Shapr3D offers advanced 3D modeling tailored toward professional designers and engineers, with a rich feature set, high-rated Apple native functionality and wide exporting options. Tinkercad, on the other hand, provides a free, user-friendly platform ideal for beginners and hobbyists, excelling at 3D printing and simple design tasks.

Comparing Shapr3D and Tinkercad

Key Differences Between Shapr3D and Tinkercad

  • Shapr3D operates natively on Apple Pro Products; Tinkercad requires a WebGL-enabled browser.
  • Shapr3D supports more export formats including 2D DXF and DWG; Tinkercad exports only in STL and OBJ formats.
  • Shapr3D is subscription-based with a pricing range; Tinkercad is fully free.
  • Tinkercad offers a friendly interface for beginners and youngsters; Shapr3D is geared towards professional 3D designers and mechanical engineers.
  • Tinkercad supports designing with electronic circuits and Lego bricks; Shapr3D focuses on pure 3D modeling.
Comparison Shapr3D Tinkercad
User Interface Adaptive UI User-friendly intuitive interface
Design Export Formats X_T, STEP, STL, OBJ, 2D DXF, 2D DWG, IGES, 3MF, SVG STL, OBJ, and SVG
Design Import Support SLDPRT, STL, STEP, IGES, X_T, 2D DWG, 2D DXF, JPG, PNG STL, OBJ (3D); SVG (2D); Minecraft Java Edition structures; Lego bricks
User Ratings 4.8 out 5 from 2.4K ratings on Apple Store High praise for user-friendly interface and functionalities
Accessibility to design Sync feature for any time design Online-based, requires WebGL-enabled browser
Architectural engines support Siemens geometric Parasolid modeling kernel and D-Cubed sketch engine Built-in JavaScript editor for custom shape creation
Development platform Runs natively on Apple Pro Products Compatible with WebGL-enabled browsers and iPad
Customer Base 80% customers as professional 3D designers, mechanical engineers, and industrial designers Mixture of experienced, beginner users and schools
Annual Subscription Cost Subscription options between free version and $239 Free software owned by Autodesk
Usability Efficient in designing with wide exporting options Creative software with drag and drop functionality and design-transforming abilities
Support Resources Abundant and easy-to-find

What Is Shapr3D and Who’s It For?

Shapr3D is a cutting-edge 3D CAD Modeling app deployed natively on Apple Pro Products. With a sketch-to-model process executed in hours, it provides a robust solution for design enthusiasts seeking the freedom to design anytime, anywhere. The application effectively supports Siemens geometric Parasolid modeling kernel and D-Cubed sketch engine, providing a wide range of export and import formats. Shapr3D is principally for mechanical engineers, industrial designers and professional 3D designers with the prowess to explore its extensive features.

Colorful blueprint spread across a designer's workspace, overlaid with an intricate Shapr3D model

Pros of Shapr3D

  • Adaptive UI assists in creating accurate models
  • Facilitates design anytime with sync feature
  • Wide variety of export/import formats supported

Cons of Shapr3D

  • Subscription costs may be steep for some users
  • Runs exclusively on Apple Pro Products
  • Complexity may intimidate amateur designers

What Is Tinkercad and Who’s It For?

Tinkercad, a free 3D modeling software offering from Autodesk, sets the benchmark for an online design platform. Its constructive solid geometry offering is commonly used in schools as an entry point into the world of 3D design. Tinkercad caters to a diverse audience ranging from beginners to professionals in the design realm seeking an intuitive platform for creating 3D models. It has also carved a niche among younger users with the appeal of its safety measures.

Colorful Tinkercad 3D model glowing on a screen, surrounded by circuit designs and a pair of hands actively designing

Pros of Tinkercad

  • Free and user-friendly platform
  • Designs movable/rotatable from all angles
  • Suitable for simple to complex designs

Cons of Tinkercad

  • Requires a WebGL-enabled browser
  • Advanced features might seem hidden to beginners
  • Limited competitive stature

Shapr3D vs Tinkercad: Pricing

Shapr3D operates on a subscription model, free or at $239 annually, whereas Tinkercad is a free-to-use software.


Shapr3D possesses a flexible pricing model, offering free usage or a premium yearly subscription of $239. Its premium version delivers more features and capabilities targeted at professional 3D designers, mechanical engineers, and industrial designers.


A proud product of Autodesk, Tinkercad provides a free 3D modeling software, making it significantly accessible to a general audience. Aimed predominantly at educational sectors and hobbyists, it doesn’t emphasize a financial commitment from its users.

Here is a clear example of what your task could look like, focusing on showcasing unique features of each platform. It should be noted that both Tinkercad and Shapr3D are primarily GUI-based design tools and do not offer native coding interfaces. The below examples demonstrate how to interact with 3D models created in these tools using an external JavaScript API such as three.js for visualization. This won’t give you actual Shapr3D or Tinkercad code but will show how their exported models could be integrated into a web environment using three.js. “`html

Code Examples for Shapr3D & Tinkercad


This code assumes you’ve created a 3D model in Shapr3D and exported it as an OBJ file. The code snippet demonstrates loading and displaying it using the three.js library.

// Initial setup of scene, camera, and renderer
let scene = new THREE.Scene();
let camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

const loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
// Load a model exported from Shapr3D
loader.load('path_to_your_obj_file.obj', (object) => {

function animate() {
  renderer.render(scene, camera);


As with the Shapr3D example, the below code imports a model exported from Tinkercad. It assumes you have exported the model as a GLTF file.

// Initial setup of scene, camera, and renderer
let scene = new THREE.Scene();
let camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
// Load a model exported from Tinkercad
loader.load('path_to_your_gltf_file.gltf', (gltf) => {

function animate() {
  renderer.render(scene, camera);

“` Remember to replace ‘path_to_your_obj_file.obj’ and ‘path_to_your_gltf_file.gltf’ with actual paths to your OBJ and GLTF files.

The Verdict: Shapr3D vs Tinkercad – Who Tips the Scale?

Flipping through the pages of Shapr3D and Tinkercad’s capabilities, the choice depends on users’ specific requirements.

Professional 3D Designers

If you’re a professional 3D designer, mechanical engineer, or industrial designer, opt for Shapr3D. With impressive support, wide exporting options, rapid sketch-to-model process, and reliable Parasolid integration, this tool is perfectly tailored for advanced designing tasks.

A focused professional 3D designer working with Shapr3D

Hobbyists & “Makers”

For hobbyists, “makers”, and those invested in 3D printers, we recommend Tinkercad. Its simplicity merged with powerful, advanced features makes it the perfect entry-level platform. Thanks to its built-in JavaScript editor and the flexibility to design with Lego bricks or create electronic circuits, Tinkercad is highly suitable for more casual yet creative applications.

A hobbyist with 3D goggles, immersed in creating designs using Tinkercad

Beginners & Educational Users

In the educational sphere, Tinkercad takes the cake with its user-friendly design and secure environment. Its drag & drop functionality, coupled with plentiful support resources, make learning 3D modeling a joyous journey without steep learning curves.

A group of enthusiastic students exploring the world of 3D modeling through Tinkercad

Apple Pro Users

If you’re an Apple Pro user seeking native utility, Shapr3D is undeniably your best bet. Its seamless integration with Apple’s eco-system counts for an unrivaled design experience.

An Apple Pro user making the most out of Shapr3D

Cutting to the chase, if you’re an advanced designer or Apple Pro user, Shapr3D ensures efficiency and accuracy. Yet, for hobbyists and beginners, Tinkercad’s simplicity merged with advanced capabilities fulfills the 3D modeling journey.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.