Key Differences Between Three.js and Framer Motion

  • Three.js is a JavaScript library enabling GPU-accelerated 3D animations whereas Framer Motion is a React animation library providing an uncomplicated approach to powerful animations.
  • Three.js supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR, Framer Motion doesn’t possess such capabilities.
  • Three.js creates 3D graphics while Framer Motion offers animation of layout changes and React components via the animate prop.
  • Framer Motion stipulates React 18 or more for installation, Three.js is independent of such requirements.

Three.js is a JavaScript library employing WebGL for producing GPU-accelerated 3D animations within a web browser. Conversely, Framer Motion is a React-based animation library that simplifies creation of comprehensive animations, supporting gesture functionalities and server-side rendering.

Detailed comparison: Three.js vs Framer Motion

Comparison Three.js Framer Motion
Initial Release April 24, 2010 React 18 or greater is required for use
Developed By Ricardo Cabello and the Three.js authors Developed for use with React
Supported Languages JavaScript, GLSL Used in conjunction with React
License MIT License MIT License
Web Support WebGL-based, works in all browsers that support WebGL 1.0 Supports server-side rendering
Features Multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, support options, and AR/VR support via WebXR Provides animations for React, gesture recognition, scroll-triggered animations, layout change animations, manual animation triggering, animation features like pathLength for SVG, and server-side rendering compatibility
Usage 3D modeling and animation, GPU-accelerated 3D animations with JavaScript Improved user engagement, unique style and functionality, better mobile and desktop user experience, cleaner and more flexible code.

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Born from the masterful intellect of Ricardo Cabello (Mr.doob) and nurtured by its illustrious developers, Three.js is a foundation stone in the realm of tech wizardry. With an MIT license, it’s a potent JavaScript library, meticulously engineered to animate 3D computer graphics on web browsers. Thanks to the firepower of WebGL, GPU-accelerated 3D animations are now a JavaScript playground. This tech armor is intended for all the web developers yearning for a hassle-free, high-quality 3D visualization experience in the browser wilderness.

Pros of Three.js

  • Renders animated 3D computer graphics without browser plugins
  • Backed by WebGL for GPU-accelerated 3D animations
  • Support for Virtual & Augmented Reality via WebXR
  • MIT License ensures open-source flexibility

Cons of Three.js

  • Requires understanding of JavaScript and WebGL for effective utilization
  • Might not offer the simplicity of higher-level libraries

What Is Framer Motion and Who’s It For?

Ennobled as an animation library for React, Framer Motion stitches animations that grab attention and never let go. Unleashing a host of powerful features like gesture recognition, server-side rendering and layout change animations, it produces visually staggering react animations with an effortless flair. Its core feature is the coveted “motion component”, all set to animate your creative realm via the animate prop. Framer Motion, thus, is intended for any frontend engineer aiming to conjure vibrant animations in their React-based applications, but with a coder-friendly touch.

A react application aglow with lifelike animations, empowered by Framer Motion

Pros of Framer Motion

  • Enables powerful and straightforward animations in React
  • Gesture functionalities for optimal user experience
  • Simpler and quicker approach over competing CSS + JS animations
  • Support for server-side rendering guarantees better performance

Cons of Framer Motion

  • Requires React 18 or above for installation
  • May need some learning curve for those new to React

Three.js vs Framer Motion: Pricing

In the context of our current examination, both Three.js and Framer Motion are open-source technologies, therefore, using them comes at no direct cost.


Three.js, operating under the aegis of MIT License, carries no cost for its utilization. With this usage policy, it bestows access to enriching graphics capabilities within web-based applications, devoid of any licensing fees.

Framer Motion

Situated at the fulcrum of cutting-edge UI animations, Framer Motion, complementing its React-based architecture, also incurs no expense for the user as its adoption has been directed by the ethos of open-source development.

Code Examples for Three.js & Framer Motion

Three.js – Spinning Torus Geometry Simulation

This code renders a spinning torus with some ambient lighting effects. It requires Three.js and WebGL support in your browser. The geometry used here is not a simple cube; instead, we use the TorusGeometry for a more interesting display.

let scene, camera, renderer;function createTorus(){const geometry=new THREE.TorusGeometry(1,0.4,16,100);const material=new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x0f0609});const torus=new THREE.Mesh(geometry,material);scene.add(torus);}function init(){scene=new THREE.Scene();camera=new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75,window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight,0.1,1000);renderer=new THREE.WebGLRenderer();renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement);createTorus();camera.position.z = 5;const animate=function(){requestAnimationFrame(animate);renderer.render(scene,camera);};animate();}

Framer Motion – Animate Fade-In on Page Load

The following code snippet employs Framer Motion API to achieve a simple fade-in animation upon loading of a React component. For this code to function properly, Framer Motion library and React should be installed.

import React from 'react';import {motion} from 'framer-motion';const MyComponent = () => {const fadeIn={initial:{opacity:0},animate:{opacity:1,transition:{duration:2}}};return (<motion.div variants="{fadeIn}initial="initial"animate="animate"">Hello World!</motion.div>);};export default MyComponent;

The Final Showdown: Three.js vs Framer Motion

After a thorough exploration of the tech terrain, it’s now time to decide your ally. Which giant should you side with – Three.js or Framer Motion? Here’s my opinion, chiseled with facts and data.

Web 3D/VR Developers

For those who breathe life into 3D and VR realms, Three.js is your canvas. With its rich features like multiple scenes, cameras, animations, lights, and material options, you can invoke immersive and interactive experiences right within the browser. Beyond that, Three.js intelligently handles WebGL and eases GPU-accelerated 3D complications. Be it modeling, animations, or sophisticated effects—Three.js holds the magic wand.

Web 3D/VR developer in a dimly lit room, glasses reflecting blue light while constructing animations on a multi-monitor setup

React Developers Seeking Animation Magic

If you are a React developer craving for potent in-app animations, Framer Motion should be your pick. Not only does it enable effortless animations through its ‘motion’ component, but it also offers superior gesture recognition capabilities for user engagement. Server-side rendering, animation of layout changes, snap-back scrolling, and powerful hooks are just few of its gifts. In short, Framer Motion is your weapon for weaving together React and animation seamlessly.

React developer at a cluttered desk, hand hovering over a mouse, eyes fixated on code featuring animations

Developers Eyeing Code Elegance

Elegance in coding and Framer Motion go hand in hand. With its ‘Variants’ feature, it can animate an entire sub-tree of components, leading to cleaner, flexible, and orchestrable code. If organizing your animations in a maintainable and simple style is what you aim for, Framer Motion is the perfect accomplice.

Multi-platform Game Makers

For those making multi-platform games, Three.js extends its hand. It’s primed for creating, displaying, and animating 3D graphics and thanks to its WebGL implementation, you can deploy these creations across all browsers that support WebGL 1.0. Choose Three.js if your game needs to conquer diverse digital terrain.

Game maker immersed in a creative process, multiple game platforms scattered around a large, colourful workspace

In conclusion, the hammer of judgement weighs down in favour of context. Three.js wins the heart of 3D and game developers while Framer Motion seduces React developers and those prioritising code elegance. Evaluate your needs, consider this verdict, and let the tech prowess of either Three.js or Framer Motion boost your creations to the top.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.