For visual design, teaching non-programmers, or artistically inclined coding, p5.js is your ideal choice. However, for broader applications, backend/frontend web development, data analysis, AI, and scripting, Python holds a dominant stance. Both have strong community support.

Differences of p5.js and Python

Key Differences Between p5.js and Python

  • Usage: p5.js is primarily employed for visual design, facilitating non-programmers, while Python is a comprehensive tool for web development, data analysis, AI, and scripting.
  • Access: Python, being an interpreted language, doesn’t require pre-execution compiling, contrasting p5.js’s reliance on a Java toolkit.
  • Programming style: p5.js reinforces object-oriented code, and Python supports multiple programming styles including imperative, structured, object-oriented, and functional.
  • Community Support: Python boasts large, worldwide community support, as does p5.js, but the latter is more niche, focusing primarily on visual contexts.
Comparison p5.js Processing Python
Focus Domains Visual design; Teaching non-technical professionals; Rendering visual content & computer games Web development; Data analysis; AI; Scripting; Automation
Software License GPL, LGPL license Python Software Foundation License, compatible with GNU General Public License
Language Type Object-oriented; Java-based; Pure Java; .pde extensions High-level, interpreted, object-oriented scripting language; Dynamically typed
Integration & Interface Java,GLSL,JavaScript developed; Processing.js for web browser support; p5.js native JavaScript alternative; Supports C++ & java for prototyping to product Can be integrated with languages like C, C++
Programming Support Support for GUI, subclass, PApplet sketch & user class creation; Allows content rendering in Mozilla, Opera, Explorer, Safari & Chrome Supports GUI programming; Uses English keywords, promoting readability
Community Processing Foundation nonprofit; Global Processing Community Day; Cross-platform; Extensive international projects; 900 bug fixes contributed by community Open-source; Large community support; Python Software Foundation; Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) process; Holds top spots in POPULARITY of Programming Language Indexes
Latest Stable Release 4.3 release on July 26, 2023 Python 3 released in 2008 for backward-incompatible improvements

What Is p5.js and Who’s It For?

p5.js, a JavaScript library, is a reinterpretation of the original Processing project. Granted origin through the passion of Casey Reas and Ben Fry at MIT Media Lab in 2001, it offers a plethora of features, making its mark primarily in visual design and tech education. Intuitively assembled for non-programmers, it provides a simplified, friendly graphical user interface for learning computer programming within a visual context.

This tool garnered multiple awards, including the 2005 Golden Nica award and the 2011 National Design Award. It boasts continued relevance despite the termination of its browser-based equivalent, Processing.js, in 2018; its continuing life fuels visual content and game rendering worldwide. Anyone from beginners to professional artists scouting for an efficient, accessible library for creating interactive digital art will find it ideal.

Vibrant graphic generated by p5.js

Pros of p5.js

  • Beginner-friendly interface and simplifications
  • Great for creating interactive digital art
  • Award-winning library with a supportive, global community
  • Flexible enough to have influenced projects like Arduino and Wiring

Cons of p5.js

  • Java must be used, with some additional user restrictions
  • Discontinued web-based port (Processing.js)
  • Beginner-friendliness might limit some high-end, complex functionalities

What Is Python and Who’s It For?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language. Launched in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, Python takes inspiration and features from other languages including Modula-3, C, and ABC, to create a language that values readability and simplicity. Incorporating diverse programming styles, from structured to functional, it proves an alluring choice for beginners and experts alike.

Touting a standard library and extensive third-party packages, Python powers countless tech areas, including AI, data mining, web development, scripting, and automation. Whether you’re a developer aiming for backend, frontend involvement or just someone embarking on the tech journey, Python is your steadfast companion.

Python logo with intricate detailing

Pros of Python

  • User-friendly, versatile, and concise scripting language
  • Seamless backend and frontend web development support
  • Constraints-free, readable, and compatible with GNU General Public License
  • A standby with ample resources, community support, and in-numerous implementations

Cons of Python

  • Relative slow execution speed
  • Heavy memory usage
  • Weak in mobile computing and browsers
  • Python 3 is not backward-compatible with Python 2

p5.js vs Python: Pricing

Both p5.js and Python are freely accessible technologies, substantiating their dominance in the tech arena.


Spearheaded by the Processing Foundation, p5.js is an open-source JavaScript library. Courtesy of its GNU Lesser General Public License and GNU General Public License, it doesn’t enforce any cost burden on its users. Its accessibility and affordability continue to bolster its popularity amongst those dabbling in visual content and game rendering.


Python is an open-source, high-level, interpreted scripting language. Made freely available under the Python Software Foundation License, which is compatible with the GNU General Public License, it promises no financial overhead. Its extensive range of attributes and cost-effectiveness make it an irresistible choice for tech enthusiasts worldwide.

Code Examples for p5.js & Python


This example demonstrates an animated ellipse created with p5.js. Ensure you’ve p5.js library loaded for optimal performance.

let x;let y;let radius = 50;function setup() {createCanvas(400, 400);x = width / 2;y = height;
function draw() {background(200);x += random(-5, 5);y += random(-5, 5);ellipse(x, y, radius * 2);}


The Python snippet showcases how to generate a list of Fibonacci numbers. Make sure you have a Python interpreter set up for smooth execution.

def fibonacci(n):a, b = 0, 1 for _ in range(n):yield a a, b = b, a + b
list_fib = list(fibonacci(10))print(list_fib)

Your Verdict: p5.js vs Python

In the battle of offerings, p5.js and Python emerge as amiable contenders. So, who’s the champion here?

Visual Artists and Designers

Given p5.js’s thoroughbred heritage rooted in visual design and its uncanny ability to make coding seem like second nature for non-programmers, it elegantly pintucks into the workflow of visual artists and designers.

A designer using p5.js coding language to create visually striking artwork

Web Developers

While p5.js holds its forte in visual design, Python showcases prodigious prowess in backend and frontend web development. It also taunts off its incredible simplicity and readability, making it a stalwart choice for web developers.

Web developer using Python to create robust web applications

Beginner Coders

For beginner coders looking to dip their toes in the uncharted waters, Python’s unmistakable readability and English-like syntax make it a clear winner. The language continues to anchor its reputation as the finest launchpad for new learners.

A beginner coder learning Python and benefiting from its readability and English-like syntax

Data Analysts

When it boils down to crunching numbers, Python showcases its ascendancy. Thanks to its extensive library support for scientific computing and data mining, it sways the vote for data analysts and AI enthusiasts.

Marking territories with their unique features, both Python and p5.js command respect in variant niches. However, for a harmonic blend of simplicity, readability, backend & frontend development, Python emerges as the universal workhorse. Yet, p5.js imparts an almost poetic route for visual artists and designers, making the decision contingent on your project requisites.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.