For developers with basic knowledge of Python and APIs, Panda3D offers a robust engine for 3D gaming with extensive documentation and community support. On the other hand, newcomers looking for a quick start with Python-based game development can capitalize on Ursina, with its user-friendly interface and compatibility with PS and Blender.

Comparing Panda3D and Ursina

Key Differences Between Panda3D and Ursina

  • Origin: Panda3D, developed by Disney and CMU in 2002, holds a legacy, whereas Ursina, launched in 2019, is a newer entrant.
  • Compatibility: Panda3D operates on a wider range of platforms including Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, while Ursina is compatible only with Linux and Windows.
  • Community & Documentation: Panda3D offers more extensive documentation and community backing in comparison to Ursina.
  • User Level: Panda3D demands a basic knowledge of Python and APIs, whereas Ursina with its Pygame compatibility is more beginner-friendly.
Comparison Panda3D Ursina Engine
Initial Release 2002 2019
Operating Systems Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS, Free BSD Linux, Windows
License Revised BSD license for versions after May 28, 2008 Open source
Language Support C++, Python C++, C Python, Python
Engine Type 3D rendering and game development 3D computer graphics
Features Graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection Code and texture adjustments during game testing, model placement with a developing scene editor
Community Support Extensive documentation and support Resources such as tutorials, code examples, detailed documentation files
Games Developed Toontown Online, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island, A Vampyre Story Yo Frankie!, Sintel The Game
Integration FMOD, Nvidia Cg, DirectX, and MFC Python game engines, Godot, Unreal Engine, Unity
Other Features Android cross-compile, automatic shader synthesis, 3D audio using FMOD, OpenAL or Miles Sound System, testing with PyTest Quick game operation by calling .py file from terminal, Pygame for game loop implementation

What Is Panda3D and Who’s It For?

At its core, Panda3D is a powerful open-source game engine, designed for 3D rendering and game development robust in both Python and C++. Initially developed by Disney’s VR studio, it serves professional developers crafting large-scale commercial games, university courses, and open-source projects. Engine structures are automatically managed with Python’s garbage collector, expediting the development cycle.

Complete with vital functionality features – from graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection, networking, AI, to 3D audio using FMOD, Panda3D is a comprehensive toolkit for developers conversant with Python and APIs. Panda3D’s adaptable nature and indispensable capabilities facilitate crafting mammoth VR experiences from 3D theme park attractions to captivating online games.


Pros of Panda3D

  • Open source and free
  • Full Python and C++ support
  • Includes graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection, 3D audio via FMOD, and more
  • Used in dominant commercial games and university courses
  • Extensive documentation and community support

Cons of Panda3D

  • Not beginner-friendly, requires a basic understanding of Python and APIs
  • Specific building and configuration guidelines for different platforms
  • Reliant on third-party libraries

What Is Ursina Engine and Who’s It For?

Ursina Engine, launched in 2019, attracts creatives building 2D or 3D game content via an open-source engine designed in Python. It aptly collaborates with Panda3D library, enabling users to make code and texture modifications during game testing. Its flexibility to integrate Photoshop and Blender models broadens the scope for developers.

Ursina Engine blurs the line between game development and game testing through an in-built interactive model placement feature – an embroidered tool chest for developers eyeing efficient work routines. From weather simulation to real-time interactive content, Ursina Engine is an expansive ecosystem for tech enthusiasts with a solid Python footing.


Pros of Ursina Engine

  • Free and open-source
  • Built in Python, leveraging knowledge
  • Code and texture adjustments during testing
  • Accepts Photoshop and Blender models
  • Wide-ranging resources including tutorials, code examples, and detailed documentation

Cons of Ursina Engine

  • Short track record since its 2019 launch
  • Python game engine installation mandatory
  • Requires proficient Python knowledge

Panda3D vs Ursina: Pricing

Both Panda3D and Ursina deploy a free, open-source model, reinforcing accessibility for developers across the spectrum.


Panda3D operates under a fully open-source model, propped by a Revised BSD license. Its deployment includes comprehensive documentation, robust community support, and accepts financial support via its OpenCollective campaign, all while maintaining zero-cost accessibility.


Ursina, launched in 2019, ascended with the same commitment to open-source mechanics, availed freely. It thrives on an easy-installation process, broad compatibility, and user-friendly features, all while evoking no direct cost from its user community.

Final Verdict: Panda3D or Ursina – Which Framework Suits Your Need?

After deliberating on the specs and potentials of Panda3D and Ursina, it’s time to present our conclusive thoughts.

For Seasoned VR/AR Developers

If you’re well-versed in Python and C++, Panda3D offers advanced capabilities. With a strong background, you can leverage features like shaders, 3D audio, and Physics system. Its use on large commercial games and VR themed attractions attests to its competency. Fundamentally built for professionals, it’s a fit for seasoned developers.

Experienced developers engrossed in vast lines of code on a double-monitor setup

For Budding Game Developers

Ursina, being a Python-centric engine, gleans an edge for newcomers and intermediate programmers. For those already knowledgeable in Python, it reduces the learning curve. Its compatibility with popular software like Photoshop and Blender plus, acceptance for .PSD and .Blend files are bonus perks. Moreover, it allows for live code adjustments, aptly meeting the needs of next-gen developers.

A beginner game maker enthusiastically diving into development with Ursina

For Educators & Researchers

Panda3D, known for its association with higher education and research makes a great tool for educators and researchers. Its capacity for complex application development combined with Python’s simplicity caters to the academic and innovative applications, making it a classroom and lab favorite.

Educators and researchers in a vibrant showcasing the Panda3D in a prototype VR classroom

If you’re diving into the realm of 3D programming with substantial Python skills, Ursina serves as a reliable buddy. However, for applications demanding advanced features and commercial-grade development, Panda3D stands out. Essentially, Python adequacy steers you towards Ursina while a blend of Python and C++ prowess pushes you towards Panda3D.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.