For beginners seeking a collaboratively cloud-based, WebGL-supported, and browser-adaptive solution, PlayCanvas excels. Conversely, Unreal Engine stands unchallenged for extensive platform coverage, integrating intricate 3D animations and advanced real-world physics – ideal for veteran coders and large-scale projects.

PlayCanvas vs Unreal Engine

Key Differences Between PlayCanvas and Unreal Engine

  • PlayCanvas utilises JavaScript for scripting, whereas Unreal Engine uses C++.
  • PlayCanvas is a cloud-hosted creation platform with real-time collaboration. Unreal Engine lacks integrated real-time collaboration.
  • Unreal Engine’s usage comes with royalty charges for commercial projects earning over USD 1 million, whereas PlayCanvas has a free plan along with paid plans.
  • While both support desktop and mobile, Unreal Engine extends to consoles and VR.
Comparison PlayCanvas Unreal Engine
Type Open-source 3D Game/Interactive 3D Application Engine 3D Computer Graphics Game Engines
Platform Cloud-hosted creation platform Desktop, mobile, console, and virtual reality
WebGL Support Yes No
Physics Simulation, 3D Audio, and 3D Animations Yes Yes
Real-time Editing Yes Unrevealed
Scripting Language JavaScript C++
Distribution Method URL web link or Native wrappers Various, depends on platform
Cost Free, Personal and Organisation plans 5% of revenues over $1 million, free for schools and universities
Collaboration Features Yes Marketplace for selling creations or purchasing the work of other developers

What Is PlayCanvas and Who’s It For?

PlayCanvas is an open-source 3D game engine and interactive application platform known for its cloud-hosted creation capabilities. It grants a multi-terrain compatibility range extending to Firefox, Google Chrome, and any other browser that supports WebGL. The platform gained popularity and trust from reputable firms like ARM, Activision, and Mozilla. It’s an ideal tool for online game developers seeking real-time collaboration and data rigor in their 3D projects.

The service is fit for users at various levels, from beginners enjoying the workings of a free plan to advanced developers utilising the organization plan for more complex operations. Notable companies like Disney, Facebook, and Samsung have trusted PlayCanvas for their projects.

Colorful 3D game developers in a hi-tech work environment

Pros of PlayCanvas

  • Open-source tool with a cloud-hosted creation platform
  • Supports realtime collaboration
  • Strong industry support and trust
  • Integrated with a version control system
  • Supports WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 standard

Cons of PlayCanvas

  • Requires account and access token for usage
  • Collaborative features might overwhelm new users

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine (UE), originating from Epic Games, is a powerful suite of integrated tools for developers to design and build games, simulations, and visualizations. It has a proven record supporting a vast pool of platforms from desktops and consoles to mobiles and VR systems. Through various versions since its first showcase in 1998, UE integrated new features, adopted support for more platforms, and entertained different pricing models.

UE stands as a companion tool for game developers, film and television content creators, or anyone in need of intensive 3D computer graphics. It has a flexible pricing model, including a free version for education and a percentage revenue fee, offering a lucrative platform for developers to sell or buy creations in the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Colorful game developer in a gaming studio

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Wide support for different platforms
  • Powerful and integrated tool suite
  • Flexible pricing models
  • Thriving marketplace for developers
  • Support for creating iOS games and apps

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • A steep learning curve
  • Royalties on revenues over USD 1 million

Code Examples for PlayCanvas & Unreal Engine

PlayCanvas: Creating a Floating Cube

In this example, we create a PlayCanvas application that displays a floating cube. The cube constantly rotates and moves up and down as if floating. You need a basic understanding of JavaScript and the PlayCanvas engine to understand this code snippet.

    //Floating Cube PlayCanvas Code
    var FloatingCube = pc.createScript('floatingCube');

    FloatingCube.prototype.initialize = function() {
        this.direction = 1;

    FloatingCube.prototype.update = function(dt) {
        //Rotate the cube
        this.entity.rotate(0, dt * 30, 0);

        //Make the cube float
        var pos = this.entity.getLocalPosition();
        if (pos.y > 2) this.direction = -1;
        if (pos.y < -2) this.direction = 1;
        pos.y += this.direction * dt;

Unreal Engine: Spawning Static Meshes

This code snippet demonstrates how to spawn static meshes at different locations in Unreal Engine. Familiarity with Unreal Engine and a basic understanding of C++ are prerequisites.

    //Spawning Static Meshes in Unreal Engine
    #include "Engine/World.h"
    #include "GameFramework/Actor.h"

    void AMyActor::SpawnMesh()
        FVector location = FVector(0, 0, 0);
        FRotator rotation = FRotator(0, 0, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            location.X += 100.0f * i;

            FActorSpawnParameters spawnParams;
            GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AStaticMeshActor>(&location, &rotation, spawnParams);

PlayCanvas or Unreal Engine – The Deciding Moment

Let’s resolve the technological tug of war between PlayCanvas and Unreal Engine buzz. To do so, we’ll break down our audiences into developers, game creators, and AR/VR enthusiasts.

Browser Game Developers

For developers aiming at producing interactive 3D applications or games majorly running on web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome, PlayCanvas is the clear winner. Given its compatibility with WebGL, collaborative real-time editing, and easy distribution via a web link, it’s a no-brainer for all coding wizards out there.

Browser game developers discussing PlayCanvas code

High-End Game Creators

Unreal Engine emerges as the Spartan-level game engine for creators delving into the world of high-end and detailed game construction. Its advanced C++ tech, rich-history, and multi-platform support make it an unbeatable choice for your next big blockbuster gaming project.

Game creators brainstorming with Unreal Engine platforms

AR/VR Innovators

Folks dabbling in the AR/VR world, the choice swings towards Unreal Engine. It has been a stalwart in the multi-platform domain, including VR, making it an ideal choice for those looking to craft immersive applications that blow minds.

AR/VR creators planning with Unreal Engine

Ready for a bite-sized conclusion? Unreal Engine rules for high-end gaming and AR/VR applications while PlayCanvas reigns supreme for browser-focused gaming or 3D dev needs. There! You’ve got it. Go conquer the tech world!

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.