While Three.js is a JavaScript library for creating and animating 3D graphics, leveraging WebGL for GPU-accelerated animations in browsers, Canvas is HTML5’s graphical element scripted typically via JavaScript, allowing pixel-level manipulations and basic 2D animations.

Comparing Three.js and Canvas

Key Differences Between Three.js and Canvas

  • Three.js is a JavaScript library with a focus on creating 3D graphics, whereas Canvas is a HTML5 element used for 2D graphics and animations.
  • Three.js utilizes WebGL for GPU-accelerated animations and requires no browser plugins, while Canvas graphics are drawn via scripting.
  • Three.js allows the creation of complex 3D animations and supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR. Canvas is best for simple animations and 2D dynamic visual content.
  • Canvas works directly on pixel-level drawing, offering direct control over individual points, whereas Three.js operates at a higher level by abstracting 3D scene details.
Comparison Three.js HTML Canvas
Language JavaScript, GLSL JavaScipt, HTML5
Type JavaScript library HTML element
Use Creates, displays animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser On-the-fly graphics creation
Browser Support All browsers supporting WebGL 1.0 Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8 with ExplorerCanvas script
Features Multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, support options Drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, images, graphical data presentations, animations, interactivity, and gaming applications

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and API developed by Ricardo Cabello and hosted on Github. It’s specifically designed to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. This target audience for Three.js includes developers and designers looking to create GPU-accelerated 3D animations without the need for browser plugins.

With its initial release in 2010, Three.js has seen contributions from over 1700 individuals, making it a comprehensive tool for 3D modeling and animation. As of version 118, it defaults to WebGL 2.0 but also supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR, making it a versatile tool in technology and design realms.

An example of Three.js 3D animation, showcasing graphics quality and intricate design details

Pros of Three.js

  • Supports GPU-accelerated 3D animations
  • Renders in all browsers with WebGL 1.0+
  • Supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR

Cons of Three.js

  • Requires knowledge of JavaScript and GLSL
  • May be overwhelming for newbies due to extensive features

What Is HTML and Who’s It For?

Canvas is an element through which on-the-fly graphics are created using JavaScript. Its purpose is to house graphics, but said graphics must be drawn with script. The HTML

is intended for developers or graphic designers who need to create rich, interactive graphics or animations directly in their web pages.

This tool supports a broad range of graphics including paths, boxes, circles, text, and images. The HTML

is compatible with the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera. It also supports IE8 with the ExplorerCanvas script.

The HTML <canvas> element at work, demonstrating interactive graphics within a webpage

Pros of HTML

  • Supports on-the-fly graphics creation
  • Manipulates objects on pixel level
  • Supported by major browsers

Cons of HTML

  • Requires understanding of JavaScript scripting
  • Graphics must be manually coded and drawn

Three.js vs Canvas: Pricing

Both Three.js and Canvas are open-source technologies, hence free of cost.


Three.js is a MIT licensed technology. It is hosted on Github and is contributed to by a community of developers. Being under the MIT License signifies that it’s open-source and is freely available to the public to use, change, and distribute.


Canvas is a native feature of HTML5, which is a standard web technology. As part of open-standards, Canvas does not have a direct cost associated with usage. It’s free and unrestricted, provided you have a browser that supports HTML5 standards.

Code Examples for Three.js & Canvas

Three.js – Interactive Torus Knot

For our Three.js example, we’re dynamically generating an interactive torus knot. Advisable to have a working knowledge of Three.js library.

var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();

renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

var geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry(10, 3, 100, 16);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffff00, wireframe: true });
var knot = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

camera.position.z = 30;

var animate = function () {
    knot.rotation.x += 0.01;
    knot.rotation.y += 0.01;
    renderer.render(scene, camera);

Canvas – Parametric Spiral

For Canvas, we illustrate how to draw a parametric spiral. Understanding of JavaScript Math functions and HTML5 Canvas basics is crucial.

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(400, 400);

for (var i = 0; i < 720; i++) {
    var angle = 0.1 * i;
    var x = angle * Math.cos(angle);
    var y = angle * Math.sin(angle);
    ctx.lineTo(x, y);

ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';

These snippets highlight the power of Three.js and Canvas in creating complex, interactive web graphics. As always, review your setup before running the codes. Your journey in mastering these robust toolkits starts with these simple examples.

The Verdict: Three.js or Canvas?

It’s the technological clash of the titans: the decision between Three.js and Canvas.

Developing Game Worlds

For those looking to develop intricate game worlds, the decision is clear. The Three.js with its GPU-accelerated 3D animations and ease of creation for complex 3D animations, offers indomitable efficiency and potency. Combine that with support for Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR and you’ve got a prime tool.

Game developers, engrossed in creation of immersive game worlds

Web Designers

Web Designers using animations and graphics selectively at certain spots on their interface, you’d be better off with HTML Canvas API. Its simplicity, the power to manipulate objects at pixel level, and the legion of drawing styles makes it a promising contender for web designers everywhere.

Website designer brainstorming graphics for an interactive webpage

Graphic Designers

For graphic designers aiming to draw high-quality raster graphics, especially animated ones, Canvas comes out on top. Its ability to manipulate linear and radial gradients and to visually enhance graphics quality offers a generous suite for creating beautiful illustrations.

Graphic designer creating high-resolution and intricate raster graphics

Whether you’re building intricate game worlds or dabbling with interactive webpages or creating stunning graphics, the choice between Three.js and Canvas depends entirely on your requirements. Leveraging the right tool can prove pivotal to the success of your project. Ultimately, both are exemplary technologies, fulfilling specific niches in the technological ecosystem.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.