For fast, graphics-heavy web applications, online games or interactive content, PixiJS outshines with its speed and ease in cross-platform compatibility. However, if you’re aiming for less code in game development and desire a full game engine with a complete toolkit, Cocos2d stands as a superior choice.

Differences of PixiJS and Cocos2d

Key Differences Between PixiJS and Cocos2d

  • Framework: PixiJS is a rendering system while Cocos2d is a full software framework for building games and applications.
  • Speed & Compatibility: PixiJS focuses on speed and is perfect for cross-platform, graphics-heavy applications. Cocos2d, while also fast, provides a complete toolkit making it a superior choice for less code in game development.
  • Features: PixiJS excels in features like automatic sprite & geometry batching. Cocos2d boasts features like procedural animation and high precision text.
  • Nature: PixiJS is a ‘creation engine’, ideal for moving things on screen fast whereas Cocos2d is a game engine with comprehensive tools.
Comparison PixiJS Cocos2D
Type Rendering System Software Framework
Frameworks WebGL or Canvas Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, Cocos2d-XNA
Main Use 2D Visualization and Interactivity Gaming, Apps, Cross-platform GUI programs
Key Features Speed, Advanced WebGL, Interactive Support Animation, Physics System, Audio, OpenGL
Learning Resources Official Website, Tutorials, API guide, Wiki, Discord Chat Dedicated Websites, Online Communities
Setup npm install, CDN URL use Project Templates, SDK Setup
Price Free, Open Source. Financial Contributions Accepted Free, Open Source
Advantages Highly Efficient, Fast, Feature-rich Fully Customizable, Fast, Small Footprint
Deployment Easy Deployment, Mobile & Desktop Apps via Cordova & Electron Distribution to Various Platforms Including Web and Native

What Is PixiJS and Who’s It For?

PixiJS is an ultra high-speed 2D rendering engine that’s perfect for developing graphics-intensive applications, online games, interactive advertisements, and educational content. It leverages WebGL or Canvas to display stunning 2D visuals, replacing Flash in HTML5 with better performance and pixel-level effects. Notably, PixiJS is recommended for developers interested in cross-platform compatibility with a focus on maintaining high performance across devices.

Colorful depiction of an animated game screen created with PixiJS, in a game developer's workspace

Pros of PixiJS

  • High speed rendering system, perfect for graphics-heavy experiences
  • Extensive features, including automatic sprite & geometry batching
  • Open-source and free to use, hosted with an active community on GitHub
  • Easy to deploy and extendable for mobile & desktop apps through Cordova & Electron

Cons of PixiJS

  • More geared for 2D, limits in 3D visuals creation
  • While user-friendly, there is a learning curve involved particularly in mastering the advanced features

What Is Cocos2d and Who’s It For?

Cocos2d is a robust, open-source software framework designed for building cross-platform games, applications, and other GUI programs. Recognizable games like FarmVille, Geometry Dash, and Plague Inc have been brought to life using Cocos2d. The framework is suitable for both new and experienced developers, who desire a complete toolchain for multiformat game development with a focus on 2D graphics and interactivity.

Colorful rendering of characters from a game created using Cocos2d, staged in a developer's studio

Pros of Cocos2d

  • Free, open-source with a supportive community, allowing for easy problem-solving
  • Multi-language support, including Python, Obj-C, and C++
  • Offers a complete toolchain, including animation, UI, physics system, and audio features
  • Lightweight but powerful, providing fast rendering speed

Cons of Cocos2d

  • Requires advanced programming skills to fully harness its potential
  • Focused on 2D graphics, lacks native 3D support

PixiJS vs Cocos2d: Pricing

Both technologies, PixiJS and Cocos2d, are free and open source providing affordability without compromising on performance.


PixiJS, a fast and feature-rich animation library, is open source and governed by an MIT licence. Built for 2D animations, this technology is hosted on GitHub and can be downloaded for free. While there is no formal pricing structure, financial contributions are nevertheless encouraged to accelerate development.


Cocos2d is a robust software framework used for building games, apps, and other GUI programs. Like PixiJS, Cocos2d is open source, and developers can access its functionalities for free. Users can freely download, modify and distribute the software which underlines the ethos of affordable, shared app development.

Code Examples for PixiJS & Cocos2d


This PixiJS code is an interactive snippet that allows you to manipulate a bunny sprite using the mouse or touch. It requires that you’ve installed PixiJS and initialized an application accordingly. Requires a locally-hosted “bunny.png” image in project directory.

const app = new PIXI.Application({backgroundColor: 0x1099bb});

PIXI.Loader.shared.add('bunny.png').load((loader, resources) => {
    const bunny = new PIXI.Sprite(resources['bunny.png'].texture);
    bunny.x = app.renderer.width / 2;
    bunny.y = app.renderer.height / 2;
    app.stage.interactive = true;
    app.stage.on('pointermove', (event) => {
        bunny.rotation = Math.atan2( - bunny.y, - bunny.x);


The following Cocos2d code creates a particle explosion in your scene. It requires that you have Cocos2d installed and configured, and an image named “fire.png” in the resources directory. Ensure the Cocos2d Scene and Layer structures have been implemented.

    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
        particlePrefab: {
            default: null,
            type: cc.Prefab

    start() {
        this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.spawnParticle, this);

    spawnParticle(event) {
        const particle = cc.instantiate(this.particlePrefab);

        this.scheduleOnce(() => {
        }, 1);

The Final Showdown: PixiJS or Cocos2d?

As we reach the denouement of our comparative journey, it’s time to make the tough call.

Interactive Content Creators

For those flourishing in the realm of interactive ads and educational content, PixiJS is your ally. Its high efficiency, coupled with the capacity to deliver pixel-level effects, tips the scale in its favor.

Game Developers

Creators of graphic-intensive games, heed the call of Cocos2d. Its robust support for complex 2D graphic scenarios, skeletal and sprite sheet animations render it ideal.”Game developer engrossed in skeletal animation with Cocos2d

Cross-platform GUI Program Developers

Lean towards Cocos2d for building striking cross-platform GUI programs. Its open-source framework along with its smooth rendering prowess makes it stand out.Software engineer hard at work, creating cross-platform GUI programs using Cocos2d

App Developers

App developers eyeing fast, 2D, and user-friendly interfaces, PixiJS brings you home with its automatic sprite and geometry batching.App developer optimally using PixiJS for 2D, fast mobile app development

In the high-stakes showdown of PixiJS vs Cocos2d, it boils down to your project’s requirements. For interactive content with rich graphics, PixiJS leads the race. For game development involving sophisticated animations, Cocos2d triumphs. Remember, in technology, context is key.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.