Three.js and GSAP are competent JavaScript-based solutions diversely optimized for 3D graphics and high-performance animations respectively. While Three.js dominates by presenting GPU-accelerated 3D computer graphics in web browsers, GSAP shines with its high-speed property manipulator offering swift, precise animations with added functionalities like scroll-based animations.

Three.js vs GSAP comparison

Key Differences Between Three.js and GSAP

  • Three.js creates and displays 3D graphics and animations in a web browser using WebGL, while GSAP enables animations of various elements like CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, Colors and Strings.
  • Three.js was primarily developed for 3D modeling and animation, GSAP essentially focuses on delivering high-performance animations.
  • Three.js supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR, a feature not evident in GSAP.
  • GSAP hosts advanced features such as FLIP animations, scrolling, morphing, and animating along a motion path, out.performing Three.js in the domain of advanced animations effects.
  • Both Three.js and GSAP are open source and free for commercial use, but GSAP offers a ‘Club GreenSock’ membership providing access to additional plugins and exclusive support.
Comparison Three.js GSAP
Developer Ricardo Cabello (Mr.doob), Three.js Authors GreenSock
Language Used JavaScript, GLSL JavaScript
Type JavaScript library JavaScript toolset
License MIT Standard (no charge), Club GreenSock Membership for additional tools
Web Compatibility All browsers that support WebGL 1.0 Multiple Web Browsers
Functionality Creates, displays animated 3D computer graphics High-performance animations, capable of animating CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, Colors, Strings, generic objects
Special Features Multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR ScrollTrigger plugin for scroll-based animations, high-speed property manipulator, optional plugins and easing functions, GSDevTools for controlling animations, and a dedicated customer support forum

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and API that enables the creation and display of animated 3D computer graphics within a web browser. Armed with the power of WebGL, it empowers developers with GPU-accelerated 3D animations using Javascript, forgoing the need for pesky browser plugins. First authored by Ricardo Cabello and hosted on Github, this technology has found its roots in the JavaScript library ecosystem since April 2010.

The platform is ideally suited for developers, designers, and creators passionate about manipulating web-based graphics. Be it for animation, model rendering, or building immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences through WebXR, Three.js has something to offer for anyone in the 3D web spectrum.

Three-dimensional graphic visualization created through Three.js API

Pros of Three.js

  • High-level libraries simplify 3D animations creation
  • WebGL implementation allows for GPU-accelerated 3D animations
  • Versatile with a variety of features (Effects, scenes, cameras, lights, etc.)
  • Supports VR and AR via WebXR
  • Open-source under MIT Licence with extensive contributor base

Cons of Three.js

  • Steep learning curve for beginners
  • Lack of comprehensive documentation
  • Requires up-to-date browsers to support WebGL 1.0

What Is GreenSock Animation Platform and Who’s It For?

GSAP is a performance-geared JavaScript toolset designed to facilitate high-precision animations across different web browsers. Be it animating properties related to CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue, or even Cursors and Strings, GSAP comes well-equipped. Its standout offering, the ScrollTrigger plugin, enables developers to construct scroll-derived animations with concise, clear-cut coding efforts.

Given its compatibility and adaptability, GSAP is a boon for web developers and designers seeking cross-browser consistency and control in animations. With a reputation for solid performance, GSAP is employed on over 11 million websites to solve animation intricacies.

Animation produced through GSAP toolset in a web browser

Pros of GSAP

  • Flexible animations with various web-based elements
  • Neatly circumvents cross-browser inconsistencies
  • Highly performant, up to 20 times faster than jQuery
  • Powerful plugins, including ScrollTrigger for scroll-based animations
  • Free core usage under a ‘no charge’ standard license

Cons of GSAP

  • Advanced plugins and features require ‘Club GreenSock’ membership
  • Learning curve for properly leveraging plugins and GSDevTools interface
  • May require additional configurations in complex projects

Three.js vs GSAP: Pricing

While Three.js is completely free under MIT License, GSAP employs a freemium model where core functionalities are free but advanced features come with a ‘Club GreenSock’ membership.


Three.js is an open-source JavaScript library made available under the MIT License. Hence, it is completely free for both personal and commercial use, which includes unrestricted usage, copying, modification, merging, publication, distribution, sublicensing, and/or selling copies.


GSAP operates on a freemium pricing model. The core GSAP library is free for commercial use under a “no charge” standard license. However, advanced features and plugins are accessible through a paid membership called ‘Club GreenSock’. This supports further development of GSAP.

Code Examples for Three.js & GSAP

Three.js – Creating a Rotating Torus Knot

This Three.js code sample generates a rotating Torus knot, a mathematical curve in 3D space. It’s an exciting alternative from the conventional cube. Make sure you’ve linked the Three.js library.

const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
const geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry(10, 3, 100, 16);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});
const knot = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
camera.position.z = 30;
const animate = function () {
  knot.rotation.x += 0.01;
  knot.rotation.y += 0.01;
  renderer.render(scene, camera);

GSAP – Building an Animated Loading Icon

The following GSAP code animates a spinner icon to simulate loading. The GSAP library should be properly linked for this function to work as expected. This loading icon animation is a step-up from basic shape tweening.

let loader = document.querySelector(".loader");
let rotationAngle = 0;, 1, {
  rotation: rotationAngle+=360,
  repeat: -1,
  ease: Power0.easeNone

Note: Replace “.loader” with the relevant class of your loader element in the DOM. Ensure to import TweenMax from GSAP library. Code length and complexity have been kept minimal for brevity and understanding.

The Tech Stand-off: Three.js or GSAP?

Deciding between these two influential technologies depends largely on your specific use case, technical expertise, and ultimate vision for your AR/VR project.

3D Graphics Enthusiasts

For hobbyist or professional developers hungering for a more intricate 3D graphics experience within a web browser, Three.js should be your tech of choice. It’s got a tight grip on the reins of WebGL, propping up GPU-accelerated 3D animations accessible from a diverse set of browsers. The tech, being home to over 1700 contributors on Github, ensures an expansive feature set that makes 3D animations easier to create and display.

3D graphics artist, proudly showcasing a richly textured model of an alien spaceship on his advanced computing setup.

Web Developers With Focus on Performance

GSAP is the celebrated choice for web developers who aim to infuse their web content with high-performance animations. Its ability to animate almost anything—CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, and more—coupled with a performance up to 20 times faster than jQuery, makes it a viable substructure for fancy, yet smooth animations.

Web developer, engrossed in coding animations on a multi-windowed IDE in a modern office setup.

Innovative Advertisers and Marketers

A unique crowd pleasing feature of GSAP is the way it is received by advertising networks. Major ad networks exclude GSAP from file size calculations and many host it on their own CDNs, making it a suitable choice for marketers and ad agencies looking to create visually impressive ads with smoother animations.

Marketing team in a brainstorming session, discussing innovative ad animations around a whiteboard.

Ultimately, whether you go with Three.js or GSAP is contingent on your specific needs and the technical requirements of your project. Rest assured, both technologies pack a punch in their domains and when used well, can deliver truly mind-boggling results.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.