Three.js and are high-performance technologies for creating 3D visuals. Three.js, a GPU-accelerated library, leverages JavaScript and WebGL to deliver 3D animations and supports VR/AR via WebXR. On the other hand,, a data visualization tool, uses WebGL2 for handling large data and offers multiple usage modes and visual layers.

Differences of Three.js and

Key Differences Between Three.js and

  • 03D graphics creation: Three.js is widely used for creating 3D computer graphics, while is designed for large-scale data visualization.
  • Functionality: Three.js allows GPU-accelerated 3D animations, and offers interactive event handling like picking, highlighting and filtering.
  • Integration: Three.js supports VR and AR technologies via WebXR. integrates with major basemap providers and offers third-party integrations.
  • Community and Support: Three.js has a community of over 1700 contributors, whereas is part of, under OpenJS Foundation, and is quite open to contributions.
Comparison Three.js
Initial Release April 24, 2010 Not mentioned
Language/Framework JavaScript, GLSL WebGL2, JS, React, Python
Type JavaScript library Large-scale data visualization tool
Main Use Creates, displays animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser Visualize large dataset
Primary Features Allows GPU-accelerated 3D animations with JavaScript, Supports VR and AR via WebXR High-performance, Visual layers, Interactive event handling
Contributors/ Developers Over 1700 Not mentioned
License MIT Not mentioned
Integration Runs in all browsers that support WebGL 1.0 Integrates with major basemap providers, multiple modes of usage
Website Not mentioned

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

An unparalleled JavaScript library, Three.js allows developers to create and animate 3D graphics within a web browser. Leveraging WebGL, it offers GPU-accelerated animations implemented with JavaScript sans the need for browser plugins. High caliber programmers or aspiring designers aiming for complex 3D animation, can leverage Three.js to facilitate their creative process.

Endorsed by over 1700 contributors on GitHub, Three.js has been a revolutionary artefact since its inception in 2010. It currently supports both Virtual and Augmented Reality through WebXR, providing a comprehensive platform for AR/VR developers.

Pros of Three.js

  • Richest feature set including scenes, cameras, animations, materials, shaders
  • Supports VR/AR via WebXR
  • MIT License enables free usage

Cons of Three.js

  • Requires detailed knowledge of 3D Graphics
  • Complex for beginners

What Is and Who’s It For?

Redefining boundaries of data visualization, is a WebGL2-powered tool designed to effortlessly handle and display large datasets. Renowned among data scientists, researchers, and organizations dealing with massive data collections, it integrates beautifully with major basemap providers.

Furnished with a catalog of well-tested layers and flexible APIs, is not only customizable but also extends various operational modes including Script Tag, NPM Module, and React.

Pros of

  • Efficient visualizing large data sets
  • Wide range of visualization layers
  • Support from OpenJS Foundation

Cons of

  • Demanding learning curve for non-technical users
  • Requires some grasp of WebGL and similar technologies

Three.js vs Pricing

Both technologies, Three.js and, function under MIT License and OpenJS Foundation, respectively, and come to the users at no cost with open avenues for contributions.


This JavaScript library, initially developed by Ricardo Cabello, is maintained under the MIT License, meaning it is free for users to utilize, modify, and distribute. The use of Three.js carries no direct cost. The open source nature of the platform invites users to contribute, enhancing the power of the library.

The tool, dedicated to large-scale data visualization, functions under the OpenJS Foundation. Similar to Three.js, is freely available to the public for usage, adaptations, and enhancements. The OpenJS Foundation ensures the availability of the tool to users at no cost. As an open source project, contributions are invited from developers to improve and extend the framework’s capabilities.

Code Examples for Three.js &


This Three.js code snippet creates a particle system to give an effect of starlit sky. Before starting, ensure Three.js library is properly linked in your HTML.

let scene = new THREE.Scene(), particles= 5000, particleSystem, material;let camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight);let renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement);let geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.5, 10, 10);material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({ size: 0.007 });particleSystem = new THREE.Points(geometry, material);for(let p = 0; p < particles; p++){let dist = Math.random() * 0.6 - 0.3;let sphere = new THREE.Vector3(100,100,100);particleSystem.geometry.vertices.push(sphere);}scene.add(particleSystem);animate();function animate() {requestAnimationFrame( animate );renderer.render(scene, camera);}

This example creates a Layer for visualizing Paths. Be sure to have and properly installed.

import {PathLayer} from ''; import {Polyline} from '';const DATA = [{path: [100,100,100, -100,-100,-100]}];const layer = new PathLayer({id: 'path-layer', data: DATA, pickable: true, widthScale: 20, widthMinPixels: 2, getPath: d => d.path,getColor: d => [255, 255, 255], getWidth: d => 5,getRoundness: d => 1,});

Three.js or Which to Adopt?

After an in-depth comparison, let’s settle on a verdict. Which tech should you embrace: Three.js or

Developers Focusing on High-Level 3D Animations

For those targeting complex, high-quality 3D animations and requiring a toolkit with extensive features, Three.js emerges as the top option. It’s been developed by over 1700 contributors with a long history dating back to its release in 2010, ensuring a matured framework. Key features such as varied objects, geometry, shaders, and post-processing capabilities deliver ample room for customization. Furthermore, its support for WebXR empowers AR/VR creators.

Data Visualization Experts

If your main focus lies in handling large-scale data visualization, steals the limelight. Specializing in high-performing, WebGL2-powered data visualizations, it not only simplifies data handling but also provides a robust collection of well-tested layers. Coupled with its proven interactive features like picking, highlighting, filtering, it presents a technically sound choice for data specialists.

Virtual Reality Enthusiasts

For VR enthusiasts leaning towards extensive browser support, Three.js triumphs due to its compatibility with all browsers supporting WebGL 1.0. Coupled with the support for Virtual and Augmented reality via WebXR, it ensures a comprehensive VR creation experience, which catapults it as the technology of choice for this segment.

Ultimately, your choice hinges on your project requirements. Three.js shines in high-level 3D animation with inclusive VR compatibility, while wins in large-scale data visualization. Decisions, decisions!

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.