Contrasting Phaser 3 and PixiJS, PixiJS shines if your focus is speed and pixel-level effects for graphics-heavy web projects like online games and interactive ads. Alternatively, Phaser 3 excels for lightweight, 2D HTML5 game development, ideal for beginners with its modular structure and resources.

Detailed comparison: PixiJS vs Phaser 3

Key Differences Between PixiJS and Phaser 3

  • Coding: Phaser supports JavaScript/TypeScript; PixiJS primarily operates with WebGL/Canvas.
  • Architecture: PixiJS is more a ‘creation engine,’ Phaser is a 2D game framework.
  • Performance: PixiJS focuses on speed, WebGL optimization; Phaser on flexible configurations for small, fast game development.
  • Rendering: PixiJS uses native WebGL for fast, advanced effects; Phaser employs custom WebGL renderer optimised for 2D games.
Comparison PixiJS Phaser 3
Rendering System WebGL or Canvas Custom WebGL renderer
System Type 2D visuals rendering system 2D game framework
Perfect Use Case Graphics-heavy web apps, online games, interactive ads, educational content HTML5 games for desktop and mobile
Core Features Automatic sprite & geometry batching, text rendering, native spritesheets, advanced effects, clean API Flexible configuration, support for game logic, asset loading, positioning, WebGL and Canvas rendering
Open Source Yes Yes
Learning Resources Official website, tutorials, API guide, Wiki, Discord chat Getting Started guide, game tutorial, developer logs
Setup Download prebuild build, npm install or CDN URL Follow Contributors Guide on Phaser 3 source code

What Is PixiJS and Who’s It For?

PixiJS is a robust 2D rendering system for web content. It harnesses the power of WebGL or Canvas to deliver pixel-perfect visuals, making it a direct successor to Flash in HTML5. Aimed at creating graphics-heavy web apps, online games, interactive ads, or educational content, it’s an excellent tool for developers seeking speed, rich features, and a user-friendly experience.

It caters to both novices and experienced developers, offering resources like tutorials, API guides, and a well-knit GitHub-hosted community. It’s compatible with Cordova and Electron for mobile and desktop app distribution, making it an all-inclusive solution for cross-platform applications.

Colorful depiction of a developer working on PixiJS in a tech hub

Pros of PixiJS

  • Automatic sprite & geometry batching for optimized WebGL usage
  • Supports rendering of trails, primitives, text, not just sprites
  • Fast rendering with advanced effects through Filter class, shader programs
  • Open Source, free, and community-driven
  • Extensible with a clean internal API across 5 major versions

Cons of PixiJS

  • Lacks the extensive capabilities of a full-fledged game engine
  • Relatively complex for beginners compared to other engines
  • Requires a good understanding of WebGL and 2D graphics principles

What Is Phaser and Who’s It For?

Phaser is a next-generation game framework, designed for creating dynamic 2D games for desktop and mobile platforms. Built using a data-oriented, modular structure, Phaser stands apart with a custom WebGL renderer designed specifically for modern gaming. Initially launched in April 2013, the platform has since evolved, with Phaser 4 now under development.

The tool is developed for game creators of all skill levels, offering excellent learning resources, beginner-friendly tutorials, and a supportive community. Recognized for its lightweight structure and ease of use, Phaser focuses on offering a comprehensive solution for quick, efficient HTML5 game development.

Colorful image of a game developer meticulously crafting a game with Phaser in a gaming studio

Pros of Phaser

  • Powerful, custom-built WebGL renderer for modern 2D games
  • Free software with robust learning resources and a supportive community
  • Offers painless cross-platform compatibility, supporting both Canvas and WebGL
  • Offers flexibility with asset loading, game logic handling, positioning, and sound management

Cons of Phaser

  • While Phaser 4 is under development, Phaser 3’s reliability and long-term support can be a concern
  • Phaser 3 has seen some API breaking changes, indicating potential stability issues
  • The JavaScript or TypeScript prerequisite makes it a challenging tool for beginners

PixiJS vs Phaser 3: Pricing

Both PixiJS and Phaser 3 offer open-source licensing, ensuring cost-effective access to powerful 2D graphics rendering and gaming capabilities.


