For graphics-rich web applications or interactive content, PixiJS trumps Canvas with robust features, native spritesheets and WebGL use. If you prize simple, script-powered visuals and pixel-level manipulation, opt for HTML Canvas. Essential differences lie in their speed, extensibility, and deployment ease.

PixiJS vs Canvas comparison

Key Differences Between PixiJS and Canvas

  • PixiJS leverages WebGL for faster rendering and advanced effects, while Canvas works with raster graphics via JavaScript.
  • While PixiJS offers extensibility with its clean API and five major versions, HTML
    is limited by its APIs.
  • Deployment in PixiJS feels akin to website-like deployment and can be extended for mobile & desktop apps via Cordova & Electron, whereas Canvas functions as a part of HTML page.
  • In terms of tutorial availability, PixiJS edges out with a structured official website, API guide, Wiki and a discord chat. With Canvas, learning relies heavily on mastering the usage of the HTML Canvas API.
Comparison PixiJS HTML Canvas
Rendering System WebGL or Canvas Dependent on JavaScript
Visual Type 2D 2D
Scene Graph & Interaction Support Yes No, need to handle with JavaScript
Performance Benchmarks Highly efficient, optimized WebGL for speed Dependent on JavaScript’s rendering capabilities
Usage Use Cases Graphics-heavy web apps, online games, interactive ads, educational content Animations, interactivity, gaming applications, graphical data presentations
Extensibility Can be coupled with Cordova & Electron for app distribution Limited to the capabilities of HTML & JavaScript
Special Features Speed, sprite&geometry auto-batching, text rendering, filter classes, shader programs Drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, images
Open Source Yes, available on GitHub N/A – an inherent part of HTML5
Deployment Easy, website-like deployment with extension possibility N/A – Included within HTML5 DOM
User Resources Official website, tutorials, API guide, Wiki, Discord chat Web-based tutorials, standards via HTML5 documentation
Cost Free, open source with optional financial contributions Free, part of HTML5 standard
Advantages Efficient, fast, feature-rich, user-friendly Deep integration with HTML, flexibility, wide support

What Is PixiJS and Who’s It For?

PixiJS is an advanced 2D rendering system, chiefly utilized for displaying stunning visuals via WebGL or Canvas. Engineered to replace Flash in HTML5, it offers unparalleled performance aided by pixel-perfect effects. Built to power graphics-intensive web applications, online games, interactive ads, and educational content, it’s the ideal choice for tech pioneers who crave for creative liberty.

With its unique integration with Cordova and Electron, PixiJS facilitates the distribution of mobile and desktop apps, validating its dominance in the tech sphere. It’s famed for its speed, extensibility and user-friendly deployment promote a smooth development experience, making it apt for those seeking an efficient, feature-rich creation engine.

PixiJS illustrating rich 2D presentations

Pros of PixiJS

  • Optimal WebGL use
  • Great for interactive content, applications, games
  • Easy cross-platform compatibility
  • Open-source with accessible codebase
  • User-friendly deployment, can be extended for mobile & desktop apps

Cons of PixiJS

  • Not a full-fledged game engine
  • Relies heavily on community for debugging

What Is HTML and Who’s It For?


element is a versatile tool, designed for creating dynamic graphics in real-time. It houses visuals that require scripting to be drawn, making it fitting for developers who value live creativity.



is ideal for a broad range of applications,, ranging from colored text, graphical data presentations, animations, to interactive and gaming applications, confirming its versatility. It’s also known for direct pixel manipulation and advanced path features, catering to developers who prefer pixel-level control.


HTML <canvas> executing beautiful on-the-fly graphics

Pros of HTML

  • Highly customizable
  • Supports real-time, on-the-fly graphic creation
  • Able to host multiple elements on one HTML page
  • Wide variety of drawing styles

Cons of HTML

  • Initial blank canvas requires RenderingContext to display
  • IE8 requires extra script to support

PixiJS vs Canvas: Pricing

While both PixiJS and Canvas, rooted in open-source philosophy, are available to users free of cost, differentiating characteristics still exist.


