Unity dominates in terms of comprehensive features and widespread support for platforms and languages. It shines for experienced developers creating sophisticated cross-platform games. Conversely, PlayCanvas, a delight for JavaScript purists, excels in real-time collaborative projects and web-based games due to its cloud-based nature and WebGL compatibility. Choose based on project specificity.

Comparison of PlayCanvas and Unity

Key Differences Between PlayCanvas and Unity

  • PlayCanvas thrives in web-based games; Unity performs robustly in creating cross-platform games.
  • PlayCanvas supports JavaScript programming; Unity caters to several languages, including JavaScript, BOO, and C#.
  • PlayCanvas provides real-time collaboration, offering simultaneous editing from multiple systems. Unity lacks this feature.
  • Unity’s pricing scheme charges per installation; PlayCanvas houses a more traditional free, personal, and organization pricing tier.
  • PlayCanvas uses WebGL for advanced graphics; Unity serves a broader range of applications including AR/VR.
  • Unity has faced backlash over its pricing structure changes, leading to some mistrust among users.
Comparison PlayCanvas Unity
Initial Release June 4, 2014 2005
Types of Games 3D games/interactive 3D applications 3D and 2D games
Platform Compatibility WebGL browsers – Firefox, Google Chrome Multiple platforms including Android and iOS
Scripting Language JavaScript Offers a range – BOO script, Javascript, C#
Distribution Web link or native wrappers for Android and others Cross-platform distribution
Pricing Plans Free, Personal, Organisation Free, Paid, Per-install fees (post Jan 1, 2024)
Use of Advanced Technologies WebGL 1.0 & 2.0 for advanced 2D and 3D graphics AR/VR game creation, Immersive visual technologies
Alchemy with Industry Used by Disney, Facebook, Samsung etc. Engages user base in continuous learning and application, Open communication

What Is PlayCanvas and Who’s It For?

PlayCanvas, an open-source platform specializing in 3D gaming and interaction, facilitates collaborative, cloud-based project creation and rendering. This tool was meticulously built to harmonize with browsers supporting WebGL like Firefox and Google Chrome, making it a proficient choice for rigid-body physics simulation, 3D audio handling, and 3D animations. Evolving through its acquisition by Snap Inc. in 2017, it’s a game changer for developers seeking to optimize WebGL 1.0 and 2.0’s potential.

PlayCanvas’ well-tuned features and its abilities as a cloud storage provider for VS Code, appeals immensely to tech trailblazers, including the likes of Disney, Facebook, and Samsung. Whether you’re a solo developer or a part of an organization, PlayCanvas bounds ahead with its inclusive plans catering for all needs.

Colorful snapshot of a developer at work in PlayCanvas' dynamic cloud environment.

Pros of PlayCanvas

  • Powerful cloud-hosted creation platform
  • Real-time collaborative editor for simultaneous editing
  • Robust WebGL standard support
  • Flexible JavaScript scripting
  • Distribution via URL web link or native wrappers
  • Steller lineup of clients including Disney, Facebook, Samsung

Cons of PlayCanvas

  • Requires PlayCanvas account and access token generation for usage
  • Conflict resolution is time-dependent, may lead to accidental overwrites
  • Project limitations in free plan

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity, a behemoth in the sphere of game development engines, has been invigorating cross-platform game creation since 2005. With 3D and 2D applications, augmented reality, and simulations within its realm, Unity empowers developers to bring their most ambitious visions to life. Unity’s offering galore – tools, rendering technology, adaptable operating systems – are tailored to enable high-quality games.

Unity’s pricing model, however, has been divisive, feared to disadvantage independent and mobile developers. Notwithstanding, Unity’s rich asset store pumping creative juice for game designs and active developer community remain attractive propositions. Unity stands committed to user-friendliness, compatibility, and immersive visual experiences, while also finding its way amid user-trust issues.

Colorful image of a game developer immersed in creating an AR/VR game using Unity

Pros of Unity

  • Powerful cross-platform game development engine
  • Diverse coding languages support
  • Active and collaborative developer community
  • Promotes AR/VR game creation
  • Rich asset store for design inspiration

Cons of Unity

  • Controversial new per-install fee pricing model
  • Potential for sudden pricing changes disrupting developers
  • Lack of trust due to unannounced changes and new retroactive fees
  • Concerns over digital preservation efforts
  • Fees differ based on the market, higher in “standard” markets

Code Examples for PlayCanvas & Unity

PlayCanvas: 360 Degree Gallery

This example will guide you through implementing a 360-degree image gallery in PlayCanvas. Make sure you have your suitable images ready, properly sized, and in equirectangular image layout. The images should be 2:1 aspect ratio (width:height).

// Create new entity
let sphere = new pc.Entity();

// Add model component
sphere.model.type = 'sphere';

// Add script to handle image change
app.assets.loadFromUrl('change-image.js', 'script', function(err, asset) {
    sphere.script.changeImage.images = ['image1.jpg', 'image2.jpg', 'image3.jpg'];

// Add sphere to hierarchy

Unity: Moving Object with User Input

This code snippet will demonstrate how to allow user input to control the movement of an entity within Unity. A Rigidbody component is needed for the script’s target entity.

public class MoveObject : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 10.0f;
    private Rigidbody rb;
    void Start()
        rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
    void FixedUpdate()
        float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
        rb.AddForce(movement * speed);

Remember to attach this script to the desired game object and punch in the desired speed in the script component within Unity’s inspector.

The Final Verdict: PlayCanvas vs Unity

In choosing between PlayCanvas and Unity, it precipitates to the quintessence of your project and the nature of your user base.

Web-based Developers

If you fall into the category of web-based developers seeking flexibility and multiuser editing, PlayCanvas is your go-to bet. Being an open-source engine with native WebGL support and collaborative, real-time editor capabilities indicates a significant advantage.

  • Multi-device compatibility
  • URL distribution
  • Cloud hosted creation

web-developer exploring the internet

Game Developers

For the game developers leaning towards high-quality asset creation and immersive realities, Unity takes the crown. It has a leg up with features like cross-platform launching and multiple coding languages. But be wary of the proposed pricing changes set to effect from 2024.

  1. Cross-platform launching
  2. Rich asset store
  3. Active developer community

game developer creating a new video game

Casual Programmers

Casual programmers looking for a hassle-free experience may prefer PlayCanvas. Its user-friendly platform, JavaScript scripting, and free basic plan edge out Unity’s intricate system despite its broader capabilities.

  • Free plan availability
  • JavaScript scripting
  • Layered collaborative tool

casual programmer coding in a relaxed atmosphere

Although both platforms offer advanced features, PlayCanvas holds a slight advantage for web-based and casual programmers, while Unity remains more appealing to game developers. Yet, the conundrum of Unity’s pricing changes imparts an undercurrent of uncertainty.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.