Resolume excels with its specialized design for projection mapping, making it perfect for AV performers seeking dynamic visual effects, whereas Disguise shines with its real-time editing and advanced VR/AR/MR capabilities, specifically tailored for live production events and virtual presentations.

Differences of Resolume and Disguise

Key Differences Between Resolume and Disguise

  • Resolume offers a distinctive focus on remixing and recomposing video and audio for live AV performances.
  • Disguise provides a comprehensive platform for real-time visual experience creation, leaning towards live production and VR/AR/MR.
  • Whereas Resolume’s Arena 7 is tailored for projection mapping and supports multiple projectors, Disguise’s vx 4 is geared for performance tasks in live events supporting HDR and 10 bit workflows.
  • Disguise’s RenderStream plugin allows seamless integration with Unreal Engine, enabling real-time content changes directly from the software interface.
Comparison Resolume Disguise
Design Purpose AV Performances, Music and Video Remix Visual Experiences for Various Events
Technical Process Sampling, Cutting, Recomposing Real-time Editing
Main Features Projection Mapping, Seamless Projection, Real-time Rendering, DMX Real-Time Editing, HDR, xR, LUT, Unreal Engine 5 Plugin
Software Capabilities Allows Integration with Other Apps, MIDI Control Video Playback of 4K60, Color Workflows
Hardware Supports AJA, Blackmagic, Datapath Capture Cards Vx 4 Server for High Performance
Historical Contribution One of Pioneers in Video Music Used in Worldwide Events Since 2000

What Is Resolume and Who’s It For?

Enter the world of Resolume, the tech-giant that has revolutionized digital video music and live audiovisual performances. Born out of an interest in dynamic video music renditions, Resolume has distinguished itself with breakout platforms such as the ARENA 7. It’s specifically targeted at tech enthusiasts, VJs, DJs, sound designers, music producers and directors who desire to compose and remix movies and music tracks without disrupting the harmony of picture and sound.

Colorful depiction of a DJ in action at an audiovisual live performance

Pros of Resolume

  • Pioneering projection mapping software, ideal for projecting on complex surfaces
  • Multifaceted tool suitable for DJing, VJing and video music production
  • Seamless integration capabilities with other apps

Cons of Resolume

  • Dependent on 3rd party plugins for visual effects
  • Copyright restrictions can become an obstacle for content creators

What Is Disguise and Who’s It For?

Disguise platform: highlighting the crossroads where creativity meets technology. Founded in the year 2000, their determination to embrace real-time editing and VR/AR/MR advancements has propelled them to the forefront of visual experience technology. The platform caters for tech enthusiasts, production professionals, and creatives involved in live events, theatre, concert tours, films, esports, and live TV broadcasts.

Colorful image of a technologist overlooking a live production event

Pros of Disguise

  • Provides breakthrough live production performance with vx 4 and r15+ software
  • Strong global presence and reliable customer support
  • Pioneered advancements in VR/AR/MR technology

Cons of Disguise

  • Highly technical interface may pose challenges for beginners

The Verdict: Resolume or Disguise – Your Tech Mandate

When precision is paramount and every pixel matters, the choice isn’t simple. Resolume and Disguise cater to different breeds of tech aficionados. However, our analysis breaks it down for you.

AV Performers & Remix Artists

Resolume finds favor with this group. It pioneered tools in video and audiovisual live music, carrying a deep-rooted association with remix culture. Its ARENA 7, with seamless projection and real-time rendering, is the ultimate arsenal for avant-garde artists.

A VJ, head bobbing to the rhythm, manipulating visuals using Resolume ARENA 7 on a high-tech workstation

Live event producers & broadcast professionals

With its optimum hardware and top-tier live production capabilities, Disguise edges out Resolume. Its vx 4 server delivers unmatched video playbacks. Further, a global presence and reliable tech support make Disguise the gold standard for this cadre.

A busy live event control room. A visual controller is operating the Disguise system to coordinate mesmerizing visual effects

Unreal Engine Users & VR Enthusiasts

The recent integration of the Unreal Engine 5 plugin marks a gamechanger for Disguise. Its enhanced workflow and next-gen visuals stand it apart, pressing the choice clear for users in deep tech VR and gaming realms.

A virtual reality developer immersed in the gaming environment using Disguise's Unreal Engine 5 plugin

For the AV aficionado reveling in remix art, Resolume is a natural pick, whereas Disguise triumphs with cutting-edge live productions and VR experiences. Nevertheless, it’s about choosing the tech that aligns with you, rather than the reverse.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.