PixiJS operates on an open source model, with the full codebase accessible via an MIT license and hosted on GitHub. Despite offering its rich features and powerful rendering system without charge, the project welcomes financial contributions that help accelerate its ongoing development.

Phaser 3

Phaser 3, similarly, is an open-source HTML5 game framework, developed and supported largely by developers and Patreon members. The software is free for both desktop and mobile deployment, making it an economical choice for developers keen on creating advanced 2D games over a multitude of platforms.

Code Examples for PixiJS & Phaser 3


This PixiJS snippet creates a rotating UFO that moves across the screen. Prerequisites: PixiJS library and ufo.png in the same directory.

        // Create app and loader
        const app = new PIXI.Application();
        const loader = new PIXI.Loader();

        // Load UFO asset
        loader.add('ufo', 'ufo.png');


        function setup() {
        const ufo = new PIXI.Sprite(loader.resources['ufo'].texture);

        // Positioning UFO
        ufo.x = app.renderer.width / 2;
        ufo.y = app.renderer.height / 2;

        // Make it interactive
        ufo.interactive = true;

        // Add UFO to the stage

        // Animation function
        app.ticker.add(() => {
            ufo.rotation += 0.01;
            ufo.x += 1;
            if (ufo.x > app.renderer.width) ufo.x = -ufo.width;

Phaser 3

This Phaser 3 snippet generates an interactive bouncing ball. Note: Phaser 3 library and ball.png in the same folder.

        // Configuration object
        const config = {
            type: Phaser.AUTO,
            width: 400,
            height: 300,
            physics: { default: 'arcade' },
            scene: { create: create, update: update }

        // Create game instance
        const game = new Phaser.Game(config);

        // Variables
        let ball;

        function create() {
            // Add ball image
            ball = this.physics.add.image(200, 150, 'ball');

            // Enable physics
            ball.setVelocity(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.FACTORY.velocityFromAngle(Phaser.Math.Between(-180, 180), Phaser.Math.Between(50, 100)));

            // On click, reposition the ball randomly
            this.input.on('pointerdown', () => {
                ball.setPosition(Phaser.Math.Between(0, 400), Phaser.Math.Between(0, 300));

        function update() { /* Ball physics are handled automatically */ }

Final Verdict | PixiJS vs Phaser 3

Unveiling the superior choice between PixiJS and Phaser 3 pivots on specific audience niches. Who should harness which tool? Let’s demystify.

Online-Game Makers

For online-game creators focusing on 2D visuals, PixiJS’s high-speed rendering and convenient sprite handling offer unmatched performance advantages. Coupled with its efficient WebGL exploitation, PixiJS ideally serves graphics-heavy web apps and online games.

Game creator examining multiple monitors with mixed programs and PixiJS logo displayed prominently

Educational Content Designers

In the realm of educational content, both tools come into the fray. However, the interactive ad potential of PixiJS gives it the upper edge – offering enhanced engagement in ed-tech applications.

Educational content creator working on interactive lesson with PixiJS toolkit next to a stack of textbooks

Mobile/Desktop App Developers

App developers eyeing at behavioral data and structured approach would find Phaser 3’s data-oriented structure more appealing. With a custom WebGL renderer, it’s designed for modern 2D games on mobile/desktop.

App developer using Phaser 3 coding on laptop in a modern office

Beginner Developers

Stepping into the world of coding? Phaser 3 welcomes newbie developers with a more flexible configuration and abundant learning resources. Its community provides video tutorials, plugins, and discords which are beginner-friendly.

Young developer learning Phaser 3 on laptop with tutorials on side monitor

If you’re after performance and pixel perfection, PixiJS is the go-to. However, for structure and beginner-friendly resource, Phaser 3 tops the list. Make the choice that aligns with your objectives and expertise.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.