When comparing Raylib and Pygame, Raylib stands out for experienced developers wanting an extensive, cross-platform library in C. It has a robust feature set for 3D applications and a focus on performance. On the other hand, Pygame, with its Python coding environment and simplicity, is the go-to for beginners and educators.

Raylib vs Pygame comparison

Key Differences Between Raylib and Pygame

  • Raylib is written in C, while Pygame uses Python, C, Cython, and Assembly.
  • Raylib offers extensive 3D support, shaders, VR rendering, whereas Pygame primarily focuses on 2D.
  • While both are cross-platform, Raylib supports more platforms including Raspberry Pi and HTML5 which Pygame lacks.
  • Pygame’s development benefits from a community-driven approach, resulting in a wide range of tutorials. However, Raylib offers bindings for over 50 languages and has no external dependencies.
Comparison raylib Pygame
Initial Release November 18, 2013 October 28, 2000
Development Language C (C99) Python, C, Cython, Assembly
Platform Support Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, HTML5 Nearly Every Operating System
Key Features 3D Support, Shaders, GUI Module, VR stereo rendering 2D Sprite Scene Management, Sound & Vibration support on Android, MIDI Support
Usage Education, Prototyping, Tools Development Video Game Development, First-time Programmers
No. of Trusted by Awards from Google & Epic Games Used in Indie Games like Frets on Fire, Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble, Save the Date
Dependencies No External Dependencies SDL Library
Unique Aspects Functional Raycast System Background Scrolling Speed Adjustable, Increased FPS can control game speed

What Is raylib and Who’s It For?

A masterwork by Ramon Santamaria, raylib hit the tech orbit on November 18, 2013. A graphical library, it’s proficient in rapid prototyping, tooling application, and nurturing embedded systems. Breathing through OpenGL, it transcends conventional boundaries, finding a home in Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, and even HTML5.

For explorers seeking untamed educational grounds and potential contributors aiming towards widespread recognition, raylib is your conclave. Dabbling in SpriteFonts, BMfonts, TTF, SDF, and commanding over 50 programming languages, raylib is a font of opportunities.

Colorful graphic portrayal of raylib's versatility, featuring a diverse array of operative hands shaping a technological interface

Pros of raylib

  • Zero external dependencies
  • Comprehensive 3D rendering support
  • Accessible across multiple platforms
  • Vivid educational potential

Cons of raylib

  • Requires proficiency in C
  • Limited mainstream recognition compared to industry giants

What Is Pygame and Who’s It For?

Riding the wave since October 28, 2000, Pygame is a blend of Python modules calibrated for video game creation. Birthed by Lenard Lindstrom, René Dudfield, Pete Shinners, Nicholas Dudfield, Thomas Kluyver, and others, Pygame anchors developers with tools for vector math, MIDI support, and sprite scene graph management.

Pygame finds disciples among beginners gliding into game development and educators fostering coding whizz-kids. Additionally, platform compatibility with Android supported by Pygame Subset enables exploration beyond desktop confines.

Colorful display of a virtual gaming environment created using Pygame, depicting a diverse group of developers molding the video game interface

Pros of Pygame

  • Robust platform compatibility
  • Decent fit for beginners
  • Thriving community driven development
  • Control over in-game speed

Cons of Pygame

  • Performance limitations against heavy-duty games
  • Less feature-rich compared to modern engines

Raylib vs Pygame: Pricing

Interestingly, both Raylib and Pygame are open-source projects, therefore, they offer a cost-free route for game development and prototyping.


Raylib, an initiative by Ramon Santamaria, is a completely free-to-use technology. The pricing aspect doesn’t come into play as this is an open-source project, hence there’s no monetary cost to utilise this for any range of tasks such as prototyping, tooling, or teaching programming.


Just like Raylib, Pygame also is open-source in nature, developed by a community of tech enthusiasts around the world. This means it is likewise free for usage. The technology doesn’t levy a cost on any of its services, making it a good option for beginners, college students, and experienced developers alike.

Code Examples for Raylib & Pygame


In this Raylib example, we’ve designed a small and fun digital clock displaying time in 24-hour format. This snippet requires users to have Raylib’s library installed and a working knowledge of C. Strap in for an hour of fun!

    #include "raylib.h"
    #include <time.h>

    int main() {
        InitWindow(800, 450, "raylib");

        time_t now;
        struct tm *tm_info;

        while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
            now = time(NULL);
            tm_info = localtime(&now);
            char buffer[5];
            strftime(buffer, 5, "%H:%M", tm_info);

            DrawText(buffer, 10, 10, 20, BLACK);



        return 0;


This Pygame snippet, written in Python, paints a fairly colorful picture of bouncing balls. A simple way to view the interactions of objects in a Pygame window. Make sure you have Pygame library installed, and keep your python skills at hand!

    import pygame
    import random


    class Ball:
        def __init__(self):
            self.x = random.randint(0, 600)
            self.y = random.randint(0, 600)
            self.speed = [random.randint(-2, 2), random.randint(-2, 2)]

        def move(self):
            self.x += self.speed[0]
            self.y += self.speed[1]

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))
    balls = [Ball() for _ in range(10)]

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

        screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

        for ball in balls:
            pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), (ball.x, ball.y), 15)


Pick Your Power Player: Raylib vs Pygame

In the battlefield of technologies, Raylib and Pygame clash for supremacy. But in this arena, the victor is dependent on the user.

Graphical Applications Creatives

If you’re generating complex 3D graphics and graphical applications, Raylib is your clear match. Its omni-platform support, compatibility with 50+ programming languages, and top-tier functionalities like hardware acceleration with OpenGL make for an impressively adaptable tool, providing flexibility to the ‘heavy-lifting’ creative professionals.

Artist working on a complex 3D visuals on a multiple-screen, high-spec workstation

Educators & Prototypers

Pygame offer simplicity in its power, making it formidably fitting for educators, prototypers, and beginners. Demonstrating a more digestible development trajectory, pygame is supported by an unwavering community development ethos and fits perfectly with a pedagogic or developmental context.

An instructor teaching coding using Pygame, with students attentively following on computers

The Audiophile Techies

If you’re a techie audio-enthusiast, go with Raylib. Its diverse features such as audio loading and VR stereo rendering go unanswered elsewhere, a huge checkmark for those dabbling versatilely in audio.

Raylib’s vast range and raw power complement tech-driven creatives and audio-gurus, whilst pygame’s approachability and user-friendly nature appeal to learners and prototypers. A one-cap-fits-all doesn’t apply here, instead, understanding your unique needs will help tip the scales – Raylib or Pygame, pick your power player today.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.