Three.js is a JavaScript library that allows GPU-accelerated 3D animations within a web browser, utilizing WebGL with a focus on 3D computer graphics, making it ideal for immersive experiences. Conversely, D3.js is a JavaScript library, catering primarily to web-based interactive data visualizations, leveraging SVG, HTML5, CSS standards. While Three.js aids in creating 3D animations, D3.js provides tools for manipulating and visualizing large datasets. Choice depends on project requirements.

Differences of Three.js and D3.js

Key Differences between Three.js and D3.js

  • Three.js excels in creating, displaying animated 3D computer graphics utilizing WebGL, making it apt for 3D modeling and animation.
  • D3.js specializes in dynamic, interactive web-based data visualizations, leveraging SVG, HTML5, CSS standards.
  • Three.js APIs are designed for handling 3D graphics in a web environment, offering support for virtual and augmented reality via WebXR.
  • D3.js offers tools for manipulating, binding, and visualizing large datasets making use of web standards, remaining ideal for bespoke, dynamic visualization.
Technology Comparison
Technology Three.js
Author Ricardo Cabello
Developers Three.js Authors
Release Date April 24, 2010
Language JavaScript, GLSL
Hosting Github (
Type JavaScript library
License MIT
Description A cross-browser JavaScript library that displays animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL.
Features Scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, VR & AR support.
Usage 3D modeling, animations
Technology D3.js
Author Mike Bostock, Jason Davies, Jeffrey Heer, Vadim Ogievetsky
Release Date 2011
Language JavaScript
Description A low-level, highly flexible JavaScript library for dynamic, interactive, web-based data visualizations harnessing SVG, HTML5, CSS standards.
Features Selections, transitions, data-binding, data manipulation
Usage Dynamic bespoke data visualization

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js, a cross-browser JavaScript library and API, was first introduced by Ricardo Cabello in 2010. As a tool designed to create and showcase animated 3D computer graphics within a web browser environment, it leverages the power of WebGL to produce GPU-accelerated 3D animations via JavaScript, eliminating the need for browser plugins.

With contributions from over 1700 developers on GitHub, Three.js has seen a series of improvements and new features, including multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, and support options. Its advanced features and versatility make it an ideal platform for developers involved in creating complex 3D animations or practicing 3D modeling and animation.

A complex 3D animation created using Three.js technology

Pros of Three.js

  • GPU-accelerated 3D animations with JavaScript
  • Supports WebGL 1.0 and 2.0
  • No need for browser plugins
  • Open-source, with MIT License
  • Comprehensive suite of graphics resources

Cons of Three.js

  • Certain level of programming knowledge required
  • Can be overkill for simple animation needs

What Is D3.js and Who’s It For?

Born in 2011, D3.js is a JavaScript library designed to empower developers in creating dynamic, interactive web-based data visualizations. Operating on SVG, HTML5, and CSS standards, it is regarded as the successor to the Protovis framework. D3.js offers functions for manipulating data, adding SVG objects, and binding large datasets to SVG objects for rich text and graphic designs.

This award-winning tool plays a significant role in advanced data visualization creation. Its design addresses the needs of developers requiring low-level, highly flexible toolbox devoid of ‘charts’. Hence, D3.js is critical for creators in custom, dynamic visualization, especially those handling complex, interactive data representations.

An interactive data visualization graph, created using D3.js

Pros of D3.js

  • Dynamic and interactive data visualizations
  • High compatibility with web standards
  • Flexible and customizable
  • Strong community support

Cons of D3.js

  • Steep learning curve
  • May be too complex for simple, one-time projects

Three.js vs D3.js: Pricing

Both Three.js and D3.js are open-source JavaScript libraries, offered for free under the MIT license.


Three.js operates under the MIT License. This means it is a free software that can be used, copied, modified, merged, published, distributed, sublicensed, and sold without any restrictions.


Similarly, D3.js is also freely available for usage under an open-source agreement. There are no inherent costs associated with utilizing this technology, provided adherence to the MIT license regulations.

Code Examples for Three.js & D3.js


In this simple example for Three.js, we create a Scene, a Box Geometry with Mesh Material, and a Point Light. The Box Geometry with Mesh Material provides a 3D object (a cube in this scenario), and the Point Light provides the light source to the scene.

// Create a Scene
var scene = new THREE.Scene();

// Create Box Geometry with Mesh Material
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});
var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

// Create a Point Light
var light = new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff, 1, 100);
light.position.set(10, 10, 10);


This D3.js code snippet demonstrates the generation of a simple bar-chart. We set up an array of data points, define the dimensions of the chart, map data points to SVG elements, and then add color to those SVG elements.

// Set up data
var dataset = [14, 23, 36, 42, 51];
var w = 300;
var h = 150;

// Scale for height
var hScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(dataset)])
.range([0, h]);

// Create an SVG
var svg ="body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);

// Bind data and create bars
.attr("x", (d, i) => i * (w / dataset.length))
.attr("y", d => h - hScale(d))
.attr("width", w / dataset.length - 1)
.attr("height", d => hScale(d))
.attr("fill", "blue");

D3.js or Three.js: Deciding the Best for Your Venture

In the world of JavaScript libraries, choosing between D3.js and Three.js can be a winded debate. But, let’s crystalize this and melt confusion away.

Web-Based Data Visualizers

Breathe easy knowing D3.js is structured to nourish your web-based data visualization projects. It thrives in creating dynamic and interactive visuals built upon SVG, HTML5, and CSS standards. Manipulating data according to specific needs is a D3.js specialty. However, keep it at an arm’s length for one-time projects or analyses. Opt for Observable Plot to avoid the overkill.

Analytical programmer interpreting dynamic web-based data on a graph

AR/VR Enthusiasts & Game Developers

Plug into Three.js if your realm oscillates around AR/VR and gaming. It brings GPU-accelerated 3D animations to life without browser plugins. MIT licensed, it supports WebXR, making AR/VR experiences smoother. Three.js is not limited to gaming but can brilliantly ASCII-fy any web-based animations.

A game developer engrossed in designing a 3D virtual gaming environment

Web Development Pros

From the perspective of professional web developers, D3.js mirrors a low-level flexible toolbox, independent but integrated. Supporting stylesheets, debugging, and other web development tools, it’s an essential for bespoke, dynamic visualization. With Three.js, it’s the simplicity in rendering 3D graphics on a web browser that web developers find enticing.

A focused web developer working on enhancing a website's interactive elements

Folds between D3.js and Three.js run deep. Cater your choice to your project’s essence and your audience’s needs. One thing’s for certain, regardless of what you opt for, you’ll be walking on the shoulders of web development giants.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.