For rapid 2D app development, Solar2D provides robust capabilities through its vitalized Lua framework, extensive plugin directory, and real-time testing. However, if the game development project demands a fresh perspective and embraces flexibility along with resilience, Defold should be the weapon of choice.

Solar2D vs Defold

Key Differences Between Solar2D and Defold

  • Coding: Solar2D emphasizes Lua scripting, Defold allows both Lua and Native code.
  • Support: Solar2D nurtures an extensive developer community, Defold leverages an active Discord, Forums community.
  • Usage: Solar2D serves multi-platform mobile, desktop and TV apps, Defold shines in 2D game development.
  • Ownership: Solar2D is managed by Corona Labs Inc, Defold by the Defold Foundation.
  • Features: Solar2D highlights its Simulator, Defold ascends with its code editor and scene/UI editors.
  • Open Source: Both platforms are open-source, with MIT and developer-friendly licenses respectively.
  • Development: Solar2D enables single code base app development, Defold gives options for SDK-less game building.
Comparison Solar2D Defold
Initial Release December 2009 2016
Scripting Language Lua Lua, Optional native code
Platform Support Mobile, desktop, TV devices Console, desktop, mobile, web
Native Code Integration Solar2D Native Optional native code functionality
Cost 100% free, no hidden fees or royalties Free; no upfront costs, licensing fees, or royalties
Marketplace/Plugins Solar2D Marketplace and Solar2D plugins Defold source code available on GitHub
Features Instant-update Simulator, Live Builds Code editor, debugger, profiler, scene, UI editors
Development Benefits Single code base, quick monetization, rapid app development Quick, simple to use Editor, Cross platform building, ability to fork
Open Source Yes, MIT license Yes, developer-friendly license

What Is Solar2D and Who’s It For?

Solar2D, formerly Corona SDK, is a leading cross-platform mobile app development technology. Perfect for creating dynamic, visually stunning applications for multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows, and more, it runs in one code base, making it an ideal fit for developers wanting to encompass a broad device spectrum. Its strengths lies in its instant-update simulator for real-time testing, vibrant developer community, and an array of plugins for advertising and analytics.

Colorful graphic designer working on application layout in modern office

Pros of Solar2D

  • Single code base for cost and time efficiency
  • Powerful APIs with faster frame rate compared to competitors
  • Open-source with MIT license

Cons of Solar2D

  • Focuses mainly on 2D mobile applications
  • Learning curve required for mastering Lua-based development

What Is Defold and Who’s It For?

Defold is a free game engine optimized for developing console, desktop, mobile, and web games. It appeals to a broad spectrum of developers, from commercial hit creators to educational institutions. Reputed for its technical documentation and friendly community, Defold cultivates an increasingly expansive user base. The code editor, debugger, profiler, scene, and UI editors come bundled with this package, making it a powerful all-in-one solution.

Colorful game developer coding new level in urban co-working space

Pros of Defold

  • Easy to use with technical documentation
  • Open source with developer-friendly license
  • Active community on Discord and Forums

Cons of Defold

  • Requires understanding of Native-Extensions
  • 3D development still in progress
  • Scale of development limited due to small team

Code Examples for Solar2D & Defold


This code snippet illustrates creating a basic Starfield parallax in Solar2D. Using a system timer, it generates a dynamic, visually appealing effect that can be incorporated into a multitude of games.

-- Starfield Generator
local stars = {}
for i=1, 50 do
    stars[i] = display.newCircle( math.random(display.contentWidth), math.random(display.contentHeight), math.random(1, 3) )
    stars[i].speed = math.random(50, 200)/100

local function moveStars(event)
    for i=1,#stars do
        stars[i].y = stars[i].y + stars[i].speed
        if (stars[i].y > display.contentHeight) then 
            stars[i]:translate( 0, -display.contentHeight )
            stars[i].x = math.random(display.contentWidth)

Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", moveStars )


This Defold code snippet demonstrates character movement control. It allows you to integrate keyboard controls into a 2D game scenario, facilitating multi-directional movement for game characters.

-- Character Movement Controls
local function character_movement()
    if go.input.is_pressed('up') then
        go.set(".", "position.y", go.get(".", "position.y") + speed)
    elseif go.input.is_pressed('down') then
        go.set(".", "position.y", go.get(".", "position.y") - speed)
    elseif go.input.is_pressed('left') then
        go.set(".", "position.x", go.get(".", "position.x") - speed)
    elseif go.input.is_pressed('right') then
        go.set(".", "position.x", go.get(".", "position.x") + speed)

local function init()
    input.set(mapping) -- Assuming "mapping" is previously defined based on user preferences/key mapping

local function update()

These examples represent more advanced use scenarios, and may require additional setup and understanding of Solar2D and Defold’s input handling mechanics to work effectively.

Which is Mightier: Solar2D or Defold?

After unearthing a motherlode of features, let’s dissect them for key audiences and serve the verdict on Solar2D versus Defold.

The Newcomer Developer

Breaking the barrier of gaps and lapses is Solar2D. Live Builds, immediate app updates over local networks, and an instant-update Simulator all allow beginners to iterate quickly and fearlessly. The open-source MIT license and free usage removes financial deterrents. Single code base and Lua scripting adds to cost and time efficiency, while ease of learning trumps competitors.

Smiling newcomer developer feeling pumped and confident about choosing Solar2D.

The Game Jam Squadron

Defold steals the limelight for rapid game development challenges. Offering slick features such as a built-in code editor, debugger, profiler, scene, and UI editors, it is a veritable combat knife. Ease of use, coupled with rich technical documentation, facilitates crafting bite-sized games in crunch times.

A team of game jam enthusiasts holding their victory cups high, delighted with the Defold game engine.

The Advanced Creator

For seasoned veterans aiming for the stars and beyond, both Solar2D and Defold promise powerful results. However, if the battlefield tilts between mobile applications, Solar2D with its vast range of platforms win the day.

A focused advanced creator architecting advanced mobile applications on Solar2D.

Whether you’re the new kid on the block or a seasoned campaigner, your best friend in arms becomes evident. Solar2D trumps for newcomers, while for game jam enthusiasts, Defold emerges victorious. If you’re coding mobile apps, Solar2D should be your weapon of choice.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.