ContextCapture excels at more complex infrastructure projects, supporting scalable, cost-effective 3D modeling with larger datasets. Whereas, RealityCapture is suitable for professionals seeking integration with their existing workflow and faster local photogrammetry. For users manipulating modest data, RealityCapture’s limitations may outweigh its cost-effectiveness.

Reality Capture and ContextCapture compared

Key Differences Between RealityCapture and ContextCapture

  • RealityCapture runs on linear processing wherein time doubles as input doubles, whereas ContextCapture takes advantage of parallel processing leveraging GPU and multi-core computing.
  • ContextCapture supports both photos and LiDAR point cloud input, while RealityCapture is limited to photos alone in its latest version.
  • RealityCapture’s software license is limited to 32 CPU cores, 3 GPU cards, and requires more licenses for higher configurations. ContextCapture can handle terabytes of input imagery without such limitations.
  • RealityCapture is best suited for photogrammetry software users, whereas ContextCapture caters to various infrastructure projects, bringing impacts to urban planning, civil engineering, asset management, and more.
Comparison RealityCapture ContextCapture
Developer Capturing Reality Bentley Systems
Functionality Creates 3D models from unordered photos or laser scans without seams. Produces high resolution 3D meshes from photos/LiDAR point clouds.
Industry Applications Cultural heritage, gaming, surveying, mapping, VFX, VR Urban planning, infrastructure development, architecture and construction, asset management
Performance Works linearly, processing time doubles as input doubles Utilizes GPU computing and multi-core computing for performance optimization
Additional Software requirement Software license limited to 32 CPU cores, 3 GPU cards Compatible with Bentley Pointools and Bentley Descartes
Key Features Image registration, calibration, polygon mesh calculation, texturing, georeferencing, measurement, inspection. Automates 3D mesh generation workflow, Machine-learning to detect, locate and classify reality data.

What Is RealityCapture and Who’s It For?

RealityCapture (RC), developed by capturing reality, is a 3D computer graphics software that employs unordered photographs or laser scans to seamlessly construct 3D models. First released to the public in 2016, RC became an integral tool used across various fields such as cultural heritage, gaming, full body scanning, mapping, and VR. Whether you’re a game development giant, an architect, or a professional in the surveying or VFX industry, this software will integrate smoothly into your workflow.

Colorful representation of a software engineer using RealityCapture in a digital development studio

Pros of RealityCapture

  • Produces VR scenes, textured 3D meshes and geo-referenced maps
  • Efficiently works on mid-level systems
  • Automatic mesh simplification for Sketchfab uploads

Cons of RealityCapture

  • Pricing can be expensive for some users
  • No technical support for Promo license
  • Limited Nvidia graphics card support

What Is ContextCapture and Who’s It For?

From the software powerhouse, Bentley Systems, ContextCapture is a robust tool that yields precise 3D models using photos or LiDAR point clouds. This software is part of the Reality Modeling WorkSuite and caters mainly to professionals in urban planning, infrastructure development, architecture, construction and civil engineering. It’s also an optimal choice for those working in asset management, facility operations, cultural heritage and tourism.

Colorful depiction of a civil engineer using ContextCapture in an operations control center

Pros of ContextCapture

  • Capable of processing projects as large as entire cities
  • Ability to handle large-scale datasets
  • Cloud-based services available

Cons of ContextCapture

  • May requires significant computational resources for large projects
  • High-quality models come with a price tag
  • Not optimal for small-scale projects

Reality Capture versus ContextCapture | The Ultimate Digital Reality Software Showdown

In a world where 3D technology evolves at breakneck speed, choosing the right tool can mean the difference between pedestrian visuals and breathtaking realism. Enter Reality Capture and ContextCapture, locked in a battle for supremacy. But which comes out on top?

Game Developers and AR/VR Creators

Reality Captureshould be your go-to choice. Its integration with Unreal Engine provides an elevated gaming and AR/VR experience. It executes photogrammetry faster and facilitates real-time scene creation. Its processing capabilities for photos is higher which means more detailed, hyper-realistic 3D models. However, remember, your Nvidia graphics card support is limited.

Game developer wearing VR goggles, immersed in an AR/VR project using Reality Capture software

Architects and Urban Designers

For larger scale projects, such as 3D modelling of cities or infrastructural structures, ContextCapture is undoubtedly the superior choice. Its ability to handle terabytes of input imagery and machine learning capabilities for automated reality data classification streamline complex workflows, saving both time and money. Remember, it provides cloud-based service and parallel processing for accelerating production.

An architect visualizes an urban development project on his computer using ContextCapture software

Curators and Cultural Heritage Conservators

If you aim to preserve cultural heritage, both software will offer benefits. However, ContextCapture’s precision in creating high-quality 3D meshes and its application in difficult to reach/dangerous locations gives it an edge. It can help create immaculate replications of historical sites or artifacts.

Cultural heritage conservator meticulously scanning a historical artifact using ContextCapture software

If you’re processing a large scale project or focusing on preserving cultural heritage, Bentley’s ContextCapture, with its robust cloud service and machine-learning capabilities scores higher. However, if your core is game development and AR/VR creation, Reality Capture, with its Unreal Engine integration and efficient photogrammetry, emerges the winner.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.