For 3D asset hosting and AR/VR experiences, Sketchfab is exceptional. However, for creating and displaying animated 3D computer graphics in-web, Three.js outshines with its powerful API and GPU-accelerated animations. Weigh complexity, cost, and content creation requirements before making a decision.

Detailed comparison: Sketchfab vs Three.js

Crucial Differences Between Sketchfab and Three.js

  • Sketchfab provides cloud hosting for 3D assets and AR/VR experiences; Three.js is a JavaScript library generating animated 3D computer graphics within the browser.
  • Creation of 3D content: Sketchfab is not a 3D tool; it relies on partners for 3D content creation. On the other hand, Three.js facilitates in-browser 3D animations without browser plugins.
  • Cost of 3D models in Sketchfab is determined by complexity, creation method, and artist collaboration, while Three.js is licensed under MIT, making it free and open-source.
  • Three.js leverages WebGL for GPU-accelerated 3D animations; Sketchfab focuses on showcasing and reusing existing 3D models.
Comparison Sketchfab Three.js
Type Cloud hosting for 3D assets, AR/VR experiences JavaScript library
3D Creation Tool No Yes
Showcasing Products Yes Can be used for this purpose
Cost based on Model Complexity $40-$200 for simple, $200-$1000 for complex, a few thousand for very complex models No model complexity cost associated
Supports AR/VR Yes Yes, via WebXR
Techniques Partners like InVRsion use advanced photogrammetry and model creation techniques Supports creating 3D animations with JavaScript without needing browser plugins
Support in Finding Content Creators Yes No

What Is Sketchfab and Who’s It For?

Sketchfab is a leading platform for 3D assets and AR/VR experiences. Predominantly, it’s a hosting platform rather than a 3D creation tool. It partners with content creators for 3D content creation to facilitate brilliant product showcasing through 3D/AR technology. Sketchfab is primarily designed for industries and businesses that rely heavily on 3D models for their operations or promotional activities. It particularly champions the cause of sustainable modeling by encouraging the reuse of existing 3D content from the manufacturing process.

The cost of 3D models on Sketchfab varies according to their complexity, creation method, and the specific agency-artist collaboration. Everything from simple models (averaging $40-$200) to very complex ones (costing a few thousand dollars) can be found here. Sketchfab represents a unique blend of technology and creativity aimed at transforming the visualization possibilities for various industries.

Colorful 3D model designer working at a modern creative studio.

Pros of Sketchfab

  • Cloud hosting for 3D assets and AR/VR experiences
  • Complements in-house 3D content with partner creation services
  • Supports sustainable modeling by promoting 3D content reuse

Cons of Sketchfab

  • Not a 3D creation tool in itself
  • The cost of 3D models can escalate based on complexity

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is an open-source JavaScript library aimed at creating and displaying animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. It was initially released by Ricardo Cabello on Github in April 2010 after being ported from ActionScript to JavaScript in 2009. Three.js leverages WebGL to facilitate GPU-accelerated 3D animations using JavaScript, eliminating the need for browser plugins.

Three.js is intended for developers who need to create complex 3D animations easily. It supports a variegated feature set, including effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, and geometry. Additionally, it aids VR and AR applications via WebXR and is compatible with all browsers supporting WebGL 1.0. Its usage spans from coding for 3D modeling to animation, unveiling a new vista of interactive 3D web experiences.

Colorful programmer working on complex 3D animations in an innovative tech hub.

Pros of Three.js

  • Powerful JavaScript library for 3D animations
  • Works with WebGL for GPU-accelerated animations
  • Supports VR and AR via WebXR

Cons of Three.js

  • Developers need to have extensive knowledge in JavaScript and 3D principles
  • Migration to newer versions may require considerable effort

Sketchfab vs Three.js: Pricing

Sketchfab presents a complexity-based pricing model, whereas Three.js, an open-source JavaScript library, is provided free of charge under the MIT license.


Sketchfab’s pricing is influenced by the complexity of the 3D models, factoring in creation methods and liaison with artists or agencies. Expenses typically sit within these categories: Simple models: $40-$200, Complex models: $200-$1000, and Very complex models reaching up to a few thousand dollars. Estimates are calculated by factors like level of difficulty and predicted hours for design.Simples require >2 hours, Mediums need >15 hours, Highs demand >40 hours and Very highs require >50 hours. Sketchfab partners, like InVRsion, can provide more precise estimates for cost.


Three.js, a cross-browser JavaScript library for creating and animating 3D graphics, operates under an MIT license. This denotes that it is open-source, meaning there is no upfront or recurring cost associated with its use. The framework is maintained by numerous contributors on GitHub, making it freely available to the public.

The Decisive Verdict: Sketchfab vs Three.js – Make Your Pick!

Drawing a clear line between Sketchfab and Three.js, we disclose the winner for various audience segments.

Web Developers

If you’re a Web Developer, choose Three.js. It flawlessly combines flexibility with functionality, offering GPU-accelerated 3D animations, high-level libraries, and WebXR support for VR/AR applications, all under the comforting umbrella of an MIT license. You have the access to over 1700 contributors on Github. Expect extraordinary results.

web developer deeply engrossed in coding on a sleek computer with multiple monitors, in a dim lit room

AR/VR Creators

AR/VR Creators, count on Sketchfab. It’s tailored to your needs with brilliant cloud hosting for 3D assets and AR/VR experiences. Delve into the potential of available 3D content partners, from junior to senior-level artists, to create immersive interactive experiences. Though it might cost you, the outcomes are guaranteed to impress.

An AR/VR creator wearing a virtual reality headset and gesturing in front of a computer; Several 3D models displayed on the screen

Game Makers

Game Makers, if speed and complexity aren’t constricting factors, Sketchfab is your go-to. It leverages 3D models’ ready availability, combined with AR technology for product showcasing. The pricing may vary based on complexity, but the vivid realism and immersive game environment are worth every penny.

game maker carefully scrutinizing a complex 3D game model on a wide monitor, with a gamepad lying beside

Entrepreneurs Seeking Economical Solutions

Entrepreneurs seeking economical solutions, Three.js calls out to you as a browser-based, free solution for 3D computer graphics. This cross-browser framework requires no plugins and supports all browsers that endorse WebGL 1.0. With features to handle multiple scenes, effects, materials, geometry, and animations, the possibilities are boundless.

an entrepreneur, sipping coffee and exploring economical 3D graphics solutions on a laptop

Select Three.js for an economical, high-performance 3D animation solution. If diving deep into AR/VR with 3D assets is your aim, lay full trust on Sketchfab. Every choice, a victory!

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.