PixiJS, a fast, WebGL-powered, 2D rendering library, is free of charge and open-source. Its fully accessible code is MIT-licensed and housed on GitHub, indicating free access for developers’ perusal or modification. Importantly, financial contributions can help expedite the development pace.


Canvas, an HTML feature allowing on-the-fly graphics creation, typically through JavaScript, also provides a free service. Its open-source beginnings ensure costless access to varied functionalities ranging from simple color fillings to complex transformations. One must note that, despite its no-cost usage, the real investment lies in learning the API’s intricate details for creating effective visual content.

Code Examples for PixiJS & Canvas


This snippet demonstrates how a swinging pendulum can be created using PixiJS. It assumes that PixiJS v5.3.7 has been imported into your script. Once running, expect to see a pendulum oscillating according to the simple harmonic motion.

let app = new PIXI.Application({width:800, height:600}); document.body.appendChild(app.view); let circle = new PIXI.Graphics();circle.beginFill(0x9966FF);circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 32);circle.endFill();circle.x = app.view.width / 2;circle.y = app.view.height / 2;app.stage.addChild(circle);let amplitude = 100;let period = 500;app.ticker.add((delta) => {let pendulum = amplitude * Math.sin((app.ticker.elapsedMS % period) / period * Math.PI * 2);circle.x = app.view.width / 2 + pendulum;});


The following Canvas snippet creates a bouncing ball. It needs an HTML document with a canvas context called ‘ctx’. The code forms a ball that bounces off the edges of the screen. It displays decent, realistic motion using simple 2D vector physics.

let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');let ball = {x: Math.random() * 800, y: Math.random() * 600, vx: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10, vy: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10, size: 20};function draw() {ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 800, 600);ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(ball.x, ball.y, ball.size, 0, Math.PI * 2);ctx.fill();ball.x += ball.vx;ball.y += ball.vy;if(ball.x - ball.size < 0 || ball.x + ball.size > 800) ball.vx = -ball.vx;if(ball.y - ball.size < 0 || ball.y + ball.size > 600) ball.vy = -ball.vy;requestAnimationFrame(draw);}draw();

Facing the Choice: PixiJS or Canvas?

In a world driven by visuals, selecting your optimal 2D rendering system pivots between two tech-giants, PixiJS and HTML Canvas. What’s our take? Let’s slice it through the prism of distinct audience perspectives.

AR/VR Creators

Bathed in the vast expanse of augmented and virtual reality? PixiJS gains the upper hand. Owing to its advanced effects via its Filter class, as well as shader programs, PixiJS amplifies your 2D visuals and hones pixel-level detailing. Being a ‘creation engine’, its optimal WebGL utilization refines graphics and fosters immersion.

AR/VR creators working on 3D modeling software, crafting fascinating virtual realities, amidst state-of-the-art tech machinery.

Online Game Developers

Building highly interactive gaming applications? Your calibre demands PixiJS. Leveraging automatic sprite and geometry batching, PixiJS supercharges your gaming graphics. Its native spritesheets simplify deployment and the open API ensures extensibility. Plus, cross-platform compatibility serves as an icing on the cake.

Video game programmers engrossed in writing JavaScript code, developing an enthralling multi-player online game prototype.

Graphic Designers

Complex path features, drawing styles and direct pixel manipulation offered by HTML Canvas cater to your needs. It creates on-the-fly graphics, perfect for implementing your creative genius. Craft paths, boxes, circles, colored text, images and more. Something as intuitive as a graphical data presentation, or as intricate as gaming applications, can be woven with equal finesse.

A graphic designer with a glint in his eye, navigating the intricacies of HTML Canvas, spiriting life into his art via digital design.

If you seek a fast, efficient, and feature-rich 2D rendering system, PixiJS overpowers. However, for the liberty to craft on-the-fly graphics with an array of styles, HTML Canvas makes a compelling case. Align your choice with your specific use-case.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.