In the PlayCanvas vs Cocos2d stakes, PlayCanvas outshines for collaborative, cloud-based 3D development, GPU accelerated graphics, and support for WebGL standards. It’s ideal for advanced developers requiring simultaneous editing. Yet, Cocos2d excels in 2D game creation with a software-friendly framework. It’s excellent for developers focusing on 2D graphics or cross-platform GUI programs.

PlayCanvas vs Cocos2d comparison

Key Differences Between PlayCanvas and Cocos2d

  • Cloud-hosted: PlayCanvas provides a cloud-hosted creation platform allowing multiple simultaneous edits, unlike Cocos2d.
  • Language Compatibility: PlayCanvas primarily uses JavaScript, while Cocos2d is more versatile with branches supporting Objective-C, C++, and JavaScript.
  • Graphics Handling: PlayCanvas supports WebGL for 3D graphics. However, Cocos2d focuses more on 2D sprite-based scenes with OpenGL.
  • Collaboration & Version Control: Only PlayCanvas offers a real-time collaborative editor with integrated version control system.
Comparison PlayCanvas Cocos2d
Initial Release June 4, 2014 Python 2008, iPhone 2008
License Open Source Open Source, Free
Key Feature Real-time Editor, WebGL support for advanced graphics 2D Image Sprites, Cross-Platform
Up-to-date Branches/Version WebGL 1.0 & 2.0 Cocos2d-x V3.8
Programming Language JavaScript C++, Python, Lua, JS
Platform Distribution Web Link, Android Native Wrappers Multi-platform Including Web and Native
Known Use Cases Disney, Facebook, Samsung FarmVille, Geometry Dash, Plague Inc.

What Is PlayCanvas and Who’s It For?

PlayCanvas is an open-source 3D game engine that also supports the development of interactive applications. It offers an in-browser, cloud-hosted creation platform, facilitating multiple simultaneous edits from different computers. This potent ecosystem makes PlayCanvas an ideal candidate for game developers, immersive digital content creators, and educational units teaching 3D modeling. It is widely compatible, boasting support from leading tech firms, including ARM, Activision, and Mozilla.

Favoring collaboration, its real-time Editor enables multiple developers to work concurrently. Notably, for independent developers, hobbyists, or small teams, PlayCanvas offers a Free plan, while large-scale organizations get enriched features with Personal and Organisation plans.

Colorful glimpse of a 3D design in PlayCanvas, towards a bustling tech park

Pros of PlayCanvas

  • Cloud-hosted platform with real-time, multi-user editing features
  • Wide compatibility with WebGL-supporting browsers
  • Built using cutting-edge tech, WebGL 1.0 & 2.0
  • Acts as a Cloud Storage Provider for VS Code
  • Provision of Free, Personal, and Organisation plans

Cons of PlayCanvas

  • Dependent on continuous internet connection for functionality
  • Learning curve for beginners
  • Free plan may lack features desired by advanced users

What Is Cocos2d and Who’s It For?

Cocos2d is a freely accessible software framework, effortlessly enabling the creation of games, apps, or cross-platform GUI programs. It enjoys a substantial user base including game developers, app makers, and UI designers. Its impressive feats include the creation of notable games such as FarmVille, Geometry Dash, and Plague Inc.

Rooted in flexibility, Cocos2d lets you customize your developmental approach—utilize sprites for scenes, create 2D or 3D games, utilize open-source toolkits, or work with skeletal animations. Harnessing the power of different programming trends, developers can code with Python, Objective-C, Javascript, or other versions.

Colorful assembly of characters from a game developed in Cocos2d, against the backdrop of a sprawling game city

Pros of Cocos2d

  • Free software making game and app creation accessible
  • Enjoys notable branches like Cocos2d-x for multi-platform games
  • Open-source and customizable
  • Offers skeletal and sprite sheet animation

Cons of Cocos2d

  • May appear complex for beginners
  • Documentation and community support could be improved
  • Some versions are no longer actively maintained

Code Examples for PlayCanvas & Cocos2d

PlayCanvas: Creating a Spinning Cube

The following code demonstrates how you can craft a spinning cube in a 3D AR/VR environment using PlayCanvas API. The cube spins continuously on its Y-axis. Before trying this, ensure you have a working knowledge of JavaScript and a basic understanding of PlayCanvas.

        // Create a new script that spins the cube instance on its Y_AXIS
    var Spin = pc.createScript('spin');

    // Update code called every frame
    Spin.prototype.update = function(dt) {
        this.entity.rotate(0, -100 * dt, 0);

Cocos2d: Animated Sprite

This code example showcases how to create an animated sprite using Cocos2d. The sprite performs a continuous jump animation. Remember to replace ‘sprite_sheet.png’ and ‘frame%d.png’ with your sprite sheet and frame names, respectively. To run this code, you should have a decent grip of Javascript and fundamental knowledge about Cocos2d.

    // Load sprite sheet

    var animFrames = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        var str = 'frame' + i + '.png';
        var frame = cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance().getSpriteFrame(str);

    var animation = cc.Animation.create(animFrames, 0.2);

    var sprite = cc.Sprite.create('frame1.png');


Note: The instructional part should be edited based on the nature and complexity of the provided code snippets.

The Showdown Verdict: PlayCanvas Vs Cocos2d

After a tug of war between PlayCanvas and Cocos2d, it’s time to declare the deserving technology for different audience segments.

Web-Based Game Developers

For developers intending to create interactive 3D applications that run in-browser, PlayCanvas stands as the supreme choice. With its cloud-hosted creation platform, real-time collaborative editor, and JavaScript scripting support, it hands you the reins for seamless and simultaneous editing.

Web-based game developers collaborating via PlayCanvas

Multi-Platform Game Designers

Cocos2d, with its array of branches – Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, Cocos2d-XNA, provides a robust framework for multi-platform game development. Its C++ language foundation, sprite-based scene creation, procedural animation capabilities, coupled with its ample support for 2D graphics, make positioning, rotating, and scaling your immersive worlds a breeze.

game designer using Cocos2d to create multiplatform games

Industry-Specific Users

Unrivaled in compatibility with industry giants, PlayCanvas flexes its usability widely across sectors. Companies like Disney, Facebook, and Samsung are known benefactors of the advantages it delivers, making it a sound choice for industry-specific adaptations.

Industry-specific users deploying PlayCanvas

For a swift venture into web-based 3D application development, PlayCanvas meets all needs, hands-down. However, for the ambitious developer seeking a diverse multi-platform approach, Cocos2d‘s artillery of features packs a hard, comparable punch.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.