For cross-platform graphical applications and prototyping, choose raylib, especially if you’re dealing with diverse programming languages. However, if you’re developing games for multiple platforms with a focus on lower-level programming in C#, MonoGame is your optimal pick.

Raylib vs MonoGame

Key Differences Between Raylib and MonoGame

  • Raylib is written in C (C99 specifically) whereas MonoGame uses C#.
  • MonoGame was initially built for 2D projects and added 3D support later, while raylib offers full 3D support.
  • Raylib has no external dependencies, providing an inclusive package, while MonoGame relies on libraries like SharpDX and DirectX for Microsoft platforms.
  • MonoGame is community maintained, inviting developers to contribute towards its development, while raylib was developed by Ramon Santamaria and contributors.
Comparison raylib MonoGame
Initial Release November 18, 2013 September, 2009
Developed By Ramon Santamaria and contributors MonoGame Team
Language Used C (Specifically C99) C#
Suitable Platforms Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, RPi, HTML5 iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Inspiration Borland BGI and XNA framework Microsoft XNA 4 API
Bindings Over 50 programming languages Primarily C#, supports .NET platforms
3D Support Full 3D support From mid-2013 onwards
Known Uses Prototyping, tooling, graphical applications, teaching Game development (e.g. Bastion, Celeste, Fez)
External Dependencies No external dependencies, all libraries included Requires C# knowledge
Additional Features Hardware-accelerated, powerful math and fonts modules, audio loading and streaming support, VR stereo rendering, immediate mode GUI, shaders support Recreates XNA 4 ContentManager model, useful fora multi-platform game developers, community maintained, courses and tutorials for C#, Monogame personalized lessons

What Is raylib and Who’s It For?

Born in 2013, raylib is an open-source programming library. Conceived for education, it’s been embraced for game development prototypes and tech tools alike. Versatile across platforms, raylib speaks to the tinkerer, the student, and the cross-platform developer. Written in C (specifically C99), this library holds tight to its roots, offering a 2D/3D engine with OpenGL underpinnings.

However, raylib’s speed and agility can also be credited to a minimal dependency footprint, enabling it to excel at embedded systems and low-end devices. Created by Ramon Santamaria and a cohort of contributors, the library has gained acceptance globally for teaching videogame programming.

Colorful depiction of palmtops running raylib visuals in a bustling computer classroom

Pros of raylib

  • Unburdened by external dependencies
  • Award-winning, recognized by Google and Epic Games
  • Offers a robust Fonts module
  • Audio support including WAV, OGG, MP3, FLAC, XM, MOD
  • 3D support including shapes, models, billboards, heightmaps
  • VR stereo rendering support with configurable HMD device parameters
  • Bindings for over 50 programming languages

Cons of raylib

  • As it targets prototyping, some may find its performance not suited for high-end games.
  • Older OpenGL dependencies may limit graphical prowess
  • Limited community support in comparison to larger frameworks

What Is MonoGame and Who’s It For?

MonoGame, the spiritual successor to Microsoft’s XNA, is an open-source, C# game development framework. Since its 2009 beginnings, it’s been leveraged for the creation of engaging titles across a myriad of platforms, from mobile to consoles. Rooted in a love for multiplatform accessibility and control, MonoGame is for the seasoned programmer steering their own ship.

The framework is maintain by a dedicated group of independent software developers. Ideal for 2D development, MonoGame sports a content management system that faithfully follows the XNA 4 ContentManager model. Armed with a vibrant community, MonoGame offers resources like Game Schooling for thorough onboarding and mastery.

Colorful image of a busy developer passionately coding a new game on MonoGame in a modern office

Pros of MonoGame

  • Free and open-source
  • High control over game development process
  • Supports a broad range of platforms
  • Strong community support with robust documentation
  • Continues support and development for an otherwise deprecated XNA

Cons of MonoGame

  • Lack of a WYSIWYG environment or integrated game editor
  • Beginners may find it challenging to get started
  • Outdated XNA for non-Windows platforms
  • Lack of frequent updates

Code Examples for Raylib & MonoGame


This Raylib example uses the DrawPoly function to create a cool rotating hexagon pattern. The program counts up and adjusts the rotation and scale of the polygons based on the frame counter. You’ll need Raylib 3.7 installed.

    #include "raylib.h"

    int main(void)
        const int screenWidth = 800;
        const int screenHeight = 450;
        InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [shapes] example - Polygons");
        while (!WindowShouldClose())
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) 
                DrawPolygon((Vector2){GetScreenWidth()/2, GetScreenHeight()/2}, 6, 80+i*5, i*3, RED);
        return 0;


In this MonoGame example, we want to create a simple bouncing ball effect. It updates the ball’s position based on velocity and bounces if a screen edge is hit. MonoGame 3.8 is required to run.

    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

    namespace BouncingBall
        public class Game1 : Game
            GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
            SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
            Texture2D ballTexture;
            Vector2 ballPosition;
            Vector2 ballSpeed;

            public Game1()
                graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
                Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
            protected override void LoadContent()
                spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
                ballTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Ball");
                ballPosition = new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2);
                ballSpeed = new Vector2(3f, 3f);

            protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
                if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

                ballPosition += ballSpeed;
                if (ballPosition.X > graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - ballTexture.Width || ballPosition.X < 0)
                    ballSpeed.X *= -1;
                if (ballPosition.Y > graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight - ballTexture.Height || ballPosition.Y < 0)
                    ballSpeed.Y *= -1;

            protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
                spriteBatch.Draw(ballTexture, ballPosition, Color.White);

The Comprehensive Verdict: Raylib vs MonoGame

With data at hand, we delve into the climactic question: Raylib or MonoGame? The outcome depends on your needs.

3D Developers with Multiple Platform Targets

If you’re a 3D developer aiming for cross-platform utility, Raylib shines. Packed with flexible materials, 50+ language bindings and a VR stereo rendering support, Raylib gives room to achieve remarkable feats in OpenGL accelerated, hardware-focused development.3D developer maneuvering objects on a 3D software platform installed on a multi-screened work station

2D Developers Eyeing Multiplatform Releases

MonoGame, with its roots in 2D sprite-based game development and tried-and-tested by successful games like Bastion and Stardew Valley, remains a preferred choice for creators expecting to deploy on diverse platforms.2D developer sketching game characters on a digital drawing pad, with code snippets in the background on monitor

Those Embracing Lower-Level Control and Code-Centric Creation

Developers seeking lower-level programming control, MonoGame stands out. Its code-focused platform provides unprecedented control over the game development process – an indie-friendly engine driven by community collaboration.Coder at workstation, passionately developing a game, surrounded by lines of complex code on multiple monitors

For the Educators and Prototypers

In the realm of education, prototyping or tooling, Raylib is a star. The simplicity, use in global education and an immediate GUI module makes it a potent tool for knowledge-mapping the world of gaming, AR and VR.Educator explaining game development to students in front of a large screen displaying Raylib interface

When it boils down to Raylib or MonoGame, your choice hinges on your needs. Raylib masters cross-platform 3D development and educational applications, while MonoGame expertly caters to 2D multiplatform games with a closer-to-metal experience. Choose your tool, shape your vision.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.