400);background(0);} function draw() {if(mouseIsPressed){let r = random(10, 40);let x = random(mouseX-r, mouseX+r);let y = random(mouseY-r, mouseY+r);fill(random(255), random(255), random(255), random(255));ellipse(x, y, r, r);}}


This JavaScript snippet renders a 3D spinning cube using Three.js. Include the Three.js library in your HTML file to ensure the code’s functionality.

var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00}); var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); scene.add(cube); camera.position.z = 5; var animate = function () {requestAnimationFrame( animate ); cube.rotation.x += 0.01; cube.rotation.y += 0.01; renderer.render( scene, camera );}; animate();

In the battle of p5.js versus JavaScript, which reigns supreme?

Understanding which platform to bank on is pivotal. The deciding factor invariably hangs on the core needs of the developer and the project at hand.

Game Makers

p5.js offers a visually appealing and intuitive introduction to game making. Its graphical user interface facilitates design, making it a choice of developers interested in creating dynamic, visually-rich interactive games.

A game developer, immersed in the creation of a visually stimulating online game using p5.js

AR/VR Creators

For these rapporteurs of the third dimension, JavaScript serves as a robust cornerstone. With its active role in dynamic web pages, it is a potent tool in sculpting immersive and interactive AR/VR experiences.

AR/VR creator at workstation, crafting realistic virtual environments using JavaScript

Tech enthusiasts

For DIY enthusiasts and tinkerers looking to flex their coding muscles or kickstart a tech project, both p5.js and JavaScript offers conveniences. However, p5.js, with its concurrent support for Java and Python interfaces might kindle greater intrigue.

A tech enthusiast, absorbed in coding, surrounded by a terrace of monitors flashing p5.js and JavaScript code


JavaScript unequivocally dominates when discussing large-scale and complex projects. Its object-oriented prowess coupled with server-side capabilities via Node.js offers developers a versatile and sturdy choice.

A professional developer working on complex web applications using JavaScript

Web Designers

p5.js with its focus on visual design and user interface stands apart for web designers. It provides an intuitive and efficient platform for the creation of visually engaging and interactive web designs.

Web designer, focused on a visually captivating web design amidst a colorful p5.js code

In the tech saga of p5.js versus JavaScript, p5.js is the undisputed choice for visually-geared endeavours. However, JavaScript proves its mettle as a sturdy and dynamic tool for extensive web applications and AR/VR experiences.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.