While both SteamVR and Unity XR offer immersive VR experiences, they cater to different segments. For gamers seeking a comprehensive 360-degree VR environment, SteamVR is the optimal choice. For developers focused on XR game/app development with a preference for quick and code-free interaction development, Unity XR tops the leaderboard.

SteamVR vs Unity XR comparison

Key Differences Between SteamVR and Unity XR

  • Coding: SteamVR is an extension of the Steam platform while Unity XR allows for quick, code-free interaction development.
  • Compatibility: SteamVR supports its own HMDs and others like Rift. Unity XR enables direct integration across platforms.
  • Usage: SteamVR is geared towards gamers, Unity XR is ideal for developers focusing on XR game/app development.
  • Support: SteamVR offers support via device management while Unity provides relevant sample codes at Github.
  • Accessories: SteamVR includes accessories like base stations, input devices and CyberShoes. Unity XR uses plugins for device interfacing.
  • Education: Unity offers courses for upskilling while SteamVR is pre-setup for gaming.
Comparison SteamVR Unity XR
Design Philosophy A comprehensive 360-degree full room VR experience Supports VR, MR, AR technologies
Key Features Room setup, device management, in-app purchasing, steamVR Home, overlay applications XRI toolkit for fast XR interaction development, a unified plug-in framework for integration, Github samples for XR Interaction and AR Foundation
Hardware Compatibility Compatible with Valve Index, Meta Quest Pro, Oculus Rift&S, HTC Vive Supports platform-based hardware as per the XR plugin used
Significant Products/Accessories HTC vive or VCV1(first commercial product), controllers, base stations, CyberShoes, CyberChair, Cyber Carpet Software-based, Unity XR SDK, XR Interaction Toolkit
Operating Systems Supported Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or later, Windows 10 Depends on the platform for XR development
Significant Partnerships/ Collaborations Partnership with HTC for HTC Vive Collaboration with headset and device manufacturers for hardware support via UnityXR SDK
Historic Milestones Valve partners with HTC in 2016, releases HTC Vive Unity uses new unified plug-in framework (Unity 2019.3)

What Is SteamVR and Who’s It For?

SteamVR, powered by Valve, is a comprehensive virtual reality (VR) framework designed for immersive gaming experiences. It’s an ideal tool for avid gamers, game developers, and VR enthusiasts seeking interactive, 360-degree gameplay. Through its VR Home and diverse array of supported games, SteamVR appeals to an audience ranging from occasional gamers to hardcore VR hobbyists.

Colorful close-up of a gamer using the SteamVR headset in a tech-centric room

Pros of SteamVR

  • Flexible compatibility with various HMDs
  • Diverse device management tools
  • Collection of 3D collectibles based on users’ game ownership and playtime
  • Unique CyberShoes accessory for increased immersion

Cons of SteamVR

  • Mid-2022 reported compatibility issues with Meta Quest 3
  • Requires a high system requirement for optimum performance

What Is Unity XR and Who’s It For?

Unity XR, a dedicated platform for developing cross reality (XR) experiences, blends real-world and digital environments for interactive gaming and app development. Designed for developers, AR/MR/VR enthusiasts and industries exploring XR potentials, it brings life to immersive, digitally integrated realities through diverse features and support frameworks.

Colorful visualization of a developer designing an AR game on Unity XR in a creative studio

Pros of Unity XR

  • Supports AR, MR, and VR development
  • Provides diverse learning resources and developer tools
  • All-inclusive XR Interaction Toolkit (XRIT)
  • Support for direct hardware integration across platforms

Cons of Unity XR

  • Complex setup process for new users
  • Requires relevant plugins for complete functionality

Code Examples for SteamVR & Unity XR

SteamVR – Creating Haptic Pulses

This sample involves generating haptic pulses for SteamVR. The controller haptic pulses can provide tactile feedback to users. Ensure you’ve SteamVR and Unity installed. The script should be attached to the desired controller.

using UnityEngine;
using Valve.VR;
public class HapticPulse : MonoBehaviour
    SteamVR_Behaviour_Pose trackedObj;
    public SteamVR_Action_Vibration hapticAction;
    void Start()
        trackedObj = GetComponent<SteamVR_Behaviour_Pose>();
    public void Pulse ( )
        hapticAction.Execute( 0, 1, 125, 75, trackedObj.inputSource );

Unity XR – Interaction Toolkit

Here, we offer an interesting interaction toolkit example for Unity XR. Make sure you have the required XR Interaction Toolkit from Package Manager in Unity. The code snippet helps you create an interaction system that can pick up and interact with specified VR objects.

using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;

public class CustomInteraction : XRGrabInteractable
    protected override void OnSelectEntered(SelectEnterEventArgs args)
        Debug.Log("Selected " + gameObject.name);

    protected override void OnSelectExited(SelectExitEventArgs args)
        Debug.Log("Deselected " + gameObject.name);

Remember, your project’s setup, XR runtime used, and Unity version can affect the execution of this code. Debug appropriately.

SteamVR or Unity XR – The Grand Verdict

A battle between titans, that’s what this is – SteamVR vs Unity XR. But who should wear the crown depends on who’s asking. It’s not a one-size-fits-all, and here’s why.

For the VR Enthusiasts

If immersive VR experiences fuel your quest, SteamVR stands tall. Its excellence orbits around superb hardware compatibility, encompassing its own HMDs like Vive to others like Rift. The elements likes 3D environments creation, spatial recognition, and the large library of VR games tilt the scales towards SteamVR.

VR enthusiast engrossed in a game with his HTC Vive headset, experienced within the setting of SteamVR Home

The AR/MR Pioneers

Unity XR holds the scepter for those venturing into the realms of combined realities. With support for AR, MR, and VR, it extends a hearty welcome to experimentation and innovation. Its XR Interaction Toolkit handling AR gestures, object placements & UI interactions makes it a haven for AR/MR pioneers.

AR/MR developer working on Unity XR, creating an AR application involving object placements and UI interactions

Budding VR Developers

Budding VR developers, carve your niche with SteamVR. SteamVR’s accessories like base stations and SteamVR Controllers that support positional tracking, the ability to create overlay applications for added functionality fuels their creative expedition.

New VR developer using SteamVR, programming an interactive application involving overlay functionality

Journey towards XR Mastery

If you’re on a journey towards XR mastery, embrace Unity XR. It doesn’t just stop at enabling the creation of XR apps but—in true Unity fashion—offers well-structured courses to polish your XR skills, making it a comprehensive learning platform.

Determined learner taking an XR upskilling course using Unity XR

All said, SteamVR wins points for its immersive VR experiences and versatility in hardware support. For those treading the AR/MR path or wanting an all-round learning platform to master XR, Unity XR emerges victorious. Context is key in this battle of supremacy.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.