For versatile, user-friendly game development, raylib is your optimal choice, especially for C language enthusiasts. It’s cross-platform, handles 3D with aplomb, and features unique extras like VR support. However, if Java is your language and finer control a compulsion, then libGDX with its extensive third-party ecosystem and robust feature set is the right match for you.

Comparison of Raylib and Libgdx

Key Differences Between Raylib and LibGDX

  • Language: Raylib uses C, libGDX operates in Java.
  • Versatility: Raylib supports over 50 programming languages, libGDX integrates well with Java-related tools.
  • Target Users: Raylib is designed for prototyping, education, and embedded systems; libGDX targets game developers seeking fine-grained control.
  • Support and Community: Both technologies have robust communities, but libGDX’s support is older and more extensive.
  • Virtual Reality: Raylib supports VR stereo rendering while libGDX offers VR support via 3D APIs.
Comparison Raylib LibGDX
Initial Release November 18, 2013 Over 10 years from present
Platform Support Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, HTML5 Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Web
Rendering Technology OpenGL OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0
Programming Language C (C99) Java
3D Support Full 3D support for shapes, models, billboards, heightmaps Simple loaders for Wavefront OBJ and MD5, lighting systems, GLTF 2.0 support, VR support”
Audio Support Audio loading/streaming (WAV, OGG, MP3, FLAC, XM, MOD) Audio streaming for (WAV, MP3, OGG), Direct PCM sample playback and recording
VR Support Yes with configurable HMD device parameters Yes
External Dependencies No, all required libraries included No specific detail provided
Awards Awards from Google and Epic Games No specific detail provided
License No specific detail provided Apache 2.0
GUI Module Immediate mode GUI module: raygui UI library
Project Phase Focus has shifted to tools development under Raylib Technologies since January 2018 No specific detail provided
Matrix, Vector, Quaternion Operations Powerful math module for Vector, Matrix and Quaternion operations: raymath Matrix, vector, quaternion classes; Intersection and overlap testing
Physics engine No specific detail provided 2D via Box2D, 3D via Bullet
Support for Game Services No specific detail provided Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, In-app purchases, AdMob
Community Support No specific detail provided Large community support with forums, active Discord server and detailed Wiki tutorials

What Is Raylib and Who’s It For?

Raylib is a robust C-based library introduced by Ramon Santamaria back in 2013. It’s a cross-platform treasure, offering streamlined support for Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, and HTML5. Conceived as a tribute to the Borland BGI graphics library and the XNA framework, it’s the go-to tool for graphical applications, embedded systems, and more importantly, for educational purposes. Its diverse toolkit caters uniquely to geeks aiming at prototyping and tooling.

Colorful snapshot of a diligent programmer engrossed in Raylib on his dual-monitor Ubuntu setup, surrounded by Raspberry Pi boards and an adventurous booting of FreeBSD, capturing the versatility of the platform.

Pros of Raylib

  • Broad compatibility, covering multiple platforms
  • Easy to use, accelerating your prototyping speed
  • Flexible materials system
  • Full 3D supports for various modules

Cons of Raylib

  • Could be overwhelming for beginners due to the vastness of tools and languages
  • Written in C, might not cater to non-C developers

What Is LibGDX and Who’s It For?

LibGDX is an acclaimed Java game development framework that has been around for over a decade. It offers a unified API for cross-platform targeting, including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, and Web. Embracing its JVM roots, it appeals to developers who desire control and value the vastness of the Java ecosystem. From audio streaming to gesture detection and networking, it lays down a sturdy foundation to build a multitude of gaming elements, making it suited for seasoned or budding game developers.

Colorful image depicting a focused game developer surrounded by different screens showing various elements of game development using LibGDX in a high-powered workstation.

Pros of LibGDX

  • Facade of a feature-rich ecosystem, offering complete game development components
  • Extensive third-party plugins
  • Fine-grained control with code-centric approach

Cons of LibGDX

  • High initial learning curve
  • Requires Java knowledge and proficiency

Raylib vs LibGDX: Pricing

Both Raylib and LibGDX are freely available, open-source technologies for game development.


Raylib is an open-source technology, providing free access to its entire suite of features with no pricing tiers or exceptions. It is devised with a mandate to facilitate education and accessible development.


LibGDX maintains a free-to-use policy and is fully open-source, granting developers access to all features without any charges.

Code Examples for Raylib & Libgdx


Here’s a snippet for creating a simple 2D physics simulation using Raylib. These parameters can be adjusted according to the object’s weight, simulation speed, and other physics-related properties. Ensure you have the latest version of Raylib installed to execute the code below.

#include "raylib.h"
int main() {
    int screenWidth = 800;
 int screenHeight = 450;
    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Raylib example");
    Vector2 ballPosition = { (float)screenWidth/2, (float)screenHeight/2 };
    Vector2 ballSpeed = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
    int ballRadius = 50;
    int gravity = 1;
    while (!WindowShouldClose()){
        ballSpeed.y += gravity;
        ballPosition.y += ballSpeed.y;
        if (((ballPosition.y) > screenHeight - ballRadius)) ballSpeed.y *= -1;
        DrawCircleV(ballPosition, ballRadius, DARKBLUE);
    return 0;


This Libgdx code is a simple platformer game implementation. It showcases actor creation and handling user input for movements. This script must be run with a running instance of Libgdx.

import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Game;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.*;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.ScreenViewport;

public class MyGdxGame extends Game {
    Stage stage;
    Actor square;
    public void create () {
        stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport());
        square = new Actor();
    public void handleInput(){
            square.moveBy(1, 0);
            square.moveBy(-1, 0);

    public void render () {, 0, 0, 1);;
    public void dispose () {

The Final Stand-Off: Raylib vs LibGDX

When it comes down to Raylib and LibGDX, the decision rests in your hands, your project needs, and your preference of language and frameworks. Let’s cut to the chase.

The Passionate Prototyper

If you’re a developer who’s all about quick prototyping and craves simplicity, Raylib should be your top candidate. Developed in C, it’s a gem due to its focus on prototyping and tooling. Glacier-like graphics library inspiration flows here, with no external dependencies and support for over 50 programming languages. Plus, its powerful math module for Vector, Matrix, and Quaternion operations is a serious Game Changer.

Developer working in a dimly lit room, scripts and prototypes on multiple screens, fully immersed in the development process

The Java Junkie

An undeniable LibGDX attribute is the leverage it provides from the expansive Java ecosystem. The Java fanatics among us would surely choose it for being a reliable workhorse with fine-grained control and an extensive third-party ecosystem. The access to IDEs, debugging, and profiling tools, in conjunction with a well-rounded feature set from audio streaming to gesture detection, will have Java gamers cheering.

Java developer reviewing lines of code on dual monitors, a cup of coffee beside the keyboard, immersed in refining the frame-perfect game

The Cross-Platform Conqueror

If your passion lies in creating products that break platform boundaries, both platforms have you covered, but LibGDX pulls ahead with iOS support, in-app purchases, and easy integration of game services. Its networking features transition smoothly across platforms, making it a preferred choice for games that require online multiplayer or cloud functionality.

Cross-platform developer staring at a screen lit with lines of code, with different devices displaying the same game lying on the table

Between Raylib and LibGDX, your choice boils down to personal programming preference and project specifications. If C is your tongue and prototyping your game, go Raylib. On the other hand, if Java jives with you and you require hefty cross-platform services, drive towards LibGDX.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.