Unity and Pygame serve diverse domains. If you’re new to game development or creating simple games, Pygame is your best choice – it’s accessible and easier to grasp. However, for more advanced, immersive 3D and 2D games, or AR/VR features, go for Unity despite its changing pricing structures.

Pygame vs Unity comparison

Key Differences Between Pygame and Unity

  • Coding: Pygame uses Python, C and Assembly languages. Unity allows coding in BOO script, Javascript and C#.
  • Community Support: Both provide ample community support for problem-solving and feedback.
  • Pricing: Pygame operates under GNU License, essentially free. Unity offers free and paid versions, with a new per-install fee structure to be implemented from 2024.
  • Application: Pygame is used for creating simple games and learning, Unity for creating sophisticated 3D, 2D games and AR/VR applications.
  • Speed: Pygame code is faster than Python code. Unity’s speed can vary depending upon the complexity of the game.
Comparison Pygame Unity
Initial Release October 28, 2000 2005
Language Python, C, Cython, Assembly BOO script, Javascript, C#
Cross-Platform Yes Yes
License GNU Lesser General Public License Proprietary, with subscription fee
Community Support Community Driven Active developer community
Operating System Compatibility Highly Portable, compatible with most OS Adaptable with several OS
Mobile Compatibility Android, with sound, vibration, keyboard, and accelerometer support Android, iOS
2D/3D Game Creation 2D Primarily Both 3D and 2D
Availability Freeware, shareware, and commercial games Free version, Pro version, per-install fees
Pricing Model Open-source, no fees Pricing restructured in 2024, fees for each install

What Is Pygame and Who’s It For?

Pygame, a set of Python modules adept in video game creation, came into existence on October 28, 2000, with its latest stable release, version 2.5.0, rolled out in June 2023. The tool leverages the GNU Lesser General Public License and the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library, with code written in Python, C, Cython, and Assembly. Its cross-platform capabilities, coupled with its fostering of a congenial and learning-based environment for novice programmers, has made it one of the preferred choices for game developers globally.

Pygame is highly portable, supporting nearly all operating systems. Deriving power from community-driven development, it offers a myriad of features like sound, vibration, keyboard, accelerometer support, and more. It serves beginners, college students, first-time programmers, and is even used for teaching programming to young kids. Noted games like Frets on Fire, Drawn Down Abyss, and others are proud creations of Pygame.

Colorful depiction of a programmer using Pygame on their computer in a modern workspace

Pros of Pygame

  • Compact token length
  • Extensive cross-platform capabilities
  • Community-oriented, tutorials for beginners
  • Flexible; works on handheld devices, game consoles, OLPC computers
  • Facilitates creation of open-source, shareware, commercial games

Cons of Pygame

  • Limited to 2D sprite scene
  • Lacks built-in 3D function capabilities
  • Slow in comparison to languages like C++ or Java

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a formidable game development engine launched in 2005, serving as the bedrock for creating robust 3D and 2D games. A suite of incredible tools, rendering technology, and features make Unity a favored choice for game developers, allowing for a diverse array of applications from AR to 3D simulations. However, it has faced backlash after the announcement of a new pricing model, with developers seeing potential threats to their financial sustainability.

Unity offers a free version along with a Pro version packed with remarkable features. The upcoming per-install pricing model effective from January 1, 2024, has created quite a stir in the developer’s community. It claims to carry forward a digital preservation approach, promising not to levy any charge until the game surpasses $200,000 in revenue and 200,000 installations.

Colorful depiction of a game developer working on Unity platform in a virtual reality lab

Pros of Unity

  • Supports 3D and 2D game creation
  • Cross-platform capabilities
  • Rich asset store with pre-designed textures and features
  • Active developer community

Cons of Unity

  • Concerns over new pricing model
  • Diminished trust due to unannounced changes
  • Increased fee for ‘standard’ markets

Code Examples for Pygame & Unity


This example creates a side-scroller game with a player and moving background in Pygame. Make sure you already have Pygame installed in your Python environment.

    import pygame
    import os

    win_width = 800
    win_height = 600

    class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
        def __init__(self):

        def update(self):
            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
                self.rect.x -= 5
            if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
                self.rect.x += 5

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((win_width, win_height))

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player()

    running = True
    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False

        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))



This script allows a Unity 3D object to follow a circular path. Ensure you have the Unity engine and an object prepared.

    // Attach this script to the object you want to move
    using UnityEngine;

    public class CircleMotion : MonoBehaviour {
        public float speed = 10f;
        private float xPos;
        private float yPos;
        private float radius = 5f;
        private float angle = 0f;

        void Update()
            xPos = Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius;
            yPos = Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius;
            transform.position = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0);
            angle = angle + Time.deltaTime * speed;

            if (angle >= 360f) {
                angle = 0f;

Pygame or Unity: Making the Tactical Decision

In this high-stakes game of choice between Pygame and Unity, we carve clear a path of navigation for distinct audience segments.


If you’re just tiptoeing into the wide world of game development, Pygame might be your best bet. With its simplicity, accessibility, and compatibility across countless operating systems, it serves as a relatively forgiving entry-point. Its handheld device and game console compatibility only adds to its allure.

Novice programmer, spectacles perched on his nose, scrutinizing Pygame code on his laptop in a dim room


Feeling out the solo route or operating with a limited budget? Pygame might still be the weapon of choice, particularly with its potential to create an array of open source, freeware, and shareware games. Avoid the potential burden of Unity’s new per-install fees that might drain an indie budget.

Indie developer, seated cross-legged with laptop, working on Pygame project in a minimalist studio


Developers in the AR/VR sector eager to create visually immersive experiences should look to Unity. It offers advanced AR/VR features, sophisticated tools, and a rich asset store that can outdo Pygame’s 2D-oriented architecture. Unity’s continuous evolution makes it a potent tool for superior AR/VR game development.

AR/VR developer wearing VR headset, interacting with Unity 3D simulations in an advanced tech studio

If simplicity steals your favor, Pygame, with its accessibility and beginner-friendliness, wins hands down. For advanced AR/VR creations and immersive experiences, lean towards Unity. The choice resonates with your development priorities, skills, and financial planning.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.