For immersive 3D applications, PlayCanvas offers features like real-time collaborative editing, rigid-body physics simulation, and 3D graphics compatibility across major browsers. If your focus is performance-heavy 2D visuals, consider PixiJS for its efficient rendering system and superior flexibility for cross-platform deployments.

Comparison of PlayCanvas and PixiJS

Key Differences Between PlayCanvas and PixiJS

  • 3D vs 2D: PlayCanvas is a 3D game engine while PixiJS is a 2D rendering system.
  • Collaborative Editing: PlayCanvas enables simultaneous editing from multiple developers, PixiJS doesn’t have this feature.
  • Distribution: PlayCanvas applications are distributed via URL web links or native wrappers while PixiJS can be extended for deployment on mobile and desktop apps via Cordova & Electron.
  • Physics Simulation: PlayCanvas provides rigid-body physics simulation, PixiJS does not.
  • Price: PlayCanvas offers Free, Personal, and Organisation plans while PixiJS is Free and Open Source.
Comparison PlayCanvas PixiJS
Application Type 3D game/interactive 3D application engine 2D Rendering System
Environment Cloud-hosted creation platform. Supports simultaneous editing. WebGL or Canvas. Replaces Flash in HTML5
Compatibility Compatible with browsers supporting WebGL like Firefox and Google Chrome. Displays 2D visuals across all devices.
Distribution Via URL web link or native wrappers for Android and others Website-like deployment, mobile & desktop apps via Cordova & Electron
Support and Resources Open-sourced. Supported by ARM, Activision, Mozilla. Used by Disney, Facebook, Samsung. Requires PlayCanvas account and generated access token for usage. Open-sourced. Fully accessible code, MIT licensed, hosted on GitHub. Resources: Official website, tutorials, API guide, Wiki, discord chat.

What Is PlayCanvas and Who’s It For?

PlayCanvas is a potent open-source 3D game/interactive 3D application engine. It stands out for its cloud-hosted creation platform, enabling real-time, collaborative editing for game developers using WebGL-compatible browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome. Beyond games, its rigid-body physics simulation, 3D audio handling, and 3D animations are perfect for creating interactive 3D content. It’s an ideal tool for game developers, 3D artists, and multimedia producers.

Colorful 3D animator at a city workspace

Pros of PlayCanvas

  • Real-time, collaborative editing
  • High compatibility with WebGL browsers
  • Supports WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 standard
  • Flexible distribution options
  • Free, personal, and organization plans available

Cons of PlayCanvas

  • Requires PlayCanvas account and generated access token to operate
  • Version control system could be more user-friendly

What Is PixiJS and Who’s It For?

PixiJS is an innovative rendering system that enables breathtaking 2D visuals using WebGL or Canvas. It’s the HTML5 answer to Flash for creating graphics-intensive web applications, online games, interactive ads, and educational content. PixiJS is perfect for developers who want to produce pixel-perfect creations with optimal performance across all devices.

Colorful 2D designer in an urban office environment

Pros of PixiJS

  • Automatic sprite and geometry batching
  • Fast rendering and advanced effects with WebGL Native
  • Accessible and extensible open-source code
  • Great tools for cross-platform compatibility
  • Free and open-source with an active community

Cons of PixiJS

  • Not specifically a game engine
  • Setup can feel complicated for beginners

PlayCanvas vs PixiJS: Pricing

PlayCanvas offers a tiered pricing model from free to organization level, while PixiJS is entirely free and open-source.


PlayCanvas adopts a structured pricing model comprising of Free, Personal, and Organisation plans. Specific details about the features and limitations of each plan are not provided. However, operation requires a PlayCanvas account and a unique access token.


PixiJS is entirely open-source and free to use. Although financial contributions can support and accelerate its development, access to the tool demands no fixed charges. The code can be freely downloaded from GitHub, accompanied by an ample supply of resources.

PlayCanvas or PixiJS: The Technical Verdict

The choice between PlayCanvas and PixiJS hinges on the dynamics of your project, audience needs and technological proficiency. Here’s a rundown:

Multi-Platform Game Developers

With PlayCanvas, your 3D games gain an edge with high compatibility across WebGL-supporting browsers and flexible distribution options, from web URLs to Android wrappers. The engine’s inbuilt 3D handling, advanced physics simulation, and the collaborative real-time editor score high for larger dev teams.

game developers working on multiple screens on 3D projects

Interactive Content Creators

For interactive ads or educational content, PixiJS can be your best bet, replacing Flash in HTML5. It’s perfect for heavy 2D visuals with its smart balance of speed and pixel-perfect effects. Coupled with Cordova and Electron, PixiJS extends seamlessly from web to mobile & desktop apps.

digital artists creating interactive designs for multiple platforms

Beginners and Community-Driven Devs

If you’re starting out or prefer community-driven platforms, both technologies win. PlayCanvas underpins collaboration with multi-access editing and version control system while PixiJS invites an open source interaction on GitHub. Go for PlayCanvas for 3D focus with WebGL, or PixiJS for speed in 2D.

new developer learning from community-driven platform tutorials

Advanced AR/VR Creators

For AR/VR developers who require superior 3D capabilities, standout support for WebGL 1.0 & 2.0 makes PlayCanvas the go-to choice.Its real-time editor and advanced 3D graphics set the stage for immersive experiences.

ar/vr developer programming immersive 3d graphics for a vr headset

In the PlayCanvas vs PixiJS showdown, the final call lies in your project’s dimension and platform spread. PlayCanvas leads in 3D, offering broad compatibility and robust editing. PixiJS holds the fort in 2D, with faster rendering and effective mobile app extensions.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.