When comparing Shapr3D and Fusion 360, the former shines for hobbyists and professionals seeking an intuitive, iPad-centric design experience with extensive exporting options. By contrast, Fusion 360, more affordable yet feature-rich, integrates CAD, CAM, and CAE offerings, making it the optimal choice for SMEs demanding a holistic suite within competitive pricing.

Differences of Shapr3D and Fusion 360

Key Differences Between Shapr3D and Fusion 360

  • Shapr3D runs natively on Apple Pro Products, while Fusion 360 supports multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
  • Fusion 360 provides a comprehensive suite integrating CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design. On the other hand, Shapr3D is a CAD modeling app focusing on an easy and efficient sketch to model process.
  • Shapr3D leans towards a more user-friendly, intuitive design interface. Fusion 360, however, excels with sophisticated features like realistic rendering and advanced 2D & 3D designing.
  • Regarding price, while both offer subscription models, Fusion 360 is more affordable with annual subscription of $545 compared to Shapr3D’s annual fee starting from $239.
Comparison Shapr3D Fusion360
User Interface Adaptive UI, Sketch process simplified Integrated software for universal design practices
Operating System Runs natively on Apple Pro Products Windows, macOS, Web Browser, Android, iOS
Industry Cluster Makers, hobbyists, 3D designers, mechanical and industrial engineers Fields like electronics, aesthetic design, architecture
Import/Export Formats Supports X_T, STEP, STL, OBJ, DXF, DWG, IGES, 3MF, SVG Facilitates direct saving from platform
Cost Subscription options available from free to $239/year Affordable with an annual subscription of $545/year or $70/month
Key Features Supports Siemens Parasolid modeling and D-Cubed sketch engine, Visualised views, logos resizing CAD, CAM, CAE, PCB integration, Advanced 2D & 3D designing, topology shape optimisation
Online Support Shapr3D Support Fusion360 provides strong online learning resources and a large online community
Terms of Use and Privacy Terms of Use, Privacy Policy Provided by Autodesk
User Ratings 4.8/5 on Apple Store, 2.4K ratings Highly rated for useful features, ease of use in mechanical design

What Is Shapr3D and Who’s It For?

Shapr3D is a 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling app, designed specifically to run natively on Apple Pro Products. It’s powered by the geometric Parasolid modeling kernel from Siemens and D-Cubed sketch engine, guaranteeing precision and efficiency.

With a spectrum of support for varied export formats, it serves as an agile tool for ‘makers’ and hobbyists with 3D printers, professional 3D designers, mechanical engineers, and industrial designers who wish to transition smoothly from sketch to model.

Colorful rendering of a user creating a 3D model at a digital workspace

Pros of Shapr3D

  • Adaptive UI for accurate models
  • Export options are extensive
  • Data is easily transferable
  • Highly-rated with 4.8 stars out of 5 on the Apple store.

Cons of Shapr3D

  • Disparity in features between free and subscription versions
  • Only natively supported on Apple Pro Products.

What Is Fusion360 and Who’s It For?

Fusion360 is a cloud-based collaborative platform developed by Autodesk. It’s a comprehensive tool combining CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design, servicing industries ranging from electronics and aesthetics to architecture since its launch in 2013.

It’s the go-to solution for SMEs, offering a competitive and integrated platform with affordable subscription plans. The tool facilitates when it comes to advanced 2D and 3D designing, PCB layouts and simulation.

Colorful depiction of a designer using Fusion360 in a vibrant, tech-filled workspace

Pros of Fusion360

  • Affordability paired with rich feature sets
  • Integrated electronics for MCAD and ECAD co-designing
  • Strong online learning resources
  • Regular feature updates.

Cons of Fusion360

  • Potential malware risks
  • Lack of personal keyboard controls
  • No web-based standalone version

Shapr3D vs Fusion 360: Pricing

Despite Shapr3D being priced at nearly half the cost of Fusion 360’s annual subscription, both offer various subscription tiers catering to different user needs.


Shapr3D presents an enticing pricing choice for 3D modelling enthusiasts and professionals alike. The cost of an annual subscription is approximately half that of Fusion 360, making it a more affordable choice. Subscription plans provide a range between a free version and a $239 per year package, thereby allowing users to select a plan that best aligns with their requirements and budget.

Fusion 360

Annual cost for Fusion 360 is priced at $545, or users have the option to choose the monthly billing option of $70/month, providing flexibility to adapt to changing needs. To top it off, a limited version is available for home use quite affordably. Though it’s a pricier alternative to Shapr3D, its advanced, integrated features, backed by the powerful Autodesk platform offers substantial value, particularly attractive to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Shapr3D or Fusion 360: The Big Reveal

As we tread on the fine line drawn between Shapr3D and Fusion 360, here lies our expert verdict customized for specific user groups based on thorough technical assessment.

Solo Enthusiasts and Hobbyists

For you with a knack for 3D printing and independent modeling, we give a thumbs-up to Shapr3D. Its easy sketch-to-model process, pocket-friendly subscription, and 24/7 design feasibility with sync features are praiseworthy. The rating of 4.8 stars by more than 2.4K users on the App Store further bolsters its prominence.

Solo enthusiast focusing on a modelling project on his iPad Pro running Shapr3D

Small to Medium Enterprises

Stepping into the professional sphere where time, cost-efficiency and a multitude of features matter, Fusion 360 emerges as the winner. Its integrated solution combining CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design, complemented by a user-friendly interface, strikes the right blend of functionality and affordability for SMEs.

Team of professionals collaborating on a design project using Fusion 360

Designers and Engineers

For professionals in the hardcore designing and engineering field, we favor Shapr3D. Its wide exporting options, comprehensive support for different formats, and standout features, such as supporting Siemens geometric Parasolid modeling kernel and D-Cubed sketch engine, showcase its technical superiority.

Focused professional designer leveraging the advanced features of Shapr3D for intricate 3D modelling

In the battle of Shapr3D vs Fusion 360, hobbyist printers lean towards the user-friendly and cost-efficient Shapr3D, while SMEs and professionals find Fusion 360’s comprehensive feature set more appealing. Shapr3D however takes the trophy for more professional designers and engineers with its superior technical offerings.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.