For beginner programmers and simpler applications, Raylib is the superior choice due to its user-friendliness and vast language bindings. On the other hand, for advanced 3D graphics and VR experience, OpenGL, with its powerful, low-level rendering, stands unmatched.

Comparing Raylib and OpenGL

Key Differences Between Raylib and OpenGL

  • Raylib is cross-platform and supports over 50 languages while OpenGL focuses heavily on C++.
  • OpenGL is better suited for high-level 3D graphical applications, AR, and VR. Whereas Raylib is targeted at simpler applications and used for teaching video game programming.
  • Raylib has a unique OpenGL abstraction layer, rlgl, and requires no external dependencies. OpenGL, although powerful, relies heavily on pre-existing knowledge of C++ and other mathematical concepts.
  • OpenGL, managed by the Khronos Group, has wide industry adaptation, while Raylib, a much younger technology, is still garnering recognition.
Comparison raylib OpenGL
Initial Release November 18, 2013 1992
Language Written In C (specifically C99) Initially based on proprietary IRIS GL
Hardware Acceleration OpenGL Designed for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics
Intended Usage Prototyping, Tooling, Graphical applications, Embedded systems, and Education Dedicated to 3D graphics such as Video games, CAD, scientific applications
Dependencies No external dependencies Knowledge of C++
3D Support Full 3D support for shapes, models, billboards, heightmaps Designed for 3D graphics
Shaders Support Model shaders and Postprocessing shaders Handles shaders with Shading Language
Version Adoption Wide range of versions 1.0 to 4.6, each brings new functionalities & enhancements
Further Developments Focus shifted to tools development under raylib technologies Vulcan API is the successor to OpenGL, unifying OpenGL and OpenGL ES

What Is Raylib and Who’s It For?

Raylib is a powerful yet simple-to-use library created explicitly for beginners and educators looking to delve into the intricacies of video game development and prototyping. Conceived initially in November 2013 by Ramon Santamaria and cohorts, Raylib has etched itself firmly on the sands of tech in various sectors like Graphics Applications, Embedded Systems, and Education.
With cross-platform usability, Raylib extends its reach beyond Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, among others, ensuring accessibility to a broad user base. Coupled with its extensive bindings, Raylib proves an excellent tool for those embarking their tech journey in any programming language.

Colorful image of a developer using Raylib on multiple platforms, with a Raspberry Pi on a table

Pros of Raylib

  • Multiplatform Support
  • Easy shaders loading and use
  • 3D Support
  • Over 50 Language Bindings
  • User-friendly GUI

Cons of Raylib

  • Lack of External Dependencies
  • C99 Language Requirement for Development

What Is OpenGL and Who’s It For?

OpenGL is a progressive, low-level rendering and modeling software library instituted by Silicon Graphics in 1992. Standing as a beacon of technology over the years, it has become the go-to product for seasoned developers looking to design intricate 3D graphics, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications. WebGL, the JavaScript API for rendering graphics, also uses OpenGL.
Used in fields as diverse as video gaming and scientific applications, OpenGL’s versatility arguably remains unparalleled. Grasping OpenGL, however, requires an understanding of C++ and mathematical concepts like linear algebra and geometry, making it geared toward seasoned and dedicated learners.

Colorful visualization of an OpenGL graphic model, with a developer behind a screen in a modern workspace

Pros of OpenGL

  • Powerful 3D Rendering
  • AR & VR Application Support
  • Ubiquitous Use in Gaming Industry
  • Forward Compatibility Assurance
  • Library Extensions for Advanced Features

Cons of OpenGL

  • Requires Understanding of C++
  • Prerequisite Knowledge of Math Concepts
  • Complexity Increases With Advanced Features

Code Examples for Raylib & OpenGL


This Raylib example demonstrates texturing a 3D model with a complex shader, a step up from simple rendering. Make sure you have the latest version of Raylib and a 3D modeling software installed.

#include "raylib.h"
int main() {
    InitWindow(800, 600, "Raylib Complex Shader Example");
    Camera camera = { 0 };
    camera.position = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f }; = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    camera.up = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
    camera.fovy = 45.0f;
    camera.projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE;

    Model model = LoadModel("path/to/your/model.obj");
    Texture2D texture = LoadTexture("path/to/your/texture.png");
    model.materials[0].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture;

    Shader shader = LoadShader("path/to/your/vertex_shader.vs", "path/to/your/fragment_shader.fs");

    while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
        DrawModel(model, (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, 1.0f, WHITE);
        DrawText("3D Model with Complex Shader", 10, 10, 20, GRAY);
    return 0;


This OpenGL example demonstrates how to create a simple animation. The OpenGL and GLUT libraries will be needed to run this code.

float x_position = -10.0;
int direction = 1;
void display() {
    glVertex2f(x_position + 2.0,-1.0);
    glVertex2f(x_position + 2.0,1.0);
void animate() {
    if(x_position > 10)
        direction = -1;
    if(x_position < -10)
        direction = 1;
    x_position += direction * 0.1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE);
    glutCreateWindow("OpenGL Animation");
    return 0;

Raylib or OpenGL: Draw Your Camera and Capture the Right Tool

In the battle arena of Raylib vs OpenGL, how do you find your victor? The answer lies in what you seek, in what you desire from these wielders of polygons.

Game Developers

For game developers craving simplicity, flexibility, Raylib answers. Its cross-platform support, absence of external dependencies, coupled with multiple programming language bindings, makes it ideal for prototyping and graphical applications. With OpenGL-backed hardware acceleration, Raylib is the game-maker’s trusted ally.

A game developer immersed in lines of code, a bright screen projecting rays of the Raylib framework

AR/VR Creators

For AR/VR adventurers, Raylib’s VR stereo rendering support is the lens to peer through reality. Yet, OpenGL’s raw power and long-standing support for AR/VR applications may stroke their fascination. But the deciding factor? Raylib’s easy shader loadings, 3D picking, and persistent data storage are the game-changers.

Virtual reality headset displaying vivid colors, potentialities of AR/VR realized through the powerful lens of Raylib and OpenGL


For educators sharpening tomorrow’s minds, Raylib is the recommended toolkit. Its design targets simplicity and functional richness-type making learning and teaching a seamless experience. But, for teaching the nuances of C++ and mathematics, OpenGL dominates as the traditional leader.

A mentor educating young minds, enlightening them with the simplicity and potential of Raylib

Final Verdict: Reframe your thinking. Choosing between Raylib & OpenGL doesn’t have the finality of a duel; rather, it reflects the compatibility with your goals. For those seeking a compact, simple yet dynamic framework, Raylib dominates. For ventures into lower-level graphics requiring raw power, OpenGL holds the high ground.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.