For beginners or those needing simple graphical output, Python’s Turtle makes an ideal choice. However, if you’re embarking on creating complex video games, the enhanced real-time capabilities of Pygame are superior.

Pygame and Turtle compared

Key Differences Between Pygame and Turtle Graphics

  • Pygame is a set of Python modules for video game development, whereas Turtle Graphics is primarily an learning tool for introducing programming.
  • Pygame offers cross-platform capabilities, Android compatibility, and community-driven support, while Turtle Graphics is part of the standard Python library.
  • Pygame provides complex features like vector math, collision detection, and sprite management, ideal for game creation, whereas Turtle Graphics enables basic sketch to complex geometric shape creation.
  • Pygame supports a wider array of operating systems like AmigaOS, Dreamcast, Atari, providing versatility, while Turtle Graphics offers simplicity and minimum overhead, ideal for beginners.
Comparison Pygame Turtle Graphics
First Released October 28, 2000 1960s
Coding Language Python, C, Cython, Assembly Python
License GNU Lesser General Public License Python Standard Library
Primary Use Game Development Learning Programming, Drawing
Portable Yes Yes
Platforms Supported Windows, macOS, Android, among others All with Python support
Advanced Features Vector math, collision detection, adjustments to game speed, etc. Geometric shapes, patterns, advanced turtle features
Beginner Friendly Yes Yes

What Is Pygame and Who’s It For?

Pygame is a robust suite of Python modules designed with the purpose of facilitating video game creation, championing cross-platform capabilities. Originally penned by luminaries like Lenard Lindstrom, René Dudfield, Pete Shinners, and others, Pygame was first seen in digital form on October 28, 2000, rapidly evolving into its current, stable release of version 2.5.0 as of June 2023. The Pygame toolset, operating under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is engineered to be an accessible tool for beginners, making game development easier through a combination of Python, C, Cython, and Assembly languages. It has found resonance with audiences as diverse as children, college students, and first-time programmers.

Colorful programmers at workstation using Pygame technology

Pros of Pygame

  • Liberal choice of programming languages
  • Optimized for beginners and first-time users
  • Strong community support and tutorials
  • Highly portable, operationally versatile
  • Control over game speed via increased FPS

Cons of Pygame

  • Limited to 2D
  • Certain features may be complex for beginners

What Is Turtle Graphics and Who’s It For?

Turtle Graphics, born from the fertile grounds of MIT in the 1960s, is not just a programming tool but an educational construct designed to give learners a practical, hands-on introduction to programming. It all started with a robot named “Turtle,” controlled with a physical pen, turning theoretical code into tangible output. Today, “Turtle” is a virtual object in a medley of modern languages including Python, taking users on a guided tour from basic sketches to the constructs of complex geometric figures. The Turtle system, being a part of Python’s standard library, can be navigated using Python’s syntax, data structures, control flows. It can be utilized by anyone looking to understand programming essentials from a primary level.

Colorful children learning Python with Turtle Graphics

Pros of Turtle Graphics

  • Simplifies understanding of Python essentials
  • Flexible enough to allow creation of complex geometric shapes
  • Great fit for educational settings
  • Includes both basic and advanced features

Cons of Turtle Graphics

  • Limited in scope compared to external libraries
  • Not optimized for professional-level programming applications

Code Examples for Pygame & Turtle


Let’s venture into creating an engaging Pygame example beyond basic square or circle drawings. This snippet creates a simple yet fun sprite animation using a sprite sheet. The animation will depict a running character. Make sure Pygame is installed (py -m pip install -U pygame –user) and you need to have a sprite sheet named “sprite_sheet.png” in the same directory as your code.

                import pygame
        import sys


        SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 800, 600
        FRAME_RATE = 30

        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load("sprite_sheet.png").convert_alpha()

        class Character(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
            def __init__(self):
                super(Character, self).__init__()
                self.images = [sprite_sheet.subsurface(i*64,0,64,64) for i in range(4)]
                self.current_image = 0
                self.image = self.images[self.current_image]
                self.rect = pygame.rect.Rect(100, 100, 64, 64)
            def update(self):
                self.current_image = (self.current_image + 1)%4
                self.image = self.images[self.current_image]
        character = Character()
        all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(character)

        while True:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:




This Turtle code creates a spiral pattern of squares, drawing them of increasing size and with colors changing across the full RGB spectrum. Python’s turtle module needs to be present for this code to run without hitches. Use Python’s built-in package installer (pip install turtle).

        import turtle
        import random



        color = ['red', 'magenta', 'blue',
                'cyan', 'green', 'white', 'yellow']

        for i in range(360):
            turtle.pencolor(color[i % 7])
            turtle.width(i / 100 + 1)

The Decisive Battle: Pygame vs Turtle | Which to Choose?

As you stand on the precipice of decision between Pygame and Turtle, cogitate upon your specific needs, audience, and project complexity. The final verdict unfolds as thus:

Beginner Programmers

For the novitiate trudging into the universe of programming, Turtle undoubtedly shines as the beacon of simplicity. Commingle commands like forward(), left() effortlessly to carve geometric diagrams. Master Python’s essential syntax, control flows, and data structures with this approachable tool, sans the convolution swift software development often throws at you. Turtle, my friends, is a friendly companion for your maiden Python voyage.

A young beginner programmer, engrossed in coding a shape on Python Turtle Graphics, with a look of pure elation at his first successful program run.

Future Game Devs

Embarking on the voyage to becoming a stalwart game developer? Pledge allegiance to Pygame. Fashion video games of varied complexity, flirt with pixel-array manipulations, orchestrate the game’s speed, all these and more while soaking in the abundant cross-platform capabilities it offers. Society’s future Frets on Fire and Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble creators, your weapon of choice is clear – Pygame.

An aspiring game developer, exploring the capabilities of Pygame, on the brink of creating the next big indie game.

Established Coders Looking for Graphic Output

If you’re an established Pythonista desiring graphical output without the mind-boggling labyrinth of external graphic libraries, reach for the Turtle. From simple sketches to complex geometric patterns, let your python lines dance to your commands, creating visual magic.

An experienced Python programmer, effortlessly using Python Turtle graphics to create complex geometric patterns on the screen.

If Pygame is your sword, wield it well for the grand crusade of game development. Turtle, your steadfast shield, defends you in the battles of learning and graphical output. As Google’s whisper would reveal, “For game development Pearl, choose Pygame. If learning Python, or needing graphic simplicity, Turtle will serve thee well.”

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.