For intricate web-based graphics, lean towards PixiJS. It offers advanced rendering capabilities, unmatched speed, and easy deployment. However, if you’re building multi-platform 2D/3D games and need a full-featured framework, Cocos2d proves an apt choice with high-performance graphics and smooth rendering.

Detailed comparison: PixiJS vs Cocos2d

Key Differences Between PixiJS and Cocos2d

  • Rendering: PixiJS optimizes WebGL or Canvas 2D rendering while Cocos2d makes use of sprites and OpenGL for 2D graphics.
  • Capabilities: Cocos2d holds a full framework for game development and GUI applications, while PixiJS is not a game engine by design.
  • Performance: PixiJS focuses on speed and efficiency, whereas Cocos2d offers high-performance graphics via Vulkan.
  • Codebase: PixiJS is based on JavaScript, contrasting Cocos2d’s C++ foundation.
  • Deployment: PixiJS deployment matches regular website needs, however, Cocos2d extends to multi-platform games from web to native.
Comparison PixiJS Cocos2d
Type 2D Rendering System Software Framework
Optimized For Web-based Graphics Games, Apps, GUI
Deployment Web, Mobile, Desktop Apps Multi-Platform
Render Speed Maximum Performance Fast, via OpenGL
Advanced Rendering Yes Yes
Open Source Yes Yes
Extensibility JavaScript-based, Clean API C++, small footprint
Cross-Platform Compatibility Yes Yes
Game Development Can be used Primary purpose
Updates Regular, via GitHub Version 3.8 Released Early 2021
Community Contributions Financially, Fixing Bugs Source code contributions

What Is PixiJS and Who’s It For?

PixiJS is a WebGL or Canvas 2D rendering system primarily used for crafting complex web-based graphics such as online games, educational content, interactive ads, and data visualization. It’s a tool designed for those who wish to create high-performance, browser-deployable applications with advanced rendering features. This speed-focused system offers optimized performance and extensibility, making it suitable for developers seeking quick deployment and cross-platform compatibility without the need for extensive low-level coding.

A snapshot of PixiJS rendering a complex online game

Pros of PixiJS

  • High-performance WebGL native system
  • Extensible and easy deployment
  • Useful low-level coding not needed
  • Open-source with full access to source code

Cons of PixiJS

  • Not a full-fledged game engine
  • Requires understanding of WebGL for extensive usage
  • Dependent on community for bugs-fix and updates

What Is Cocos2d and Who’s It For?

Cocos2d is a free software framework designed for building games, applications, and other cross-platform GUI programs. With its branches including Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, and Cocos2d-XNA, it stands as a flexible tool for developers aiming to create 2D and 3D graphics-intensive applications. Noted for its use in games like FarmVille, Geometry Dash, and Plague Inc., Cocos2d provides features such as animation, GUI, physics system, and audio.

A vivid game scene rendered using Cocos2d

Pros of Cocos2d

  • Open source with various quality branches
  • Extensive features for game development
  • Small footprint and high speed

Cons of Cocos2d

  • Not as intuitive for beginners
  • Older branches may lack modern features or updates
  • Higher code complexity compared to more modern engines

PixiJS vs Cocos2d: Pricing

Both PixiJS and Cocos2d offer competitive levels of open-source software, enabling accessible and cost-effective technology utilization.


PixiJS is a completely open-source WebGL and Canvas 2D rendering system, endorsed by Goodboy Digital and upheld by a committed technology community. The full source code is available on GitHub, making it an economical choice, particularly for the developers looking to uphold their fiscal resources. Financial contributions are, however, encouraged to accelerate feature development and improve documentation, denoting an investment-based, community-forward approach to software development that drives the software’s evolution.


Cocos2d is a free software framework, widely used for creating games, apps, and other cross-platform GUI programs. Its branches, Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, and Cocos2d-XNA are also all open-source. This makes Cocos2d an economically efficient selection, particularly for small scale or independent developers. Based on the information provided, Cocos2d doesn’t directly call for financial contributions, implying its funding model might differ from PixiJS.

Code Examples for Pixi.js & Cocos2d


This Pixi.js code depicts an interactive bouncing ball, utilising Pixi’s render loop and vector maths. Prerequisite: Pixi.js version 5.3.10 or above.

const app = new PIXI.Application({width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: 0x1099bb});
const ball = new PIXI.Graphics();
ball.drawCircle(0, 0, 50);
ball.x = app.view.width / 2;
ball.y = app.view.height / 2;
const velocity = {x: 5, y: 3};
app.ticker.add((delta) => {
    ball.x += velocity.x * delta;
    ball.y += velocity.y * delta;
    if(ball.x + 50 > app.view.width || ball.x - 50 < 0) velocity.x *= -1;
    if(ball.y + 50 > app.view.height || ball.y - 50 < 0) velocity.y *= -1;


The following Cocos2d code initiates a parallax-effect background, appropriate for platformer games. Prerequisite: Cocos2d version 3.17.2 or above.

var SkyLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    var size = cc.director.getWinSize();
    var farBg1 = cc.Sprite.create(res.bg_far);
    this.addChild(farBg1, 0);
    var farBg2 = farBg1.clone();
    this.addChild(farBg2, 0);
    if (this.x>=720){
        this.x = 0;
    else {
         this.x +=2;}},

The Verdict Corral: Pixi.js vs Cocos2d – Which is Your Ally?

After a thorough examination, it is time to make the final verdict between Pixi.js and Cocos2d. While both technologies promise impressive capabilities, it’s all down to making the accurate fit for your specific needs.

Web-Based Graphic Developers

If you’re a web-based graphic developer, Pixi.js should be your go-to technology. Its dedicated graphics capabilities, including SimpleRope, render polygons and lines optimally with superior performance. In comparison, Cocos2d leans more towards game development, with less emphasis on advanced web graphics.Web graphic developer working on advanced visuals using Pixi.js

Game Makers

In contrast, game makers might find more value in Cocos2d, which has a successful history of creating popular games like FarmVille and Geometry Dash. It offers a complete toolchain for multi-platform game development and badge of heavyweight features like Google Play Instant and Vulkan.Game maker coding a multi-platform game using Cocos2d

AR/VR Developers

Pixi.js dominates the AR/VR developers realm due to its swift rendering, cross-platform compatibility, and ease of deployment. Its WebGL native capability ensures fast rendering and advanced visuals for immersive experiences, whereas Cocos2d doesn’t quite come up to par.AR/VR developer designing immersive experiences with Pixi.js

If you gravitate towards fast, cross-platform web graphics, Pixi.js is your winner. Nevertheless, if you’re looking to craft a high-performance game across multiple platforms, Cocos2d holds the trophy.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.