Three.js and A-Frame are advanced JavaScript frameworks for creating immersive 3D and VR experiences. Developed by Ricardo Cabello, Three.js is an extensive library that facilitates GPU-accelerated animations, offering extensive functionality but requires a stronger grasp of WebGL. On the other hand, A-Frame is a lighter framework, birthed by Mozilla’s VR team, offering a more accessible HTML-oriented approach to 3D and VR scene creation.

Three.js vs A-Frame comparison

Key Differences Between Three.js and A-Frame

  • Origin: Three.js was developed by Ricardo Cabello whereas A-Frame was developed by Mozilla’s VR team.
  • Approach: Three.js facilitates GPU-accelerated 3D animations requiring knowledge of WebGL, while A-Frame offers an HTML-oriented approach to 3D/VR scene creation.
  • Complexity: Three.js provides a more comprehensive set of functionalities and is best employed for more complex projects, while A-Frame is easier to start with for less complex projects.
  • Support: Both frameworks are open-source and have active communities, with Three.js having over 1700 contributors on Github and A-Frame offering real-time support via Slack and other platforms.
  • WebXR Support: Both frameworks support Virtual and Augmented reality via WebXR, but A-Frame further simplifies VR development with its DOM-oriented approach.
Parameter Three.js A-Frame
Original Author Ricardo Cabello Diego Marcos, Don McCurdy, Kevin Ngo
Hosted On Github
Language JavaScript, GLSL JavaScript
Type JavaScript Library JavaScript Framework
License MIT License MIT License
Initial Release April 24, 2010 December 16, 2015
Current Release N/A 1.4.1, January 6, 2023
Main Function Simulation of 3D Computer Graphics Framework for VR Experiences
WebGL Usage Yes No
Contributors on Github Over 1700 N/A
Features Scenes, Cameras, Animations, Lights, Materials, Shaders, Objects, Geometry, Support Options 3D/ WebXR scenes using HTML, VR headsets, Scalable for multiple industries
Virtual Reality Support Yes (via WebXR) Yes
Community N/A GitHub issues, StackOverflow, Slack, Twitter
Supported Browsers All Browsers that support WebGL 1.0 Standard Web Browsers, AR features available to Chrome on Android version 82 or newer
Use Case 3D Modeling and Animation 3D and VR Experience Development

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and API that crafts animated 3D computer graphics within a web browser using WebGL. JavaScript and GLSL power this library created by Ricardo Cabello and developed by the Three.js Authors since 2010. Seasoned developers and any individual out to leverage the power of GPU-accelerated 3D animations in their web projects are the audience for this dynamic software.

Easy-to-navigate, Three.js creates complex 3D animations without demanding any browser plugins. Enhanced with CrossReality (XR) support, the technology becomes a favorite in crafting both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences.


Pros of Three.js

  • Highly customizable
  • Easy management of 3D objects within a browser
  • Website compatibility across multiple browsers
  • No need for browser plugins

Cons of Three.js

  • Lacks full documentation
  • Dependent on browser performance
  • Steep learning curve

What Is A-Frame (VR framework) and Who’s It For?

A-Frame, a brainchild of Diego Marcos, Don McCurdy, and Kevin Ngo, is a robust open-source web framework primed for VR experiences. Wrapped in JavaScript, A-Frame effortlessly creates 3D/WebXR scenes using HTML, backed by an entity-component system framework for Three.js. Web developers and designers envisioning to create stellar VR experiences without diving into WebGL are the target audience.

Standout attributes go beyond its convenience of being developed from a plain HTML file without installation. It’s interoperable with numerous VR headsets, including Vive, Rift, Daydream, GearVR, and Oculus Go. This tool is proven scalable, with reputable companies like Google, Disney, and even NASA banking on it.

A-frame, VR experience

Pros of A-Frame (VR framework)

  • Access to WebXR
  • No detailed WebGL knowledge needed
  • Scalability and robustness
  • Extensive device support

Cons of A-Frame (VR framework)

  • Limited community support
  • Requires understanding of the entity-component system
  • Complex setup for beginners

Three.js vs A-Frame: Pricing

Both Three.js and A-Frame are open-source tools and operate under the MIT License, meaning they are available at no cost.


As an open-source JavaScript library, Three.js is completely free of cost. It operates under the MIT License and can be directly accessed and utilized from its hosting platform – Github.
In other words, there are no pricing tiers or additional features to purchase. All you need to do is to grab the code from its repository and get started.


Similar to Three.js, A-Frame is also an open-source web framework for creating VR experiences. It is developed by Mozilla VR team and has no associated costs. It’s freely accessible and operates under the MIT License.
From individual developers to massive corporations like Google and Microsoft, anyone can freely use and contribute to the A-Frame framework.

Examples for Three.js & A-Frame


This code example creates a basic scene with a rotating cube using Three.js.

// Set up scene, camera, and renderer
let scene = new THREE.Scene();
let camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

// Create cube geometry and material
let geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
let cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

// Move camera and animate cube
camera.position.z = 5;
function animate() {
  cube.rotation.x += 0.01;
  cube.rotation.y += 0.01;
  renderer.render(scene, camera);


This code example creates a simple A-Frame scene with a rotating box.

The Verdict: Choosing Between Three.js and A-Frame

The decisive moment. Three.js or A-Frame? Your choice is contingent on your needs, expertise and project scope. Here’s some audience-specific counsel.

Web Developers

Established web developers conversant with JavaScript should gravitate towards Three.js. This is because Three.js provides a more granular control, offering a variety of effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, and geometry. This versatility allows you to craft intricate 3D animations. Plus, its GPU-accelerated 3D animations eliminates any need for browser plugins. But if quick, simple VR scenes interest you, A-Frame is a brilliant fit.

Web developer engaged in coding on a dual-screen computer setup

Beginner AR/VR Enthusiasts

If you’re just starting your journey into the world of AR/VR, my advice would be to start with A-Frame. Its HTML-based structure is an easy entry point. You can create 3D/VR experiences and scale applications with no need for deep WebGL knowledge.

AR/VR enthusiast experimenting with virtual reality headset

Game Developers

Game developers should favour Three.js to A-Frame, due to its superior graphic and animation capabilities which are conducive to game creation and the requirement for detailed graphics in this domain.

Game developer creating a 3D animation for a new video game

Your choice between Three.js and A-Frame depends distinctly on who you are, your skill level, and your project requirements. For detailed and sophisticated creations, incline towards Three.js. For straightforward VR scenes and easy setup, consider A-Frame. Nevertheless, both are powerful tools in their respective domains and offer wide-ranging support for AR/VR applications.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.