For immersive VR/AR experiences, Unity, with its advanced toolset and active developer community, is ideal for seasoned developers. However, for beginners or those seeking AR content creation that’s tightly integrated with Apple ecosystem, Reality Composer Pro offers a more accessible, drag-and-drop workflow.

Detailed comparison: Reality Composer Pro vs Unity

Key Differences Between Reality Composer Pro and Unity

  • Authoring Tool: Reality Composer Pro is an AR authoring tool by Apple, effortlessly creating AR with no 3D experience, while Unity is a robust game development engine.
  • Platform Compatibility: Unity enables cross-platform game launches including Android and iOS, whereas Reality Composer Pro is mainly for the Apple ecosystem.
  • Pricing: Unity has introduced a controversial per-install fee effective from 2024, while Reality Composer Pro is bundled within the Apple Developer framework.
  • User Base: Unity has a vibrant developer community facilitating improvements, while Reality Composer Pro is a more individual-focused tool.
  • User Experience: Unity is for experienced developers, while Reality Composer Pro is beginner-friendly with its drag and drop interface.
Comparison Reality Composer Pro Unity
3D Experience Requirement No prior 3D experience required Requires proficiency in 3D design
AR Content Library Ready-to-use library available Rich asset store integrated
AR Scene Testing Capability Feature available Limited based on user experience
Pricing Model Free with Apple Developer Program New pricing model from January 1, 2024. Both free and Pro versions available with restrictions
SDK Option Available for developers Available under certain conditions
Animation Integration Capable, with limitations Diverse and advanced
Physics Simulator Advanced built-in simulator Advanced features offered
User Base Technical and non-technical Users Mostly developers with reasonable level of technical knowledge
User-friendly MacOS and iPhone versions highly user-friendly Continuously improving but complex
Developer Community Support Support through Apple Developer Community Active community facilitating assistance and improvements
Compatibility with Platforms Exclusive to Apple devices Android and iOS platforms supported
Product Evolution Conforms to Apple’s consistent innovation cycle Highly flexible and responsive, continuous user feeding changes

What Is Reality Composer Pro and Who’s It For?

Reality Composer Pro is an AR authoring tool created by Apple. Perfect for those with zero prior 3D experience, it’s a boon for technology and VR/AR enthusiast. Users can effortlessly drag, drop, place, and rotate virtual 3D objects into any scene, using the tool’s advanced LiDAR sensors. It’s an era-defining tool for AR content creation and visualization, breaching the bounds of productivity, gaming, and design.

Colorful depiction of a technologist immersed in a virtual 3D designing within an ultra-modern workspace

Pros of Reality Composer Pro

  • Easy prototype and production AR with no 3D prerequisite experience
  • Advanced LiDAR sensors facilitate 3D model creation
  • All-inclusive .uszd file export for a variety of AR/3D projects or Xcode integration.
  • Integrated support for several popular frameworks

Cons of Reality Composer Pro

  • Reported issues of extreme navigation sensitivity and failure to emulate real object behavior
  • Limitations with complex custom animations and deep physics customizations
  • MacOS version lacks space for AR editing due to the absence of a rear-facing camera

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Since its founding in 2005, Unity has been a formidable player in the game development industry. It’s an incredibly robust engine designed for the creation of 2D and 3D games, offering cross-platform compatibility, including Android and iOS. However, Unity’s recent pricing redesign has become a contentious issue for solo developers and indie mobile developers. Nevertheless, for those undeterred by its new pricing, Unity provides an integrated asset store and supports numerous coding languages.

Colorful representation of a developer designing an immersive 3D game in an innovative tech hub

Pros of Unity

  • Offers cross-platform compatibility across several operating systems
  • Provides a diverse suite of tools and features for high-quality game creation
  • Supports various coding languages, including BOO script, JavaScript, and C#
  • Active community fosters collective problem-solving and system improvement

Cons of Unity

  • New pricing structure potentially hostile towards solo and indie developers
  • Retroactive fees have caused distrust among users
  • Lack of a Unity Plus subscription tier.
  • Unannounced changes resulted in diminished trust between Unity and its users

Reality Composer Pro vs Unity: Pricing

In lieu of direct pricing details for Reality Composer Pro, Unity is moving to a new pricing model with fees per game install starting January 1, 2024.

Reality Composer Pro

Available information stubbornly refrains from disclosing precise pricing information for Reality Composer Pro. Documentation suggests free integration with iOS, Mac, and Xcode. Further consumer cost research required.


Currently, Unity offers both free and Pro versions. An imminent pricing redesign stirs controversy, scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2024. This model charges developers per game install, invoking significant backlash from indie developers. Charges only apply past $200,000 in revenue and 200,000 installations. Trust chipped away by miscommunications surrounding this change in cost structure.

Code Examples for Reality Composer Pro & Unity

Reality Composer Pro

This snippet showcases how to initialize a simple AR scene with a camera and a sphere object at its center. It requires RealityKit and ARKit frameworks for the AR scene support.

                import SwiftUI
        import RealityKit
        struct ContentView : View {
            var body: some View {
                return ARViewContainer().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
        struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
            func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
                let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
                let anchor = AnchorEntity()
                let sphere = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateSphere(radius:0.3), materials: [SimpleMaterial()])
                return arView
            func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}


This Unity snippet features simple player movement using the character controller class. This script should be attached to a player object with a CharacterController component.

                using System.Collections;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using UnityEngine;
        public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
            public float speed = 5.0f;
            private CharacterController controller;
            void Start () {
                controller = GetComponent<charactercontroller>(); 
            void Update () { 
                float hMove = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                float vMove = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
                Vector3 move = new Vector3(hMove, 0, vMove) * speed * Time.deltaTime;

The Final Verdict: Reality Composer Pro vs Unity

For a critical choice between two pivotal technologies, every element matters. Consider each aspect of your project needs against the offered capabilities of Reality Composer Pro and Unity.

Novice AR Creators

For those new to the realm of AR creation, Reality Composer Pro offers a seamless and intuitive experience with a drag and drop interface and comprehensive AR content library. No prior 3D experience required!

A beginner AR creator exploring Reality Composer Pro

Advanced Game Developers

Unity, known for its robust game development engine, is your go-to. Harness the power of various coding languages, a suite of tools, and an active community that breathes life into your AR/VR visions.

An experienced developer navigating Unity's interfaces

Indie Developers

For solo game makers with budget constraints, be wary. Unity’s new pricing structure imposes a per-install fee, posing a potential financial hurdle. Conversely, Reality Composer Pro emerges as a financially viable option.

Indie game developer calculating costs of Unity's fee structureMultiplatform Creators

Craft cross-platform gaming experiences with Unity’s adaptable game engine, which caters to multiple operating systems. Unity’s edge lies in its extensive cross-platform support.

A developer producing a cross-platform game on Unity

For beginners or pros, for wide or narrow budgets, for single or multi-platform – choose wisely between Reality Composer Pro and Unity. Unity offers expansive experience; but at a cost. Reality Composer Pro affords simplicity and cost-effectiveness, but with limitations. The choice is yours.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.