For advanced AV artists aiming for powerful video and musical remixing, Resolume is the superior choice with its robust video editing tools, plugins and versatile integration capabilities. However, for users seeking multi-display system software and streamlined show-flow changes, Watchout emerges as a time-saving, user-friendly alternative.

Resolume vs Watchout

Key Differences Between Resolume and Watchout

  • Resolume is principally designed for video music, audiovisual live experiences, and projection mapping while Watchout is focused on multi-display system software.
  • Resolume offers seamless projection with multiple projectors and DMX fixtures for lights sync, outperforming Watchout in terms of multimedia versatility.
  • Watchout’s compositions feature simplifies show flow changes, catering to users seeking ease and speed in their workflow.
  • While Resolume can be controlled by other applications via Syphon or Spout, Watchout offers integrated external control, enabling synchronization with light, serial ports, TCP/IP, and DMX.
Comparison Resolume Dataton Watchout
Primary Purpose Tools for AV performances and remixing Multi-display system software
Artistic Intent Sampling and recomposing video, music tracks Creation of seamless and time-efficient workflow presentations
Notable Features Projection mapping, adjustable scale of clips, real-time rendering, live composite & effects Alternative timelines, compositing order flipped, new feature of free-running animated loops
Barriers Copyright and legal implications of remix culture Changes in show flow can be time-consuming and prone to error
Integration Capabilities MIDI controller, iPhone via OSC, DMX for lighting desk control, supporting Blackmagic, AJA and Datapath capture cards for video source inputs and outputs Synchronization with light, serial ports, TCP/IP, DMX

What Is Resolume and Who’s It For?

Resolume, known for its pioneering role in video music and audiovisual live performances, is a powerful tool designed specifically for creators involved in VJing, DJing, directing, sound design, and music production. Incorporating the process of remixing—sampling, cutting, and pasting elements from original materials—Resolume equips artists with the technology to form a compelling new context.

Its specialized software, Resolume ARENA 7, enables projection mapping on any surface from buildings to complex geometrical structures. Ideal for artists and performers who strive to break creative boundaries, Resolume stands as a testament to innovation in music and video editing.

Colorful projections on a complex geometrical building generated by a Resolume artist

Pros of Resolume

  • Pioneered video music and audiovisual live performances
  • ARENA 7 enables projection on diverse surfaces
  • Real-time rendering, live composite, and effects
  • Integration with apps via Syphon or Spout
  • Native support for Blackmagic, AJA and Datapath capture cards

Cons of Resolume

  • Copyright complexities may impede remix creativity
  • Requires mastery of software features for maximum effects

What Is Dataton Watchout and Who’s It For?

For those who seek advancement in multi-display system software, Watchout by Dataton emerges as a top player. Whether you are a media artist, event manager or a visual effects enthusiast, Watchout is your platform to create stunning multimedia displays without the risk of abrupt screen cuts.

Redefining compositions and distinct timelines, this software accelerates the creation of free-running animated loops and alternative timelines overlapping the main one. Not just a tool, Watchout has become a medium of creative expression itself.

Colorful compositions of multiple animated elements by a WO artist

Pros of Dataton Watchout

  • Enables creation of alternative timelines
  • Provides tool to construct pre-done animations
  • Can save pre-production time with new exports feature
  • External control synchronizes with light, serial ports, TCP/IP, DMX

Cons of Dataton Watchout

  • Learning curve for newer, more complex features
  • Adjustment to flipped timelines compositing order

The Final Word – Resolume or Watchout?

A decisive moment has arrived; delineating between Resolume and Watchout. Here’s the conclusion to alleviate your suspense.

Interactive Experiences Designers

For those ever-questing to achieve seamless projection mapping in their interactive installations, Resolume Arena 7 stands unrivalled. It has mastered the craft of custom surfaces projection, live rendering with real-time effects, and edge blending – a key for multi-projector displays.Intricate projection mapping with Resolume Arena 7 by an interactive designer in a dim-lit, high-tech studio

Performing AV Artists

Delve into Resolume if live AV performances prompt your creative juices. Rich roots in pioneering video music, flexibility to sync with MIDI controllers, iPhones via OSC and efficient DMX input underline Resolume’s worth.An electrifying AV artist employing Resolume during a live performance with vibrant, dynamic visuals in the background

Multimedia Showrunners

Watchout, with its practical additions, becomes a weapon of choice for detailed multimedia show planning. It touts compendious compositions, free-running animated loops, and exportable movies. Thus, simplifies the show-running rigmarole, reducing time-consumption per changes.A showrunner exploring different layers on Watchout software on multiple screens, mapping a stage layout

Lighting & Stage Designers

Stage designers and lighting architects with a requirement for precise synchronisation would likely lean towards Watchout. Its integrated external control with DMX, light synchronization, and callability of animations on the main timeline warrants its place in their arsenal.A focused stage designer coordinating a show's lighting with Watchout on a high-tech control board

Destined for projection mapping and AV performances? Resolume it is. Crafting multimedia shows or synchronised stage designs? Watchout shines. Factor in your niche, complexity and integration needs, the rest is clear. A closer look reveals the prowess of both; it’s not a battle to win, rather a choice to suit.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.